De Haguns Family/Furiae/The Lady and the Pirate

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How Furiae and Haide came to knew each other.

Letter from Furiae de Haguns

Dame Haide Osoro,

I have heard from one of my many friends in Golden Farrow that my former estate in the Stronghold Precint has been taken by you, good dame.

I do not think introductions might be necessary, as you must have heard of me. Yes, I am the Baroness Furiae that so many speak fondly in Golden Farrow.

Not long ago, as I said previously, I used to serve the Royal Duke of Golden Farrow, His Grace Solomon Greybrook as a dame of Golden Farrow. Now I am his vassal as lady of Faithill, a fierce region that lies beneath the Barrow Peaks and watches over the southern border of Tol Goldora.

It always pleases my heart to see another young dame rising up within the nobility of Tol Goldora, either to become knighted or to rule as a lady. Not long ago, we had the young dame Nalaya Everwind arriving from East Continent, or to say more specifically, the Kingdom of Perdan, from where I also come.

Now, I have spoken too much about myself, I am afraid. What about you, dame of Golden Farrow? From where do you come, and what are your plans for Tol Goldora? What do you plan to achieve in these lands?

You have arrived in a most auspicious time, as the marriage between our ruler, the Autarch of Tol Goldora, the Illustrious Lucius Navaar, as well as my friend and commander, the Stratarch Svari Storme, is coming. If not before, should you attend the ceremony, we may meet there.

Should you need anything or have any doubts concerning Tol Goldora, fear not to contact me. And if I may suggest, you may find it useful to send a letter to the nobles of the realm to introduce yourself. Just beware of writing it yourself, I have found that ink is terrible for the hands, and therefore I only dictate them so my scribes will write them in my stead.

Yours truly, and carried by the winds,

Furiae de Haguns

Baroness of Faithill

Marshal of the Gylden Expeditionary Legion

Letter from Haide Osoro

Baroness Furiae,

It is good to meet the force behind the name. I was visiting with locals earlier this morning and heard mention in passing of a fiery brunette who once looked over the Stronghold Precinct.

From what I've heard of Faithill, it sounds a lovely place to relax. "A sleepy little resting place," I believe it was described. That sounds nice, but truth be told, I fear I would go stir crazy. I am glad the quaint town has a patient warden such as yourself to maintain the peace.

As for what I'm doing in Tol Goldora, time will tell. As a rule of thumb, I am uninterested in the performative nature of politics; I am much more at home on the ship deck or a battlefield than supping around a gilded table, so I naturally find myself drawn to the Order of the Gylden Sword.

Perhaps I will see you at the wedding. I normally don't enjoy such extravagant affairs but free mead is free mead.

It is interesting you should mention ink; I've always rather enjoyed getting my hands dirty.


Roleplay from Furiae de Haguns

Roleplay from Furiae de Haguns
(Personal message to Haide Osoro)

The young baroness sat upon a high oaken chair, its back surmounted by cushions and covered in a long linen blanket in Faithill's green and black colours, her chin resting in the palm of her hand. The other hand carried a goblet, and she kept moving it in a repetitive movement, the sweetened red wine whirling lightly inside. She eyed lazily the hearth that kept the halls of the Longhouse warm, the tiny flames dancing before her eyes. It was clear she was bored, and her mind distant.

"And with the current levels of consumption of grains, which have been increased with the arrival of the Thunderstorm Guard, m'lady, we should be able to supply the region for..."

"Yes, yes, yes, I know. I know, captain Magnus, thank you for reminding me", impatiently, her eyes darted to her loyal captain of the guard, as he reported on the granaries current storage. Furiae knew full well the situation, as winter had been quite rough on the production of her lands, and she had neglected the defenses of the town against monster's incursions, for she had been feasting and fighting at the tournament in Golden Farrow, in honor of the Autarch and the Stratarch's coming wedding. Of course, to this young, up and coming and ambitious foreign noblewoman, mingling with fellow nobles in the tournament grounds, drinking and watching champions fight was more important ways enhance her own reputation and status than coming to the defense of her newly awarded barony. Peasants and food were replaceable, nobles such as her, rare.

"So, m'lady, moving to the next subject, this has arrived...", said the stern and study soldier, handing her a letter.

"From whom?", asked the baroness, with disinterest. The captain shrugged lightly, but not ashamed. He did not know how to read, as Furiae soon remembered, so she just nodded and opened the letter.

The captain knew the teenager too well for the months they had been together ever since leaving the land of lions, Perdan, in the East Continet. Furiae was still a lioness cub, but a lioness nonetheless. Proud, fierce, and easy to catch a slight. He knew when she was upset because, despite her best efforts, the girl's countenance changed slowly, first her jaw becoming rigid, then her eyes frowning. This time was no different, but he knew better than to ask.

"This... Dame Haide Osoro, what do we know of her?", asked the baroness, in a cold, unforging tone.

"M'lady, nothing at the moment."

"So she is a nobody?"

"M'lady, I wouldn't say so, she just arrived, but she is a noble and a Dame of Golden Farrow..." and he wanted to point out that Furiae had been a 'nobody' before. There were so many things he wanted to teach this girl, but knew that life would work its way to humble her. After all, she paid him and his soldiers in gold, and very much enjoyed having his head connected to the rest of his body.

"Very well, captain", said the Haguns girl, rising from the oaken chair, and covering herself with a long sable cloak to keep her warm. "Bring me ink and a feather, and parchment, I will be at my office."

"Should I bring the scribe, m'lady?"

"No, captain. Not this time. I shall pen this letter myself."
Furiae de Haguns

Letter from Furiae de Haguns

(this letter's handwriting is clearly different from the last one, which was more formal and simple - instead, it has elegant and elongated words drawn in the parchment, slightly curved, revealing a carefully written and beautiful penmanship)

Dame Haide Osoro,

I am grateful to know that Stronghold Precint still remembers me fondly. There are such rare stars that shine brightly wherever they are or go, bringing grace, beauty and valor that enrich the lives of those so fortunate to serve them. I am glad to know that I have been such a star in Golden Farrow, and I hope you can live to shine as well, and mark your way in the world.

Faithill is certainly a lovely place, and definitely lacks the grandiosity of Golden Farrow. There are some benefits of living a quiet place, my good dame, for one can notice any strangers roaming the countryside or the town. It is unlike the capital, however, whose bustling streets may as well serve as cover to assassins who prowl with malicious intent of harming young and naïve nobles who do not know their place in society and may find themselves targeted for being too quick with their pens, writing before thinking.

I commend your disinterest in politics, for it reveals a good streak of character to know where one can thrive or not. As I have told another young dame of Golden Farrow, some are born and fated to be soldiers, while others are destined to be natural leaders and rulers. My dame, if you know where you stand and belong, I can only congratulate you. One cannot struggle against destiny, but only embrace it.

As you might know, I am the Marshal of the Gylden Expeditionary Legion, by the Stratarch’s grace.

Tol Goldora has two Armies, the prides of Tol Goldora, led by its respective Marshals with the assistance of their Vice-Marshals, under the command of the Stratarch Svari Storme.

One, the Golden Host, is capably led by Marshal Antigone Polytus. It is our main Army, acting as both shield and sword against monsters incursions, undead hordes, and other enemy realms.

The Expeditionary Legion is the second army, which serves as an advanced raiding war party to attack the roguelands, regions where lawlessness or the undead reign, with the objective of looting for treasures and food, for the good of Tol Goldora. We travel by land or sea, and recently ventured deep into the Sapphire Blue, where more recently we faced hordes of monsters in Laraibina.

My good dame, have you ever braved the seas or fought in battles? I would be curious to know of your military experience.

This because I do have experience with getting my hands dirty, but it is not in ink black, and rather blood red. And as you see, acting as Marshal may see me away from Faithill when leading expeditions into the roguelands, so I would need a steward to attend to administrative matters in the region.

If my good dame enjoys getting her hands dirty with ink, as states in the closing of your letter, I could always use a steward to tend to my barony in my absence. It is a very noble and rewarding profession, and extremely important for the wellbeing of the realm. After all, not all can be warriors.

On a final note, I am not a mead person myself. I find it quite rancid in taste, and would rather have wine. It is more refined and pleasant to the noble palate.

Yours truly, and carried by the winds,

Furiae de Haguns

Baroness of Faithill

Marshal of the Gylden Expeditionary Legion