Auru'in Family/Sigrid Gudrun

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Lady Sigrid Gudrun the Noble

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"Ýmirs frosteistna... Now that's a bloody army..."

– Dame Sigrid looks upon the army camped in Krimml

Hunting for a Cause

Age:25 Date: 10/27/2017

Sigrid Gudrun the Ranger


Ashen waves scatter upon deep sea azure, lapping gently at the golden shores of verdant isles upon which shine twin obelisks of polished onyx. Hetero-chromatic paradise mirrored amidst an ocean of fire, freckled beacons bestrewn across a vast archipelago of milk and honey. Like a moth unto flame, many have sought exile before the curtain-call of living flame - yet no colony survives upon her fertile shores. Flesh a cosmic canvas; the eyes a gateway to the whispered secrets of the soul...

Trust: a spiritual currency she was taught to cautiously horde for optimal investment. Hers was a faithfulness of boundless depths - a profound sense of wholehearted loyalty whose traumatic costs she learned at an early age. With pain comes cynicism, of course, and with it a certain tendency toward secretive doubt and subtle manipulation. A necessary evil in a world full of thieves and murderers, predators and traitors...

Sigrid absentmindedly brushes a wayward lock from atop her left eye with a grin as wisps of ginger dance upon mottled ivory skin. Blinding light glides across multi-hued iris heralding a wince of surprise as dilated onyx pupil struggles to accompany its vigilant companion - a blinding procession of fluttering lashes as fleeting as the glow from whence discomfort dawned. Slender fingers and elegant toes curl in the hidden confines of well-worn leather as a casual shake of the head banishes the remnant spots of polarization occluding her vision. With a grin turned grimace and back again - therianthropic flickers of pleasure and pain bound to a beautiful sky - she nods to her escort and they embark upon a not-so-simple traipse along the histrionic ruins of ancient folly. If consciousness is a river then her mind's cosmic eye looks upon subconscious ocean.

Placeholder Notes: central heterochromia of both eyes ("blue-gray, gold-green inner rim w/ flecks"); redhead w/ freckles; 5'10" (5ft-10in / 178 cm); lithe, lightly toned muscles; prefers ranged skirmish or up-close single combat; believes in the rule of the best-fit meritocracy and despises those who selfishly hold titles while unfit for office; fervent adherent in pre- and early-Xavax Phoenix, whose many parallels fall in line with the Path of the Paragons; believes in pragmatic humility and dislikes excessive pride; down-to-earth, prefers "real people" over fabricated political identities; sincere by nature but secretive by necessity; faithful to the virtuous and humble but resentful toward the haughty and dishonorable; Scorpio (Focused, Brave, Balanced, Faithful, Ambitious, Intuitive / Jealous, Secretive, Resentful, Manipulative);

Wielder of the artifact Cursed Shield of the White Guardians ; Sister of Magnus Aurea: First Xerarch / founder of Xavax ; Bastard daughter of Alura Aurea & Rynn JeVondair ; Valorous Hero of the Path of the Paragons ; Dame of Sirion

--CryptCypher (talk) 06:31, 23 November 2017 (CET)