New Westmoor

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 Perleone Founded out of the Duchy of Al Arab! 10 October 1013

Today the long expected succession of the Duchy of Al Arab finally went through. Perleone is a new realm constructed mainly out of former Eponllyn regions with it's capitol being Al Arab. The new realm is a joint effort by nobles from the realm of Westmoor and Perdan. Currently it's first King is King Nigel [[De La Fere Family}De La Fere]] a former Perdanese infiltrator who has held numerous government positions in other realms across the sea. Antonius Turner former Judge of Westmoor has been appointed as the Judge of Perleone a job which he is well qualified for. The new realm has already signed peace with Perdan and a peace with OI and Westmoor is expected to follow. More on this story later!

Perdan to Withdraw from Kazan

Another collection of letters for you this time from the rulers of Sirion Perdan and the Obsidian Islanders. Ecthelion Tezokian Prime minister of Sirion has demanded that Perdan remove themselves from the region of Kazan or face military action from the Republic of Sirion on the grounds that Perdan is interfering in a local war between OI and Nivemus. OI's emperor Epoch Shadowbane has surprisingly written to all rulers that he actually supports Perdan's removal from it's territory as it wishes to fight this war on its own. This is a little unexpected as Nivemus was able to so quickly defeat OI's army and take Kazan. Upon receiving Emperor Epoch's message King Nightmare Aroo wrote back that he would remove his armies but warned Sirion to stay out of the conflict between OI and Nivemus in all ways or face unspecified consequences.

This is an unexpected move from OI to want to fight this battle by themselves. The question is first do they have the army to fight this war and more importantly do they have the will? OI's military has been lacking in the past will Epoch have the spirit and determination necessary to turn the islanders into a fighting force capable of warring with Nivemus? Only time will tell.

 Perdan intercedes in Kazan! 5 October 1013

Today completely unexpected there was a battle in Kazan between the forces of Perdan and the forces of Nivemus. It's uncertain at this time why the battle happened or why Perdanese forces were in the area at the time, the result however was a massacre as the Perdanese army greatly outnumbered the Nivemus one. A report of the battle was sent from Nivemus' Kronogos and has been painstakingly published here.

We also collected a number of letters all posted to the ECDA which reflect views from nobles of various realms. For that see our letters page. In short the duke of Avamar promised war from Sirion a threat which is quite possible given the situation. Currently if this turns into a war between Perdan OI and Sirion and Nivemus then Sirion and Nivemus have a considerable advantage in troop numbers although the movement rates of Perdan especially the PMW are some of the best on the continent and that can make a huge difference as has been seen in the past. The four realms may also try and work out their differences diplomatically lame. Will this war break out further and will this cause war in the south as well? Only time will tell. Sirion usually responds officially to this kind of thing within 2-3 days.

 Commentary by Vessol Mithridates 2 October 1013

A few days ago with the current war progressing and little information to be found I decided to write to his highness Vessol Mithridates the Kronogos (King) of Nivemus to see what the war in the north was all about. He gave this insightful answer that I hope all of you will enjoy reading and will hopefully give some answers to those wondering what the war between the islanders and Nivemus is all about.

Q. Why has Nivemus reignited hostilities with the Obsidian Islands and what are the objectives of Nivemus?

When the realm of Nivemus was first founded out of the ashes of the Sultanite of Asena, we sought to create a strong relationship with both our former realm of Sirion as well as the Obsidian Islands. I helped establish the Northern Confederation primarily out of concerns of a potential conflict with Perdan. During this time discussions were going together smoothly and the final points were agreed upon. Nivemus and Sirion both signed this treaty, but the Obsidian Islands delayed.

It was not that long when suddenly Perdan declared war on Nivemus, with King Atanamir citing some fabricated claim about protecting the Haradrim tribesmen. Only a day or so later, the PMW crossed from the Obsidian Islands into Nivemus, solidifying their two-faced position. It was the access that the OI allowed to Perdan to access our inner regions that tore our realm to pieces. The Obsidian Islands took advantage of this and began a takeover of one of our rogue regions, Juazeiro. In response to this as well as their continual agreement to let Perdanese forces through their territory, Nivemus declared war on them.

Eventually the conflict in the south was expanded and eventually subsided. A peace treaty was signed between Nivemus and Westmoor, while a white peace was found with Nivemus and Perdan. I was approached for a white peace by Emperor Epoch. I considered the idea, but it was then that a unit from the Obsidian Islands had landed in Juazeiro and attacked the local garrison there. Whether it was a lost noble or a potential scouting incursion, I am not sure. However, it reminded me of how the Obsidian Islands had been opportunists and two-faced in the past.

And that brings us to the present. This is a war between Nivemus and the Obsidian Islands and should remain that. The Omsk/Kazakh Peninsula was originally taken by the OI when they betrayed their allies of the Sultanite when they realized they were on the losing side. It is our objective objective to take the Omsk Peninsula, the capital of Old Rancagua, for the realm of Nivemus.

Vessol Mithridates
Kronogos of Nivemus

Editor: To Learn more about Nivemus and the Omsk Tribe see this.

East Continent Drinking Association

If you're not a member of Perdanese Duke Atanamir of Umbar's marvelous drinking association then you should be. The guild has been going for about a month now and has members across many different realms. Erik Eyolf Serpentis of Sirion mentioned over a few beers recently that "Sirion decide to not march into OI, giving the chance to Nivemus. It's not a secret that I gave my word to OI that we will take the peninsula back in case of a new betrayal. Now, it's up to Nivemus to turn it into reality.". He also revealed intentions to travel south to Perdan and find a new wife. We wish the best of luck to him.

In other news...

Armonia chose Furious Bendix as it's new King. As many of you will know the Bendix family has ruled Armonia before. Autrey Bendix was well known for her rivalry with Queen Siana Deytheur that is until the war with Perdan broke out. Autrey was also known for a curious collection of different shaped and sized hats and it will be interesting to see if either the politics or hats of the old regime follow with her into Furious' reign over the realm.




Regional News
10 October 1013

Secession message to Everyone on East Continent The duchy of Al Arab has seceded from Perdan and formed a new realm called Perleone.

8 October 1013

Battle in Evora (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory!

Battle in Evora (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 20 men

Defender Victory!

5 October 1013

Huge Battle Fought Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Kazan: Perdan vs. Nivemus Estimated strengths: 1070 men vs. 710 men The Perdan's Crimson Wing (Perdan), sponsored by Nicoli Rasthaven, Duke of Perdan, Margrave of Perdan, were led into battle by Marshal Nalle IceBeard. The Perdan's Murderous Wrath (Perdan), sponsored by ][osferatu Reapers, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Partora, Margrave of Partora, were led into battle by Marshal Saul Claireborne. The Perdan's Furious Tigers (Perdan), sponsored by Sir Atanamir of Umbar, Banker of Perdan, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Aix, Margrave of Aix, were led into battle by Marshal Joreb deLacy. The Army of Nivemus (Nivemus), sponsored by Talius Valorian, Royal of Nivemus, Duke of Ashforth, Margrave of Ashforth, were led into battle by Marshal Catherine Chamberlain. Cornel Brotacel, Legodos of Nivemus, Earl of Salta is spotted wielding the Tempus' Sword of Bloodletting. Talius Valorian, Royal of Nivemus, Duke of Ashforth, Margrave of Ashforth is spotted wearing the Astonishing Girdle of Leadership. Talius Valorian, Royal of Nivemus, Duke of Ashforth, Margrave of Ashforth was captured by Terrel O'Sullivan's unit.

Attacker Victory!

Battle in Poitiers Perdan, Westmoor vs. (rogue) Estimated strengths: 250 men vs. 40 men Sir Atanamir of Umbar, Banker of Perdan, Royal of Perdan, Duke of Aix, Margrave of Aix is spotted wearing the Valiant Vest of Perdan.

Attacker Victory!