Daele Family

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The Daele Family is a noble house, originating from Mattan Dews of Dwilight when it was under the rule of Asylon. When Asylon's former capital, Giask, was taken over, they changed their allegiance to Luria Nova and have loyally served them since. The seat of House Daele is Garuck Udor.


House Daele was founded by Gilbert when he was knighted after years dutifully serving as a knight's squire. As well as his knighthood, he was also awarded the lands of the Eastern Wild-lands at Mattan Dews, which was then under the rule of the Duchy of Mech and Farrow, of Asylon.

Sir Gilbert served Asylon loyally and took part in the defense of Giask during the siege by Luria Nova. However, lack of unity in those higher up and his subsequent imprisonment made him loose faith in Asylon, and he changed his allegiance to Luria Nova. He was surprised by the welcome and warmth he received despite having recently fought on the opposite side, as well as being given lands in Askileon for his surrender, and is now currently serving Luria Nova loyally. He is also a member of the Exiled Edreun

Recent events

Luria Nova's War with the Southern League

Sir Gilbert helps the sympathy takeover of Girich. While there, he hears news of the disappearance of Lord Aylwin Gottfried and is reported to be saddened by the loss. He heads back to Girich to help retake it from Astrum and D'Hara forces.

Battle in Girich wounds Gilbert deeply and the Iron Fury nearly destroyed. He goes into hiding while he recovers and is helpless as some of his men are ambushed by enemy forces. He leaves Girich as soon as he is able with what remains of his unit for Lurian lands. Gathering his 70 men, he heads back to Ciarin Tut.

He waits there for several days for any orders from above. News of the fall of Axylia Dundrave sadden him, as like himself Axylia was a former Asylonian who now stood for Luria Nova.

He heads for Poryatown with the Iron Fury after hearing news of an imminent attack there but it turns out to be a false alarm and no enemy troops were found when he arrived.

Gilbert accepts the Imperial Magistrate Aldrakar Renodin at Askileon to an event. While traveling there, he is awarded the title Lord of Smokey Hills by King Seoras Nifelleisca. To show his allegiance, he has taken up the faith the Ecclesial Sanguiastroism.

Arriving at Smokey Hills, he sets up the "Iron Wrath" garrison for special forces and holds court, but is reluctant to set up an Ecclesial Sanguiastroism establishment due to the population's faith in other religions.

He aids in the defense of Moon Bay from D'Haran forces.

Monster invasions occurs in Smokey Hills but he is able to repel them thanks to help from fellow Lurian nobles.

He marched to Maf to join the assault against the Fissoans.

The divide of Luria Nova

Gilbert returns from the skirmishes. For his military service and for constructing a Ecclesial Sanguiastroism building, he is awarded lordship of Garuck Udor. He ceases all military activity with Luria Nova and proceeds to visit his new home.

He is saddened to see the departure of Lords Shintuk and Marius Janelle, both who he fought with during their time in Asylon.

Gilbert is surprised that the duchy of Sunhall is to become its own realm, Luria Boreal. He worries whether this will cause any change for him but hopes that his new duke Lord Arkady Mayhem will lead the new realm towards properity.

Notable members of the family: