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The lands once encompassed by Melhed occupied Beluaterra's northeastern reaches, for years beyond counting, but that time has passed. Founded by one of the first groups of human colonists to the new continent, Melhed grew to encompass and unify the north of Beluaterra before internal descent and betrayal brought ruin to the once great nation.

Making a home for themselves in an inhospitable wildreness of ice and cold the early settlers braved the wilds to build a home for themselves. Every step had to be won, every breath snatched from death's icy grasp. Guided by the Pontifex, (2002-2003) the people succeeded against all odds. The struggle took its toll however, and the people became savage and fierce in their heart.

Over time the Pontifex fell and the Emperor rose to power. (2003-2004) A secular ruler, their appearance marked an increased connection between the human nations. This did not bring peace to the north however as Melhed was besieged by all others.

As the inhumans returned the Empire faded to be replaced with the Republic under the administration of the senate. (2004-2009) This golden age of peace in the north tempered the savage heart with reason. As the rest of the continent descended into anarchy and war the Republic flourished and turned attention inward experiencing prosperity unriveld. Though none realized it at the time, this contrast between the peaceful north and war-wracked south was by design. With no obvious conflict to distract, the senate spent its time and energy extending dominion over the continent of Beluaterra to ensure secruity against another invasion and increase their power. By the twilight of the Republic all of Beluaterra danced to their tune.

Though the Republic remained for many years it too passed with the rise of the warrior Kings. (2009 -2015) Intent on glory and conquest long denied under the peaceful Republic the kings awakened the savage heart and marched to war after abolishing the senate. Former client states and puppets shook off the neglected yoke of their master and through relentless warfare shattered the ancient nation.

Now all that remains are shadows and scraps, the record halls and trappings of power trampled in the dust. Who knows, perhaps one day the Melhed Wolf will stalk the lands again.

Ancient Remains

The complete history of Melhed, to the extent that there is one, can be found within these volumes.

Past Rulers and Governments of Melhed

ValentiaIcon.PNG The Pontifex

  • Pontifex Argos
  • Tyrant Rubeus

Sun icon.png The Ancient Empire

Melhed-icon.png The Republic

Sun icon.png The Returning Empire

  • King Yeux Serpentis
  • Queen Maya Serpentis-Tandaros
  • King Pavel Jeffrey
  • Queen Maya Serpentis-Tandaros
  • Lord Protector Immanuel Octavius


Melhed-icon.png What is Melhed? - The eternal question.

Melhed-icon.png Guide to the Regions of Melhed - tourists welcome

Melhed's National Archives

Melhed-icon.png The Agyrian Academy - History, and Lore.
