Sandalak (Fourth SI)/Hall of Glory

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Anton Chamberlain

  • Lady Scein Dubhaine, Marshal of the Black Army of Taselak has been wounded by Black Sheep of Dale (4).

Aeronin Nebehn

  • Valdir Baranof, Knight of Taselak has been wounded by Lightning Arrows (23).
  • Zay Hasker, Dame of Korlok has been wounded by Lightning Arrows (19).

Alesoun Greneburie

  • Terrowin Pileran, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Greneburie Guards (3).

Avitus Orfeur

  • Caballein Sorandil, Knight of Dakan has been wounded by Spartans (12).

Balwijn Cuvelier

    • Amelia Cancelot, Mistress of Justice of Ikalak, Dame of Ikalak has been wounded by Kapnobatai (6).

Beortley Whiteriver

  • Agelaus Fonzi, Knight of Taselak has been wounded by Bows of Steel (40).

Bredon Maelodor

  • Ivan Rasthaven, Knight of Korlok has been wounded by Maelodor Guards (13).

Dalia Telrunya

  • Maximus Penchant, Knight of Ikalak, Marshal of the Royal Army of Ikalak has been wounded by Telrunya Guards (29).

Bronko von Lucker

  • Sir Langly Melinco, Noble of Taselak has been wounded by Bullies (41).

Dien deLacy

  • Guilhelm Ademar, Margrave of Belus, Marshal of the Queen's Own Dreadnoughts has been wounded by Chargers (6).

Domingo Magdalen

  • Robert Nautilus, Knight of Endelee has been wounded by Magdalen Guards (22).
  • Guilhelm Ademar, Margrave of Belus, Marshal of the Queen's Own Dreadnoughts has been wounded by Magdalen Guards (53).

Dreary Whiteblood

  • Tomas Ivansen, Noble of Ikalak has been wounded by Stabby Things (34).

Earon Hemmings

  • Godwyn Winter-Born, Knight of Dakan has been wounded by Hemmings Guards (35).
  • Ralf De La Fere, Viscount of Triewa has been wounded by Earon's Sting (2).

Edee Blackmane

  • Rodrigo Laroche, Knight of Endelee has been wounded by Blood Guards (5).
  • Vincent Silver, Knight of Dakan has been wounded by Blood Guards (2).

Elros Noldorin

  • Lady Scein Dubhaine, Marshal of the Black Army of Taselak has been wounded by Hunters (46).

Enkimahru Dragoness

  • Justine Sarwell, Dame of Astin has been captured by Rangers (29).

Enzeru Rokkaku

  • Robert Nautilus, Knight of Endelee has been wounded by Sandalak Arrows (18).
  • Maximus Penchant, Viscount of Jerelin, Marshal of the Royal Army of Ikalak has been wounded by Sandalak Arrows (15).

Fen'Harel Windblack

  • Luffy McFluffy, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Anaan kas Fenaad (1).

Fern Leroux

Arsene Awesome, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Templar's (4).

Hurlock Stryfe

  • Orobos Dishman, Knight of Korlok has been wounded by Darkspawn (28).

Jacques von Genf

  • Zeph Greyson, Knight of Triewa, Marshal of the Wolf Riders has been wounded by The Griffin's Mane (22).

James Bathgate

  • Theros Gildre, Knight of Kietrem has been wounded by Bathgate Bowman (6).

Kainaq Konran

  • Aleksander Lanyon, Knight of Wellaf has been wounded by First War Honor Guard (8).

Kazimir Zvjezdan Lux

  • Homer Simpson, Knight of Umkinnu has been wounded by Stronghold Troop (36).
  • Sir Keltin Fuor, Knight of Umkinnu has been wounded by Stronghold Troop (33).
  • Arsene Awesome, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Stronghold Troop (24).

Keirdynos Karstark

  • Kith Hyral, Dame of Endelee has been wounded by Karstark Shieldbearers (17).
  • Brian Dumbledore, Knight of Dakan has been wounded by Karstark Shieldbearers (20).

Kenley La Pointe

  • Crostyn Merytis, Knight of Belus has been wounded by Sartan's Folly (61).
  • Hector Gary, Knight of Cirannor has been wounded by Sartan's Folly (61).

Kinron Indirik

  • Jericho Perfideous, Knight of Umkinnu has been wounded by Indirik Guards (17).

Kristyn Howard

  • Jaeor Karedan, Knight of Taselak has been wounded by Kristyn's Killers (50).

Kuratas Eirikr

  • Arsene Awesome, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Diligence (8).

Kurlock Lapallanch

  • Geoff Erendegard, Noble of Ikalak has been wounded by Lapallanch Guards (10).
  • Sheamus O'Sullivan, Knight of Korlok has been wounded by Lapallanch Guards (10).
  • Aleksander Lanyon, Knight of Wellaf has been wounded by Lapallanch Guards (12).
  • Zay Hasker, Dame of Korlok has been wounded by Lapallanch Guards (12).
    • Orobos Dishman, Knight of Korlok has been wounded by Lapallanch Guards (8).

Logan Fontaine

  • Geoff Erendegard, Knight of Aboal has been wounded by Wyvern Riders (27).

Marvin Trent

  • Zyxx Elvinfir, Knight of Taselak has been wounded by Trent Guards (24).

Misty Ketchum

  • Borgan Flambard, Knight of Wellaf has been wounded by Ketchum Guards (11).
  • Hugue Coquard, Knight of Ikalak has been captured by Ketchum Guards (7).

Pip Gypsy

  • Agelaus Fonzi, Noble of Taselak has been wounded by Pipsqueaks (15).

Qianfei Liew

  • Shadow Wolf, Knight of Endelee has been wounded by Dragon Ball (10).
  • Sir Zraathen Soul, Knight of Taselak has been wounded by Pipsqueaks (27).

Saise Silverstorm

  • Shadow Wolf, Knight of Endelee has been wounded by Red Fox Condottiere (58).

Sandar Merrinoff

  • Dreolan MacColl, Noble of Ikalak has been wounded by Merrinoff Guards (18).

Shalongaar Plaraveen

  • Brian Dumbledore, Knight of Dakan has been wounded by Inukshukers (11).

Valentine Fate

  • Duris Anaris, Knight of Cirannor has been wounded by The Fatalists (66).

Vylmyre Ji'Ardan

  • Tanner Forbes, Knight of Ikalak has been wounded by Sartanian Crusaders (16).