The Giblot Gestapo Gazette/Issue 12

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Yssdragill.gif The Giblot Gestapo Gazette
Issue 12 At least 17 Times Bloodier than the Tribune! 5 Gold
February Edition

By Revan

...and that folks, is the sound your Demonic Ruler made when G´war, Leader of the Armed Assassin Racoons, delivered his finishing blow upon Sera this morning in a First Blood Duel held in Seras'hel. Ironically although Sera ultimately failed to taste the blood of G´war which he lusts after so badly, Sera was the one who had the advantage in the beginning of the Duel. Alas however, Sera had clearly failed to remember that most of his career as a Nobleman he had either been sat raining death upon his enemies from behind Fortifcations, or killing people for fun with little to no warning, whereas dear old G´war has spent much of his time over the years, in the Academy apparently. And one suspects, also threatening barbars from all over the Dark Citadel to ensure his hair looks sleak and stylish. Altough I thought it looked more like someone had dunked G´wars head in Tilogian water. Were sure that this is probably one of the main reasons Sera failed in his efforts to fell G´war this morning and quite frankly we too would burst out in morbid laughter if put in the same position. Honestly, it looked like someone had sacrificed a badger on the mans head. Strange person that G´war is.

In a strange twist of fate, just moments after seeing their Chancellor wounded by G´war, Giblot troops in the region closed ranks around him and gave him more than a good hiding. It apparently took a rather benevolent Soldier to drag G´war away from his death, but suffice to say he suffered at least a minor wound. It's rather reminiscent of the fate of Sera's brother who similarily got bludegeoned to death but thankfully, no-one was stupid enough to try and help him. As for the Soldier that dragged G´war away? He is already suffering a little more than a 'minor wound.' One of my underlings is trying to turn him into a small armchair in the other room as we speak. Oh I only wished I could get those kind of screams every time we did this! I better go before I miss out on all the fun!