McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/thefey

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Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah’s horse nickered and shook his head as they walked through the city of Remton. She leaned over and patted his neck, “easy Loach.” She then looked over to Thain whose horse walked alongside hers and gave him a small smile. After their battle in Taop and her appearance to his tent, he had not left her side and she didn’t mind, in fact she was glad for it.

Not only had he helped take care of her, he had given her much needed companionship along the way. She could almost say she was beginning to feel a part of something, and she didn’t much care that she was newly arrived and didn’t yet know many nobles, she knew Thain and for her that was enough. Not only did she look up to him with admiration, but she was growing closer to him.

On the day he had found her collapsed, he had brought her to his tent, where later that day they had both been visited by one of the strangest people she’d ever met. Lady Silmeriel was odd to say the least, but seemed to sway with the very air around her as if the wind graced her every movement. The aura around her danced with a mesmerizing presence that awed Deianarah so much she had difficulty forgetting it. She had given Dei some assistance and then left.

Soon after, both her and Thain had been given a strange gift each. He had received a plate that was now a part of his armor, said to belong to his ancestors and she had received a beautiful Diadem, the outline adorned with runes. She was still unsure what to do with it, therefore kept it safety tucked away in one of her bags.

In the letter she had received, Silmeriel had mentioned her family with curiosity, yet with knowledge as if she personally knew of them. This intrigued her to no end, so much in fact she was looking forward to seeing the woman again so she could have her questions answered. She would soon know…

Stopping Loach, she then turned to Thain, “thank you for staying with me, my Lord,” she said gratefully. She figured he had wanted to make sure she would be fine and that nothing would happen to her in the state she had been in. She was much better now and the healthy color to her tanned skin proved it.

Also, Lady Silmeriel had invited them to visit her when they returned to Remton. Thain had agreed to accompany her to this dinner but she wasn’t sure about that either. Maybe they should wait some time before going?

“Is this where we separate?” she asked him softly. Secretly hoping he’d decline, but she’d never voice it.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"Not if you don't want me to. I'd prefer to stay by your side m'lady. I've come to enjoy your company."

Thain looked over at her, then down at the new plate on his armor.

"Besides I wouldn't let anyone near Silmeriel alone."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Thain’s words made her smile, “I as well enjoy it,” she said to him, but continued thinking, I do not want you to leave and prefer you by my side. As she thought the words, she looked to him for a moment.

Coming out of the thought, she looked ahead to the city. “Well how should we go about this? Do we simply ask where her estate is and show up? Or would you prefer we wait?”

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

A messenger arrives and notifies the guests of Silmeriel's house location and informs that she's ready to receive them all

Silmeriel and Selene arrived together and the priestess noticed the dinner was already ready and Silmeriel told her to wait for the others to arrive

Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred and Edara sat in the coach, with Isis facing them. They had asked her many questions, and she could tell them little, save that she had been brought here from a far-off land. They could only guess at her age...Seven, perhaps eight. And she had the eyes. Jenred's eyes. The eyes that only ran in those of true Bedwyr blood. The eyes, in short, that proved, so far as the House was concerned, that she was a full daughter of their line.

In theory, she could, just possibly, be Jenred's daughter. He certainly had not been celibate before meeting Edara, and while he had tended to be careful, always packing the appropriate herbs and preferring methods of pleasure that were natural contraceptives. But...She didn't resemble any of the women Jenred had been with in that time, much to his relief. And some of the tales she mentioned about what life was like before she came here seemed fairly clear that she was new to the Far East. Which left the Bedwyrs who looked like Jenred...Which meant Darkwind and Malcolm, either of whom could have been the father, for all Jenred knew, and a scattering of Bedwyrs on collateral lines. But, for the moment, she was being treated as a niece, for lack of anything else to treat her as.

Their...Gifts...Had been left at the palace, under firm lock and key. Edara had been initially excited at hers, though she had snickered somewhat at his amulet, but had sobered up immediately when he had uneasily informed her of Dren's prophecy, and the tales of uncanny nature that surrounded Silmeriel. They needed both objects examined by a competent Priest as soon as possible.

The coach stopped, and the footmen announced the King and Queen, as well as the Lady Isis Bedwyr.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel heard the announce of the royal couple's arrival and rushed forward to receive them, she was dressing a very beautiful green dress with , and wearing an impressive golden diadem.

"King Jenred, Queen Edara, Isis"

She then made a courtsy and proceeded guding them inside to dinner room It was huge, but looked old and only recently renewed, all made of a dark brown wood, the only metallic objects were candles and decorative items.

"Welcome to my little home here, I bought it from an old noble who was having financial problems recently, take your seats please, the servants were only awaiting your arrival to serve the dinner, I made a special selection of food and drinks tonight, I also invited Sir Thain, Lady Deianarah and Madelena I expect them to arrive soon"

"In the meanwhile we have our dear priestess Selene to bless this night, she was invited too and came together with me on my travel to Remton"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

As they were discussing what to do, Thain and Deianarah were approached by one of Silmeriel’s servants informing them that she was awaiting their arrival.

At this her brows rose quizzically and she looked to Thain. “I guess that answers my question,” she told him.

“I wish to wash this traveling off though. I need a bath and a change of clothes before we get there. I’m sure you would like to do the same.” She smiled at him. “I will meet you here when I am done,” she said and left.

It was some time later when Deianarah returned to the same place, to meet Thain, this time accompanied with Diana, as they stood side by side, the young child seemed almost a replica of Deianarah.

Dei had obviously changed, but all Thain could see of her was her dark green cloak as it completely covered her. Her hair was different though. Half of it was swept up in small delicate braids the small Diadem Silmerial had given her, nestled in them. The rest of her dark blonde hair hung loosely down her back.

Together they made their way to Silmeriel’s and announced their presence.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

"Ahh forgive me, Thain and Dei must have arrived"

Silmeriel then rushed back to the entrance and even in a hurry she seemed swift and graceful, upon seeing Deinarah she paused for a moment studying her

"You're simply amazing my dearest Dei! I'm also glad you're using the diadem, your beauty is simply stunning"

"Thain I am happy to see you too, I was sure you wouldn't want to miss this wonderful night"

"And hello my dear Diana, I am missing you, don't forget to pay me a visit with your new lady sometimes"

She then offered her right hand to Dei and her left hand to Thain and guided them to the room, offering seats to them at the opposite side of the King, the Queen and Isis.

Roleplay from Madelena Rossini

Madelena was late. As usual. It was not technically her fault. She had been at court far longer than expected. There had been a particularly complex case involving a merchant running a black market trade in a time of war. This was a capital offence, and such matters always left a bad taste in her mouth. She was snappy with her secretary as she left her office, and decided to go for a walk by the river before joining the party at Silmeriel's house.

Somewhat disheveled, and completely embarrassed by her tardiness, she entered the company with lashings of apologies.

"Sil I am sorry. I lost track of time. I do hope I am not too late!"

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain was comfortably dressed in leathers, fur hides of beasts he had slain adorned his outfit, and his sword hung at his side. He bore the coat of arms of Nighthelm proudly on his shoulder, the insignia glinting in the setting sunlight. He wore a belt with a gleaming buckle, and the material was clearly the hide of the monstrous beasts that roamed the lands. He smiled as he approached Deianarah and bowed slightly, and offered his arm.

"I am honored that you are to accompany me this evening Dei." he said warmly, and they entered Silmeriel's manor together.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah and Thain were led inside Silmeriel’s home with a smile on her part and compliments. Dei smiled at Silmeriel’s words and bowed her head. “Thank you for having us,” she told her politely and removed her cloak. When she did, a beautiful white flowing gown was revealed. “I have taken your advice,” she told Silmeriel with a small blush to her cheeks as she noticed the way hers and Thain’s eyes turned in her direction. She hoped it wasn’t too much. She was used to getting dressed for occasions, but with this odd, yet comforting woman she was unsure what to expect. With Thain, she wasn’t sure what to make of his expression either.

Deianarah’s hands then touched Diana’s shoulders as Silmeriel spoke with her. “I am sure we will make it a point to have Diana return as often as she’d like.”

Silmeriel then offered her hand and she took it. Beside her Thain was taken along as well. All she could do was look over with the tiniest of puzzled expressions. When they entered the room, they were sat opposite the King and Queen, and a small child she assumed was theirs. Of course she had seen the King from a distance but never the Queen, who else would be sitting at his side?

Another woman was there as well, by the looks of her manner of dress Dei assumed she was a priestess.

Deianarah curtsied to each and then took her seat opposite them.

As she did someone else entered the room with a flutter of apologies and sat, joining them.

Now she waited to see what Silmeriel would do next.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain handed his fur cloak to a servant, and as Deianarah removed hers, his jaw dropped for a second, he quickly concealed it. She was gorgeous, and he was proud to be in her company. As they were led to the table Thain noticed the King and Queen. He bowed slightly to them.

"I wasn't expecting you, your majesties, but it is a pleasant surprise. It is an honor."

Roleplay from Selene Octavius

Selene entered the room where the others were already waiting. She was still dressed in her priest's traveling clothes for she had been on a walk around Silmeriel's estate before meeting the others.

When she saw who was in the room, she bowed courteously. "Greetings my lords, my ladies." she said. Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel's eyes shone with interest as Deianarah removed her cloak, and could only nod at the sound of her words

After guiding them to the hall she saw Madelena

"Ohh Maddy! Don't worry about that, you know my home will always be open to you, you can come and go whenever you wish, there's no need to be sorry" "Now cheer up and take a seat"

Silmeriel then clapped her hands and suddenly many servants appeared coming to serve a huge variety of foods and drinks, she smiled absolutely certain none except Madelena had ever seen any of the dishes and said satisfied

"These recipes are all from my mother, I am certain you never proved any of them, except you Maddy I remember how you loved them when we were kids when you visited my family estate"

Silmeriel which had not taken a seat yet looked at Diana which quickly understood what she wanted, and left her to seat to take the one besides Isis and talk with her, leaving an empty spot besides Deianarah for Silmeriel to take.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah looked to the multitude of dishes that were brought out with some interest. They all looked fabulous. Diana then rose from her seat and Silmeriel replaced her. Dei turned to look at her with light brown eyes and smiled. “Thank you for your kind welcome. I have not said so yet, but you as well look breathtaking.” She said softly and then looked ahead to the table. “The food looks wonderful, I am sure they taste even better.”

She did not know what to expect from here on out, and preferred to keep her silence from then on until Silmeriel led the discussion. She had obviously brought them all there for a purpose. One which Deianarah was dying to find out. Looking over to Silmeriel again, she looked to the diadem in her hair, and subconsciously felt the weight of the diadem in hers. She didn’t feel like she was worthy of it, but she would please her.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel smiled happily at Deianarah's words and as if she knew what she was thinking she replied in a low and kind tone so that only the two of them could hear

"You're worthy all the jewels in the world my sweet Dei, it's you who makes the diadem looks beautiful on your graceful hair not otherwise"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

At her words, Deianarah’s cheeks reddened slightly and she smiled shyly. It was as if the woman had read her mind. “Thank you,” she breathed softly and took the cloth before her and set into her lap, covering the white gown. She usually had a small appetite and did not want to insult their hostess, therefore Deianarah waited for the others to begin before she started to eat.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel watched the red surge on Deianarah’s cheeks and her with intensity for a small moment as if she had seen a work of art

She then started eating, slowly, a bit of each thing, all in very moderate quantities, from time to time looking at Deianarah just to watch her, she almost didn't drink until she rose up after some minutes and said

"Let us have a drink for love, freedom and happiness!"

And she then looked at all the guests before drinking, her gaze clearly lingering longer at Deianarah

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

As the guests began to eat, Deianarah followed course and ate a little bit of everything, sipping her wine. She was having a bit of difficulty doing so, because every once in a while she could feel Silmeriel’s gaze on her.

Silmeriel raised her glass in a toast and Deianarah lifted hers and took a small sip as she did, she looked up through long eyelashes as the Lady watched her again. The redness on her cheeks never really got a chance to settle.

Lowering her glass once more, Dei reached out beside her and lightly touched Thain’s hand as if seeking a bit of comfort. She almost felt like an idolized statue one could not stop looking at.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel smiled again, noticing Deianarah's swift and almost invisible gesture, but avoided looking at her again, she didn't return to her seat though and took a last look on the hall before continuing

"I guess you're now all wondering why I invited you here, very well"

She clapped her hands again and two female servants entered the room with an ancient looking map and placed on display on the wall, it wasn't a map of any know lands, a single large continent with many different points of interest written in a language no one could recognize

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

She then gave a moment for everyone to see the map clearly in silence and watched them all amused with their interest

"This..." she said pointing to place near the center of the map

" where I was born"

"My father was Anton Orgauth, a explorer and a researcher, like I've already told some of you my family came to the woods of Orbeh ages ago, their interest in the region wasn't it's abundant life or beautiful woods"

"My ancestors discovered a link between the woods and another plane...for convenience I will call it as some did before, the plane of the fey, another world beyond our own, and at the same time connected with our own"

"No this is not the plane of the Aenil, it is in fact quite different the Aenil are the incarnation of ideas, generally abstract and that is the main reason behind their incorporeal forms, the Fey are entirely different, the fey are made of living emotion"

"The fey are as some would say...more mundane, and are given to excesses in their behavior and know for their incapability of...hiding their hearts..." it was now clear that Silmeriel was speaking about herself too as she told about the fey and her eyes flushed with red, full of barely contained tears

"My father managed to travel the plane of the fey, there many took interest in him...he was the first visitor in centuries..."

"One of those interested in him was my mother...the Queen of Spring, a vastly powerful fey entity that holds control over the emotions of Love, Happiness, and Freedom" "Fey blood dilutes easily with ours, so the only thing that makes me different from you is the fact...I was born on another world"

She was now crying

"My father was always absent...traveling...studying, and so I was left to be raised by my mother..."

"I never learned many of things you did while I learned an entirely different set of values and rules...well in my case since I was in the court of freedom...there were barely any rules or conventions..."

"I realize I may have startled you more than just a little bit with my behavior...but that's the way I am...that was how I was raised...I am sometimes...well inconvenient...I know you all, when I was 5 my mother gave me a magical pool of hers... from it I could see important events of the lives of many people whose fate were connected to all were there...Dei I watched you playing with your siblings when you were only a beautiful happy kid on green fields...Thain I saw all your hours of training and hard work as a young boy striving to follow your father's steps...Jenred I've seen your suffering, your hate and everything you did to be here today...Edara I've seen your love grow and overtake you...Selene I have watched you as you fought for your home and your faith...Maddy I watched you even when I wasn't playing with you in the were my childhood were my heroes...and now you're all's like a dream...I love you's like...if you suddenly met all the characters of the stories you heard about when you were kids...I know I invaded your privacy...but I was only a kid I couldn't know...I wasn't even sure all of you were real...but you are" and now Silmeriel burst into tears incapable of speaking anymore

Roleplay from Madelena Rossini

Madelena leaped up and flung her arms around her friend.

"Sil, don't cry. You haven't done anything wrong. You should never be sorry for who you are and where you come from. You taught me that! Besides, I think it is kind of exciting to think you were watching over me while we were apart. Makes me realize that even when I struggled with how best to serve Orbeh and its people you were there. Even when I deserted Sartania in favor of Arcaea you were there. You were there when I got so sick after Tenal didn't come with me. You were there when he came back to me. It's like having a fairy godmother. You were there!"

Madelena looked round the table at the other guests, looking to them for support.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain took Dei's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze before turning back to his food. He couldn't help but wonder if she was more that just some crazy lady, and how important a role she would play in his future.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

At Silmeriel’s admission, Deianarah’s eyes opened slightly wider with surprise. She turned to Thain and to everyone else sitting at the table. Taking the time to look at each face, they were all connected to her? And then she suddenly understood why Silmeriel kept looking at her the way she did. Deianarah was like a favorite character that had suddenly become reality to her. Not only was she amazed, but now she felt an incredible amount of empathy for Silmeriel.

She rose from her seat, releasing Thain’s hand and approached her. “Do not cry Silmeriel, this should be a happy day for you…” she reached in to take both of her hands. “I apologize if I may have seemed distant, I did not understand.”

She reached in and touched her cheek. “Do not cry tears for me sweet Lady, I wish to see you smile, for like Madelena has said, you have watched over me… us.”

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel smiled faintly as heard the other women's words and replied

"Yes...I have been...planning all of this for some time now...but it's so much harder to say it all when it's happening...but I...I didn't invite you here just to tell you about this...I just couldn't hold it any longer...I was taught to never hide my emotions and act always being true to my heart"

She then hugged Madelena and Deianarah releasing them after some time

"I show you all....I want to take you there...this is my gift for you...I have enough experience at crossing the barrier to do it even outside the woods where the connection is stronger...there's so much I want you to see...your emotions they are all there...vast archives record all the history of many events that made you who you are today...I want you to see it...there's so much you can learn about yourselves...and I want to be friends with you and this will give me this much needed time"

"I spoke with Oberon...he rules over time in the realm of the fey and...he agreed to do me a favor...while any of us are traveling there time will pass infinitely slowly here, each travel for those staying here will look like 5 seconds, while for those...that follow me it may as well be a whole week...that way we don't have to worry about politics or war or...anything else"

She then slowly reached something in her dress

"Here, its a pass, one for each of you, so you can visit one of the courts with me"

"Dei, Maddy yours are here" she then handed them a brooch that looked like a green leaf with word Spring on it

"You hearts belong to my mother's court, happiness, love, freedom, friendship, are your strongest virtues, just as my own heart, Edara yours is also spring, I knew you wouldn't come with the other brooch so here is another for you"

She then paused a moment looking at Thain

"Thain, I know you don't believe me but I don't care, I always knew you would be the hardest one to convince, because I know you, here is your pass, Summer, the court of righteousness, justice, purity, and goodness"

She handed him a sun-like brooch and turned to Jenred

"Your heart belongs to Autumn that's why their court gave you that amulet, here have this brooch, Autumn is the court of nobility, desire for glory, pride, duty, competence"

"And you at last my dear Selene, Winter, the court of determination, pragmatism, harships, training, devotion and loyalty"

And handed her a brooch that resembled a snow flake

"I will take you now, one at a time, and those who stay waiting need not worry as I've said it will be 5 short seconds to you, while for the ones traveling it may be a week, it has to be now though, the Lord of Time has only conceded me this favor for this one night and traveling later would have many serious problems"

"Thain would be as kind as to go with me first? If I am mad then nothing will happen and you can return to your seat, otherwise we'll see the Summer Court, they were the ones that helped my father find that plate and I believe there is much more they have in store for you, you just have to hold my hand and close your eyes" she then stood where she was beside Madelena and Deianarah offering her hand to the man.