McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/truth

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Roleplay from Aewyn Onyxien

Aewyn looked at every inch of Kaylan’s face the more she looked at her, the more she resembled Fiona. Her mother’s words in the last letter sounded like an echo in her mind. There was a reason this woman had mistaken her for her sister, and she knew that all things happened for a reason. But doubt clouded her mind with fear that she was going to discover something she rather not know.

“Lady Kaylan, the last time we spoke you questioned this necklace” she held the silver chain in front of Kaylan’s face watching the pendant spin in mid air. Kaylan’s eyes glowed at the site of it once again. “You mentioned your mother” she leaned her head to the left studying her expression.

“Why are you drawn to this piece of jewelry” she questioned as the young woman reached for the pendant to let it sit in the palm of her hand

“My mother, yes.. It’s my” Kaylan paused and swallowed as her eyes filled with water.

“Before we have another misunderstanding on this piece of jewelry” Aewyn interrupted her before Kaylan could finish her sentence

” I want you to know that, it is a family heirloom, like I told you before, but not my own.” she stopped and sat down in front of her

“This necklace was indeed given to me by my mother, but only for safe keeping.” She watched Kaylan reach up to her face to wipe the fallen tears.

“This necklace belongs to Fiona,“ she paused taking a deep breath “my cousin Fiona” she stopped and waited for a reaction

“Fiona” Kaylan mumbled off with a breath “The lady from the festival” she grabbed the back of the chair to hold her week knees up “She looks so much like my…” she stopped and sat down in the chair looking pale

“Yes, Fiona was brought to our home when she was a very young child, she had been abandoned in the lands of Atamara where I am from. My father found her behind the forge where he taught students the art of crafting swords, and he brought her home to us in Woodglen. My mother and father searched for years for anyone who may have ties to her, but failed with every attempt. The only thing Fiona had, were the clothes on her back and this necklace” she placed the pendant and chain inside Kaylan’s hand.

“Lady Aewyn, this pendant has the same crest my mother used to use long ago,” she paused then added, “before the loss of her husband and child.” The tears slid down her cheeks again

“The only people who know of this crest is me, my mother and old family siblings” she looked at Aewyn

“How can you be so sure of that Lady Kaylan,” she raised a brow suspiciously.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan’s lips tightened into a small faint smile as she reached inside her satchel and took out a letter. She looked at the letter running her finger over the half broken seal.

“See, this is my mother’s family crest,” she smiled at Aewyn as she handed her the old letter

Aewyn looked closely at the seal it was a perfect match of the design on the pendant she had wore for so long. With this in hand she looked at Kaylan once more, swallowing hard.

“This pendant could have been crafted by anyone Lady Kaylan, it could be a coincidence that it resembles your mother’s family crest,” she commented trying to make sense of everything.

“No Lady Aewyn, it could not, my mother had this crest designed herself when she married her first husband, no one, especially on the Atamara continent would carry such a mark. The symbol comes from her own hands and crafted deep from within her mind,” she explained as she pointed out the vines around it.

“My mother explained the crest to me when I was just a young girl. The thorns represent the hardships in her life and the rose symbolizes the purity of the love she shared with her late husband. Combined together they could accomplish any hardships that came on their path. It symbolizes purity and truth. It is very sacred to my mother,” the tears flowed from her eyes down her cheeks as she explained the crest.

Roleplay from Aewyn Onyxien

Aewyn felt a load lift from her shoulders as she listened to Kaylan, but at the same time a tightness formed in her throat. It was but a few days ago she had the same feeling as she watched Fiona and Kaylan converse at the festival, on how much they looked alike, it would explain a lot, she had rightfully mistaken Aewyn to be her sister because she wore the necklace but in reality it was Fiona that she was seeking all along.

“I have not told Fiona of our encounter that night at the lake, but I think it is time I place this necklace in the hands of it’s true owner” she smiled at Kaylan

“But you are going to have to bring a lot more proof, Fiona is not one to take on tales lightly, nor does she have any clues from her pass, she will not play along nicely I can assure you of that, she is very devoted to the Onyxien name, and with that the trust that binds us as family” she got up from the chair and walked over to the other side of the room to get a bottle of brandy

“I think you’ll have a lot of explaining to do if you wish to pursue these matters with my cousin” she poured a drink evenly in two glasses walking back to hand one of them to Kaylan

“Fiona is bold, emotionless to other people’s feelings, she is a true warrior body mind and soul, to reach her on that level will take a very delicate approach” she took a deep breath

“And did I mention stubborn” she took a drink of the brandy making a face to its bitterness.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan took the offered glass, taking a small sip from politeness. She truly did not want to take more than was needed.

“You should have no fear of that, I can be quite headstrong...” she smirked, “but I will begin with delicacy,” she promised with a nod of her head. Her eyes flashed with a determined fire and she took another drink. “Blood calls to blood and that can never be ignored, she will realize it sooner or later.”

Roleplay from Aewyn Onyxien

“True you are,” Aewyn replied with a soft smile. “Now since you are here, perhaps you would join me for dinner. You can tell me all about your mother so that I may learn from her roots, and finally understand the enigma that is Fiona.” Aewyn grinned with fondness and Kaylan returned a lopsided grin.

“With pleasure,” Kaylan smiled.