Bluelake Family/IrisWyllaRP/Beginning

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The Bluelakes emerge in Atamara

New Knight of Elost

message to all nobles of Rieleston

A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Rieleston nobles. Iris Bluelake has taken up the vacant Green Glenn Meadows estate in the region of Elost and started her career today.

Knight returns

message to all nobles of Rieleston

Kevin DeBaun has unpaused the character Chi Motosuwa and rejoined the game.

New Knight of Hernepoole

message to all nobles of Rieleston

A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Rieleston nobles. Wylla Bluelake has taken up a vacant estate in the region of Hernepoole and started her career today.

Roleplay from Wylla Bluelake

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Leaving her men to lift camp so they could travel south, Wylla took a last minute hike to the lordly estate, and stopped for a brief moment at the shrine for prayer. The knight started noticing some curious looks from the local peasants and looked at herself. She didn't feel too out of place with her armor and sword, and everything seemed fine. She shrugged and walked down the street to the central square. It still felt she was being watched, and when she reached the square, she saw it. There was this large statue of... Iris? Yes, it really looked like Iris's face, and her long hair, and her elegance. Wylla sighed. Iris always had this elegance. Suddenly it struck her: of course! Iris' face was the same as hers! That's why people were staring... She grabbed a nearby woman's elbow and pointed to the statue:

"That's not me, lady, that's my sister. I think. But why would you have a statue of my sister here, anyway?"

The woman shivered, trying to get away, mumbling something about ghosts having sisters, but Wylla didn't let her go. "Really, I'm not following! Please, calm down and explain it to me!"

"The rabbit house, go there, please let me go?" The knight did. There was a definite crowd around them now, and she was starting to understand. The hare was her grandmother's royal flag. Her father had always told them how they looked like her... if it wasn't for their dark hair, like his. She felt a sudden wave of emotion and asked and listened while everyone around her told her stories of the old Lady of Hernepoole who revered the statue of a friend and built this tavern for the friends of the deceased realm. Wylla made a quick stop there before going back to camp to write to her sister to come by. Iris would really amaze these people. She was looking forward to the surprise.

Chi Meets Iris

Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa

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Walking down an old mountain path with mother, Alma was suddenly stopped by her mother who shouted in a thunderous voice "On your knees now Girl". Drawn back by the sudden outburst Alma quickly obeyed her mothers orders and as she turned to her mother she could see tears raging from her mothers remaining good eye.

As she lowered herself the the ground following her mothers actions she could hear Chi muttering to herself as she drew her sword and drove it into the ground in front of her "My Queen, My Queen...... you have finally returned to me." Alma notices that the more her mother spoke the ground turned to mud "After all these years you have returned ..... I have worked so hard yet I have failed you .... Forgive me."

Alma was shocked to see her mother acting in such away, for since she was reunited, she has only received harsh lessons and grooming, but this was a frightful sight to the young Alma to see the woman, her mother who was a compassionate as a sheet of ice fall to the ground in flowing tears. She still did not know would could drive her mother to such a state, her only thought was that age had finally gotten to her mother and this might be the sign that she should remain at home from now one.

After spotting a shadow descend on the path in front of them, Alma raided her gaze and could see a figure in front of them blocking the path. Behind the shadowy silhouette the light from the sun could be seen rising behind it and a golden outline could be seen surrounding the figure. As Alma looked closer, the mysterious figure came into view but it was no woman that she could recognize but it seems her mother knew her very well.

Unless they were both seeing things thought Alma.

Roleplay from Iris Bluelake

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Iris looked at the two women knelt before her, especially at the noble crone, and suddenly felt very young and inexperienced. All the elation and power she had been experiencing by walking through the mountains without hiding, without the cold from the north, and most importantly without pretending to be someone else... all of it vanished before that woman's tears. She bent and touched the crone's shoulder.

"Milady, milady, please don't kneel before me and please don't cry. I'm not worthy of your tears. I'm sure Queen Ilya did forgive you for everything, my father says she was really kind. Please, don't cry. I'm not her, you see?"

As the tears didn't stop, Iris thought of something Gavin always said, and got a lock of her dark hair in front of the woman's eyes. "Look, look, my hair isn't even the right color!"

Roleplay from Chi Motosuwa

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Reaching out Chi grabbed the young woman's hand and placed her other hand upon Iris's cheek.

"Ilya, you look so beautiful and so young. It is as though time has been bent to your will."

Seeing that words could not convince the old woman, Iris grabbed a lock of her hair and dangled it in front of Chi. Sadly the old woman was lost. Reaching up Chi grabbed her hair. "My Queen, I ...."

Worried that her mother had gone insane Alma frantically tried to snap her mother out of the confusion. "Mother!, Mother!" Alma began shaking Chi. "Mother this is not your Queen, She has said so herself. Think mother, could Iliya be this young?" Turning to Iris Alma asked "My lady, who is your father. Maybe this will help my mother regain composure."

As moments passed Chi fell silent but the teas has yet to stop. All the wile still holding the woman hand.

Letter from Iris Bluelake

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Iris was at a loss.

"My father is Ilya's son Gavin... Did you know him? He told us to come south to these mountains and become knights, we'd be safe here. Wylla and I." Looking at the younger lady, she asked. "Well, actually, I'm sorry, but who are the two of you?"