Serra Family/Zerool in Talerium's tournament

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Zerool sits on a hill looking towards the tents outside from Chocxal. There are many soldiers from Talerium now... The discussion between Tank and Harpy is getting interesting for the other nobles. Lots of threatings are spoken by now in the tournament grounds. Some of them really serious, some of them not...

Zerool has hidden up to now since he started his career in South West Island his real identity... the reason why his brother Kain and Xaero are fighting Undead and monsters in Beluaterra and he's not... the reason why he can't fight undead... the reason why his cloak has never revealed his left arm...... and the reason why he's walking the hill down to the tournament grounds with fury... lot of fury...

Long time ago... His left arm holded the sword while his right arm was trying not to be killed by an undead beast. His 12 years didn't allow him to kill the beast; he wasn't strong enough. His whole family was travelling towards Lukon to try to convince the Assassin Master who was the leader of an infiltrator guild, not to kill Kain Serra, because of the bounty set on his head as he talked hard words to the king.

Zerool couldn't hold much more time... He knew that if he didn't kill the beast, this one would call the others hunting the servants through the house so he became finally fresh meat. His left arm was about to introduce the sword in the mouth of the beast while holding his throat with the other hand, but the beast was too strong....

Finally he achieved to hold it tight enough to introduce him the sword in the mouth and just in the moment he was able to kill him. Someone appeared in the room where the little child and the beast were fighting to death... Zerool's hope began to increase; he may survive after all... But this figure looked at him from the shadows and walked towards him slowly. When he arrived at him he took Zerool's sword and threw it away.

There has never been such fear in someone's eyes for a long time. The little child was now morally defeated, without any weapon but his hands and a beast ready to kill him. The figure went out of the room laughing. Zerool had accepted finally his destiny of being killed by an undead beast, but he decided to try at least to kill the monster also. He introduce his whole fist in the beasts throat while opening his hand, so his nails scratched the throat of the beast. Inmediatly the beast closed the mouth trying to cut the arm. The fear, the tension and the intense pain made him fall unconscious near to death...

But there was something worse than death.... The next thing he remembers is waking up in front of his house. He still had his left arm... or at least a part of it.... It was horrible... There was black flesh in his arm... but it was part of his arm at the same time... It didn't hurt anymore... He just suffered a terrible headache.

He tried to remember what happened...but he couldn't. He remember the fight with the beast, the man, his desperation... but now he was outside the house completely covered with blood, which was too much for being only from him, and without knowing anything about what the hell had happened since the beast bite his shoulder with his arm in its throat up to now...

He entered the house and the image was one he would never forget. Dead servants spread all over the hall... But something was strange in there... There were also dead beasts on the ground, but this ones were killed in a much more hard way... They had no chest...anymore... neither throat or jaw... Then he thought of the man and start searching him to take vengeance but he didn't find him... The only thing he found was a paper which had written "Kain Serra" on it. On the other side there was a mark from an Infiltrator Guild...

Then he understood everything. The infiltrator used the undead as a weapon to kill his brother, but he might not see Zerool right and did a mistake by trying to kill him... Then he left thinking the child died which obviously didn't happen. But there was one more thing: why did all the undead appear dead...?

He couldn't move his left arm correctly, but when he tried to get his servants out of the house he noticed that he had an immense strength in his arm. He could even get two of the servants with his left arm... with his left black-coloured half-putrid arm... It was more than disgusting...

He went upstairs to see if someone had survived up there. And luckily there was a survivor. A little girl, who was the new servant for cleaning beds could fortunately hide under a bed... She seemed shocked sitting now in front of a cadavre, but when she saw Zerool she got much more scared and began to scream.

"Hey, hey, hey! What's up? It's allright, everything has passed!" said Zerool.
The girl stopped screaming but was very confused.
"You... Are you Zerool...?" asked the girl scared.
"Of course i am, do i have the same face as the beasts or what?" he said trying to calm her down...
"So you don't remember anything?"
"No, i don't really... How do you know?"
"You *really* don't remember anything?"
"No, for God's sake, i don't! Can you tell me what has happened?"
The girls face became suddenly completely white...
"Please don't kill me... i'll do whatever you want me to but don't kill me..."
"Are you going crazy or what?"
"...So you are now human..."
"Either you tell me what the hell is happening just tell what happened!"
"Did... did you ever heard of wereundead-synthom?"

Zerool is now running the hill down... his left arm becomes bigger and bigger till he breaks the cloak he has on. His target is fixed: Tank... The word of Infiltrator Guild returned him to his childhood and the day he became a wereundead... He was guilty...He is guilty... He *IS* guilty

The Knight jumps over the other nobles towards Tank. But as an experienced infiltrator Tank was, he could jump quickly to avoid Zerool's attack. Everyone was ready for kill this new undead who avoid the defense of Cteduul.

Fortunately Zerool learned to control his state of wereundead during all these years. Not at all, but at least sufficient to get a pill from his pocket and put it in his mouth.

Twenty of the Knights there attempted to attack Zerool, but Tank order not to. He saw that these beast was someone known. Finally he could recognize the face of someone who had drunk until he couldn't recognize his own feet the night before... Zerool.