Unti Family/Nerta/A5S1

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Dancer's Tale
Letter from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Personal letter to Dancer Rea
The crude words are barely legible.

Hey Crown Rack,

Ancient treaties, something something. I'm passing through and don't care about your brawl. Leave me out of it.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Letter from Dancer Rea
Message sent to Personal letter to Nerta the Weaver
Who the hell do you think you are, child?
Dancer Rea (King of Thalmarkin)
Balin's Tale
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
“So you, must be Balin.”

The words come from a woman rumbling along the dirt path to the construction site. Her wheelbarrow of bricks clacking, she stops by the man who’d given the orders to get to work. She had a gruff voice, bright eyes and somehow was able to shlep bricks in a cloak.

“Big priest like you, how do you help people?” She jerks her chin toward the worksite, “Besides big temples I mean.”
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Balin de Chaol Ghleann
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Balin was outside the temple in Bessimir, overseeing the construction. He was in a particular good mood as construction of the temple was going on schedule and soon the shack that it once was, would turn in a small but beautiful temple. He was already planning how to decorate it, to best represent his chosen god, the Wolf Lord.

The temple itself was being built from a combination of stone and wood logs, giving it a rustic look, set near a backdrop of a great forest. Balin liked the rustic look as he wanted the temple to feel like it was a part of nature, as we all are. He wanted to be close to the woods where wolves often prowled, so he could hear their voices during his meditation hour. Visitors would also appreciate the beautiful howls of the wolves during service, he was sure of it.

He was woken up from his musings by the gruff voice of a woman. He turned to face her and blinked a few times, gathering this thoughts.

"Indeed I am. I'm glad you noticed the temple. It is not big yet, but one day, perhaps it will be."

He thought a moment about the woman's question.

"I am priest. I help people with their spiritual journey and help them be closer to their chosen god. The life of a Northman is harsh and full of danger, so we must be ever closer to our Gods if we want to persevere and survive."

He drew a breath and continued.

"The Savage Lord commands and makes the most deserving champions prosper. He is my chosen God, and the God that this temple is dedicated to."

"But what brings you in this parts? And what name can I call you by?"
Balin de Chaol Ghleann (Count of Bessimir, Priest of the Old Gods)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
"Big priest, big temple..." she gestures to Balin, "big ego?"

The woman didn't wait for a reply. She just throws a brick underhand at Balin's chest and closes in.

"Prove yourself 'champion', Wolf Lord's watching."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Balin de Chaol Ghleann
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
As the brick flew from the woman's hand, Balin surprised as he was, didn't manage but gape at the woman and the audacity of having a brick thrown at him. The brick hit him square in the chest with a loud "THUCK", driving him back a few steps. An unexpected and strong hit. He rubbed at his chest with one arm, taking the measure of the woman with renewed interest.

Who was this woman that would challenge him on the steps of his temple? But this was not a time to ponder and meditate. She was closing in fast. His chest hurt and that didn't happen often. He was indeed a stout man, though rather short, and had been in a good deal of scrapes in the past. Not often would a blow have such impact. No, this fight he would not take lightly.

He regained his composure and positioned himself in a low guard, arms open, alike a wrestler might take and spoke in a low growl.

"I accept your challenge. Let the Wolf Lord watch and delight himself in this."

In the distance of the forest, a faint howl pierced through the noises of the day.
Balin de Chaol Ghleann (Count of Bessimir, Priest of the Old Gods)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
As the brick connects, Nerta scuttles across the ground.

"What did you say? Harsh and full of dangers, right?"

Her movements precise, she balances on her hands as Balin staggers back and kicks the man's stomach while he rubs at his chest.

"You remind me of someone." Springing into a pounce, Nerta hisses, "You both talk too much when there's fighting to be done. I wonder if you'll be as annoying..."
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Balin de Chaol Ghleann
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
The woman was quick, too quick. In the span that Balin took to recover from the brick, she was on him, kicking at his stomach. He spun and retaliated with a sweeping kick to her side, and so the fight began in earnest.

Through the forest leaves, one could hear the rising wind, for it moaned and whistled, while branches off of the large trees crashed together as if drums were beaten to a secret rhythm known well to those denizens of the forest. If the birds up in the trees had looked down towards the temple, they would have seen a stound man, with a long braided red beard and a spiked mohawk, trading blows with a pale and terrifying woman, in a rhythmic back and forth, much like a dance, a wild and terrifying dance. Those birds would have heard loud hits reverberate through the forest, as fists connected with fleshy parts, and feet scraped loudly on the ground. They would have heard low growls and battle cries, taunts and jeers, as the two combatants were engrossed in raucous and chaotic dance, much as two wolves might in the deep of the forest.

And those birds would have missed a great big wolf standing at the edge of the clearing, watching with focused eyes that burned like fire.
Balin de Chaol Ghleann (Count of Bessimir, Priest of the Old Gods)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Balin’s kick sees Nerta miss her pounce and land beside the falling man. From there it becomes a scrabble in the dirt. With elbows and feet striking hard, while hands pull.

As she fumbles for the brick, the spidery woman catches a blow across her jaw. It leaves her next smile as red as his hair, yet her hissing words hardly seem upset.

“Good. You fight for real.”

The wolf steps from the forest as she matches his bet, but the raise is cut short by the sound of something else. Something hungrier than a wolf….


Chittering, Nerta pushes Balin away while corpses from the logging camp lurch toward the pair. Slavering for flesh, the first three break into a starved rush as Nerta climbs to her feet and reaches for the spear in the wheelbarrow.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Balin de Chaol Ghleann
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Balin wiped the blood from his face, as he looked in the direction the woman pointed at.

"Zombies! Pah! They always ruin any fun I'm having", he muttered angrily to himself, as he started running towards the nearby table where many papers and construction plans laid scattered, and near which he had placed his large war-hammer and round iron shield. "Everyone, get back to town!", he shouted to the workers nearby, as he pushed them out of the way.

It was a bad timing for an invasion as the armies of Thalmarkin were busy on the southern front, in a useless war over the pride of an Agyr queen. There would be no outside help today. Today, it would only be Balin and the strange woman, who had certainly impressed him with her skill and still did not know the name of, that would face the undead horde. It would certainly be a challenge, and Balin's smile widened at the thought of it. The Savage Lord often challenged his followers, and today Balin would revel in the challenge.

As he picked up his war hammer and shield, he made a short prayer to the his God asking that this fight bring glory to the Wolf Lords name, then moved to where the woman was picking up her spear and reading for battle. Today he would be her shield wall, and she would bring death to the shambling bones that dared defy the laws of nature.

Up high, in a nearby tree, a squirrel collected nuts for the winter. Had it looked down towards the temple, it would have noticed a horde of undead shambling closer, hatred of all that is living showing in their cold dead eyes, while commoners fled the construction site. Had it looked to the right, at the edge of the clearing, he would have noticed a large wolf out in the clear, looking on at a red headed stout man nearby a fierce looking pale woman, both readying their weapons in defiance of the incoming undead. It would have seen the wolf snarl in what looked almost like a grin of satisfaction. But the squirrel saw nothing, as it was busy collecting nuts, oblivious to what was to happen.
Balin de Chaol Ghleann (Count of Bessimir, Priest of the Old Gods)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Balin's words are punctuated by a crack of bone as Nerta's spear swings through the lead shambler. Following through she pivots to kick the second before it can rakes her, and grabs the third on her way down, slamming it to the ground.

"Don't worry Balin, we'll finish later."

Nerta hisses in that strange voice as her spear pierces the skull of the prone figure. The net words come after a hard swallow and sound more normal, and amused.

"Don't die."

The pair of Guardians stand shoulder to shoulder as the scouts of the horde pour from the woods. This would be a grim harvest but the pair were outnumbered by the roving tide. Without aid, neither of them would see nightfall.
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)
Roleplay from Balin de Chaol Ghleann
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Balin de Chaol Ghleann (Count of Bessimir, Priest of the Old Gods)
Roleplay from Nerta the Weaver
Message sent to Everyone in the Old Gods
Nerta the Weaver (Foederati)