McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/adv-Dei

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Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

At first Deianarah had thought it strange the other woman called her Dei upon their first meeting in Thain’s tent, but after hearing of her tale of having watched them her entire life, she could believe it somewhat, how else would she have that knowledge?

Thain had not had much chance to say anything after his trip, and Selene looked somewhat off balance. It was her turn now.

She wasn’t going to shy away from it, they had gone and returned, she didn’t think she had much to fear. She gave Thain a silent look, and then looked to Silmeriel and gave her hand. “I am ready.”

She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, doing as the others did and waited.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

And as they opened their eyes once more they found themselves amidst a forest, everything around seemed green, the very air seemed a bit colored, above them a golden sky with a small and faint sun, the golden light illuminated the place well but added a sense of mystery and wondrous beauty to it.

All around them were flowers, tress and plants of all kinds, the songs of many birds singing and flying over the area, each unique in its melody and more amazing than the one before with its vibrant colors and different sizes.

In front of them and not very far stood a huge tree, as big and thick as a city, a palace seemed to have been carved on it and magnificent natural archways showed the path to it's gold wooden gates.

Silmeriel released Deianarah's hands and made a little dance of joy around her

"Home Dei, I am back home! You'll see it, you'll see it all, it's so wonderful!"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

As Deianarah opened her eyes, she stared out to everything with awe. The forest was alight with magnificent beauty. The flowers around her seemed to be grown specifically to welcome them, and the bird’s songs to pulse with their emotions. The very air around her swirled with emotion it was so strong. She felt happiness, wonder, familiarity, love, excitement… but most of all she felt like she had suddenly gone home to be held in her mother’s embrace. She felt her brother’s love for life and she finally understood her older sister’s deep adoration for nature.

She put her hands together to her mouth, to keep from gushing and then as she noticed Silemeriel dance, twirling before her she laughed, caught up in her merriment. Back in Arcaea her movements would seem unnatural, but here she fit perfectly.

“It’s already wondrous,” she told Silmeriel softly. “I cannot believe my eyes, but my heart tells me it’s true.” The manner of dress in which Deianarah had shown up in, now didn’t seem so grand, she seemed to fit in as well. “Show me your home,” she encouraged.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

As Deinarah laughed so did Silmeriel, and after she finished speaking Silmeriel eagerly offered a hand to guide Deianarah

"Let's go! Mom will love you, everyone will"

And so she continued on the path to the palace taking the other woman with her, she seemed happy and focused, she didn't have the distracted look she had back on the normal world, she wasn't repeatedly examining each and every thing around her with curiosity and in fact even if satisfied to see the surroundings she seemed unimpressed, her hair flowed naturally opposed to Deinarah's which kept moving after she had stopped, she was in her natural place.

And as she approached the gates she raised her free hand and they opened as if bowing to the her will. Beyond the entrance there vast wooden halls, all seemed to be natural as if part of the tree which made the building, the area was illuminated by a light that come from above, golden like that of the sun outside, busy and joyful fey passed from all sides, they were almost human-like their skin colors being varied types of olive, the hairs however were more extravagant and it was clear that they had hairs of all colors. Most were in groups of friends talking about which tavern they would go next, or romatic groups of fey in love, with no restriction of gender in the relationships. A bard could be seen on the center of the are playing a vibrant tune that somehow managed to overcome the noise of the crowd.

As the women approached the place it suddenly became quiet and all faces turned to Silmeriel, she smiled and raised her free hand once more closing the gate, the silence was then broken by the minstrel

"The Princess is back!, make way for her passage"

And so every fey of the area formed two massive blocks trough which the two women could pass, but even bowing to congratulate the return of their princess the crowd was by no means shy or silent and kept doing what they were doing before as soon as they passed.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

The place continuously amazed Deianarah. She followed Silmeriel as she led her along, but she wouldn’t have needed her to guide her further, she would have gone so willingly. The place had a way of making her want more.

When they entered through the gates, again she looked to everything with quiet awe. There were so many of them, so many different colors filled her mind, all beautiful from the first to the last, and still Silmeriel dazzled as if she was above them all.

Then Deianarah noticed, two women kissing and her mouth dropped open with shock. She was having difficulty tearing her gaze away, she actually felt her cheeks flush at the scene, knowing she should look away but she was unable to.

Then they all turned to look at them, and she quickly averted her gaze to follow them. And they welcomed Silmeriel as their princess and they began to walk forward. The Princess of the Spring Court, holding her head high, smiling to the ones around them. Deianarah was suddenly glad all their attention was directed at Silmeriel, she was only then recovering her equilibrium from what she had just seen.

She didn’t know what to say, so she remained silent, and followed her through until they passed them all.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel noticed Deinarah's embarassment and said while stopping and looking at her eyes.

"Don't be shy my dear, though now I am the focus of their attention you'll soon shine in their eyes, I am nothing new here, everyone knows me at least by sight, now you...are the foreigner I for some reason brought here, everyone will want to talk with you and approach you, they're curious, they'll want to know why you're here and what makes you so special"

She then laughed at the face Deinarah made at her words

"Come now, I know you would like some attention! But don't worry my protection should spare you of the worst kind of attention, ohh and yes they will flirt with you from the moment we enter the palace to the moment we leave, the men, the women, my mother would alas if I hadn't told her not to do so before, you're young and you are absolutely wonderful, it's only matter of time before their curiosity turns to you"

And she said that she was once more taking her past each hall, each more full of life than the one befor, sweet scents filled the air as they passed by homes and shops, all different from any found on the human world.

As just as Silmeriel had told her, most eyes were now watching Dei with interest and not the princess, news apparently had spread faster than their walk towards the palace, the bards that were positioned on each hall had stopped announcing Silmeriel's return and now only told the people to make way for the princess and her guest.

As they got deeper into the city it began to looking even more beautiful, though by no means ugly the building around the entrance were simple, now they were complex and full of intricate carving on its walls, some were of duels, some about heroic acts, others about romantic love and some about sex with vivid images, the crowd also seemed more well-dressed and many were carrying rapiers or spears, duels were also increasing in frequency though the fighters stopped while they passed resuming it when they were no longer in sight.

Until they reached a vast hall, no roof could be seen and the golden light poured into it like on the outside, it was a giant garden, with many small lakes, the flowers seemed unnaturally large and vibrant, few fey were present and those who were looked rich and were busing chasing one or two others persons happily through the mazes of plants, a clear road of yellow bricks crossed the natural wonders, taking travelers towards a magnificent white palace.

"Here we are" she said running forward a bit and then turning happily to Deianarah and hugging her strongly for a moment before releasing her, and taking her hands

"Come, let us spend some time in the gardens, the palace can wait, and there's plenty of fruits and pure water here in case we need, we just need to be careful not to stumble into "busy" couple" seeing Deianarah's reaction she burst in laugh

"Don't worry its big enough, and they generally go to the less attractive parts of the gardens were they run less risk of being bothered"

Saying that she picked a red flower and offered it to the Deianarah with a smile

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah couldn’t help herself and her cheeks felt warmer the more Silmeriel spoke. She had heard it all before, especially from her older brother who was no stranger to the affections of women, and had no qualms about flaunting it but this felt… different. Somehow more personal.

Silmeriel then told her how wonderful she thought she was, and Dei smiled timidly. She wasn’t a stranger to flirting either, but from a woman? No matter that the other women were of exceptional beauty, it just didn’t feel right. Just seeing it made her uncomfortable, she was unused to that type of attention. She gave a weak nod and continued to walk along.

When they entered the garden, her previous thoughts momentarily evaporated and she felt rejuvenated. It was this place, it sang throughout her body as if carrying her on a cloud of euphoria.

Silmeriel then told her what she may stumble into and her eyes widened, and her mouth parted to say something, but what could she possibly say to that? Silmeriel broke the silence with laughter and she joined along with a weak laugh. She then offered her a flower and Deianarah looked at it for a moment. If she accepted the flower, was she accepting the flirting? She was confused now. The rules were different here. Nothing like she was used to. Politely she took the flower with a smile, but she would stay alert.

Deianarah put it into her hair above her ear and smiled. She then noticed a large fruit, one she had never seen before and plucked it from the large plant. “What are these?” she asked curiously. She looked around to the lakes. How was it even possible? She felt like she had opened the pages of a large and dusty tome, and had literally walked into its pages.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel's eyes shone as she saw Deianarah place the flower in her hair, and a mischievous smile crossed her lips as she saw the fruit Deianarah had taken in her hands and asked about, she hesitated for a moment as if in doubt but then spoke, in a tone as impish as her smile.

"Ohh don't try that one! It's dangerous when used on the wrong situations...Loveberry, it induces...strong affections, and insatiable desire for sexual pleasure, very sweet and a bit acid at the same time, but we don't you ripping your clothes off and jumping at me do we?" she then chuckled while picking another smaller bluish fruit and placing it in one of the woman's hands.

"Try this one, Sapphire Apple, almost as sweet as the other, but with induces happiness and confidence instead of love and lust, it's safe enough though you will fill weird at first, all of the fruits here affect emotions somehow, but most are safe to try".

She then smiled and starting eating another fruit like that one, slowly biting in a delicate way, as if to fully absorb the fruit's effects and taste, perhaps under it's effect of joy or just because she felt happy she approached a lake and said once more in a mischievous tone

"Hey! Come here Dei I've got something to show you, I have an idea..."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah held the Loveberry in one hand and blinked with surprise. “Are you serious?” she asked comically and examined the fruit again, this time with a different expression, while Silmeriel burst out laughing seemingly looking for something else.

She could only imagine what would happen if she ever ate the fruit. Only she didn’t think of Silmeriel as being the recipient of her affections but Thain. As she thought of him, she quickly averted her gaze and tried to think of something else. Too often now the white knight was in her thoughts and very strongly of late.

Thankfully Silmeriel saved her by handing her what she called a Sapphire Apple.

Dei watched as the other woman took one to her mouth and ate it slowly. Almost in a bound she was off again, yelling for her to come look at something.

She looked ahead to see where the other woman was, and then back to her hands still holding the fruits. Well she had picked it for a reason, she wasn’t going to eat it, but she was extremely curious about its effects. She slipped the Loveberry into a secret pocket of her gown. And tentatively took a bite of the other fruit. When she did, her eyes closed at the luxurious taste of it. It was extremely sweet, and addictive. She stood for a moment, waiting for the effects to set in as Silmeriel told her would, and then she grinned. She felt wonderfully confident as she said she would. She patted the fruit in her dress to make sure it was still there and walked ahead to join the Princess.

“What is it?” she asked and continued to eat the blue apple until it was gone.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel noticed she didn't drop the fruit and smiled easily guessing her thoughts but didn't say anything about the matter, and as Deianarah reached the border of the lake, she took a step backwards and said mysteriously.

"Ohh nothing...just...this!!" and in one swift movement she threw Deianarah in the lake, and before the woman could say anything she jumped in too without bothering to remove her clothes.

The lake was quite small, and it was easy to walk in it on most parts, its waters were unnaturally warm and invigorating, the water had a movement of its own and a few fishes swam from one side to another, the bottom had no mud but a clean soft silky surface.

"Don't worry about clothes" said Silmeriel while emerging from a dive with her hair all wet now

"I'll give you some when we reach the palace, now just enjoy" and she threw some water at Deianarah as she finished her words.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah yelped as she was thrown into the Lake and quickly jumped back to the surface with a spray of water. She didn’t know if it was because of the fruit she had just eaten, but she wasn’t even bothered by the fact she had just been unceremoniously pushed into the water. Instead she laughed as the other woman jumped in.

“Oh I’m not worried about clothes,” she said as Silmeriel splashed water at her. “But what about this?!” she said as she playfully dunked Silmeriel beneath the surface and then swam backwards to put some distance between them. Silmeriel came back to the surface quickly and they started a splashing war, both women surrendering to laughing fits.

Soon they stopped, both claiming victory and Deianarah wiped the water from her face with a laugh. She pulled the Diadem from her wet hair, carefully as to not break it and then untangled the mess that was her hair. It was now brown and straight as the water weighed it down, and floated on the surface.

She looked to Silmeriel with a smile. “I haven’t had this much fun since I was home,” she admitted. “Well you should know. You did say you’ve watched me…” she let trail off.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel was glad that Deianarah was focusing on the journey and forgetting about the problems that awaited them outside, then she seemed to think for a while at her words, but ultimately the fruit was strong enough to ward off any kind of sadness, and she shrugged satisfied.

"Yes I did, and I am glad you understood what I meant, it wasn't easy and the men were hard to deal with, not that I didn't expect that kind of reaction from them mind you...after all I watched them too, but thanks anyway"

"I still have that pool in my chambers, I'll show it to you when we are there...I am also glad to know you're enjoying the journey, I am doing my best to keep you happy" she then laughed and imitated the move she used to throw Deianarah at the lake

"It's only fair I brought you here, I knew so much about you while you knew so little about me, don't think I will stop playing my game of mystery though" she said as she raised a finger in a mockery of a warning, and a imitation of an angry face that soon turned into another laugh

"Don't mind me, I just enjoy doing that, Madelena already got used to it"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah under the effects of the fruit, continued to smile and listened to the other woman’s words with interest.

“I would very much like to see the pool and I don’t need to tell you I am enjoying myself, you can clearly see it,” she said with a small laugh, now beginning to move out of the water. It was warm, and felt good, but she wanted to see more.

When she stepped out, her white dress dripped to the ground, and she grabbed her long thick hair and wrung the water from it. She passed her hands through her long bangs to slick it back and set the diadem back on her head, using it as a headband. “Well hopefully I will have enough time to dry off, I wouldn’t want to meet your mother looking like a drowned rat,” she giggled at the image, she herself portrayed. She then reached down and repeated the motion to her dress, bringing the skirt up past her knees to wring the excess water out of it.

Dei then waited for Silmeriel to come out of the water, so she could continue showing her she wanted.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel stood there motionless while Deinarah got out of the water, the same look of awe that she sometimes revealed when setting her eyes on the woman, her heart beating faster and a temporary lack of words, she then recovered and got out of the water, trying to dry herself a bit and said in a amused tone

"Ohh don't worry about that, we have plenty things to see on our way, and besides the water can't diminish your beauty, it only adds...a different 'touch' to it, mom will find you adorable I am sure of th..." she then stopped to listen to something and giggled

"Hey! It seems not only mom will find you adorable, the court already does! Listen the traveling bard is singing a song about you, and it's so sweet"

And indeed a bard was passing through the road distracted with a song apparently called the Beautiful Guest, and as he finished it he immediately began singing another called, Two Lovely Ladies, which told about their arrival on the city in greatly exagerated details,Silmeriel laughed when she heard the second song.

"See? You're famous! A celebrity! They loved you, come!" she then offered an arm to Deinarah, both women still wet "Let us give them a story worthy of another song, Two Lovely Wet Ladies, which will tell of our glorious arrival at the palace!"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah paused, noticing Silmeriel’s eyes as she watched her. She didn’t feel concerned over it this time, she actually didn’t mind, she was still quite happy and confident and took it as a compliment.

She then stopped to listen to the song and burst out laughing at some of the words being used. “I have never…” she giggled again. “A song about me,” she said in amazement and then walked away with Silmeriel.

“As long as they never make it back home, could you imagine their faces?” she joked and laughed, picturing the strangled expressions she would get.

Together they walked away to the palace. As if children running in a beautiful meadow, enjoying life, and not caring about anything else but the pleasure surrounding them.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Seeing Deianarah’s reaction was priceless and she could only join her in the laugh, and when she asked her if she could imagine the faces of others listening to these songs she could only laugh even more, her face going slightly red with all the laughing and the lack of time take a breath.

Soon they were at the entrance of the palace, where she assumed a mockery of a proud and arrogant stance with a barely contained laugh on her trying to escape from the beautiful lips that held it with great effort, she started walking with firm and long steps, it was a hilarious image, the nobles around the hall burst into laughing and those of them with similar but serious postures quickly abandoned any sign of formality, one of them with dark olive skin and long blue hair cried in a tone of mockery that rivaled Silmeriel's behavior.

"Unworthy maggots! Unfaithful servants! Kneel before our wondrous princess and her stunning guest, who do you think you are to stand up in their majestic presences?!"

And them they all kneeled laughing frantically together with Silmeriel, she nodded with her head and passed taking Deianarah up the stairs, though they were joking the affection and devotion in their eyes were evident, she then turned to face Deianarah again and said.

"They're lovely, you'll get used after some time, they'll have made at least two books of songs and poems about you by the time we go"

"Here, my chambers, we can get some dry clothes here"

She then opened a door and revealed a set of rooms, some with doors and the others completely open, almost all with luxurious beds and decoration, on the central room near a bed there was a small round pool, bathrooms could be seen as well.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“I’ll have to take those books with me, no one will ever believe me,” she laughed with amusement, not really believing it herself.

When they entered her chambers, Deianarah walked around the room now feeling more comfortable in the other woman’s presence. She stood before the bathroom with a slight look of confusion on her face. It became obvious what it was for, so she didn’t ask questions but pondered the commodity with envy.

She then turned to the rest of the room and Silmeriel waved her hand in a grandiose motion to the alcove. Walking into it, she then noticed beautiful fabric, all in wondrous colors, and she was told to choose one.

Upon close inspection, Deianarah realized that, even though the dressed were extremely beautiful they were very quite revealing. She gave Silmeriel a small grin, not really sure if she should change at all. She took her time, and finally she chose one.

She went into one of the smaller rooms and changed. When she came back out, she looked to herself in one of the many mirrors in the room with awe.

The dress was a soft mauve, the bodice darker fitting snugly around her waist. The neckline was a bit looser, in a round oval, dipping lightly and continued to hang off her shoulders. The material of the sleeves was much lighter, and opened to reveal the skin on her arms, then tied again at the elbows, to open again, revealing more of her arms to her wrists. The skirt seemed to flow as if on a light wind, there were several layers to it, but with each step she took, revealed her long tanned legs as if several slits had purposely been put there for that purpose alone.

She then turned, admiring herself and the back of the dress hung loosely revealing her entire back. Her eyes grew wider and she stood in shock. This had to be the most revealing dress she had ever worn in her life, she looked back to the rest of the dresses, it had been the most conservative one she could find. She clutched her white dress in her hands, and gave a worried sigh. “Is feel so bare,” she told her, the feelings of the sapphire apple this time seemed to dissipate.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel could barely wait for Deianarah to come back with the dress, sitting on the border of the main bed she could only repeatedly tap her fingers in the wood playing imitations of random tunes with the sounds it made, but when she finally came out her eyes were fixed on Deianarah and her jaw dropped open for a short moment, before she closed it back, but she was still stunned and barely breathing.

She took some time to assimilate the woman's words, before smiling brightly and answering satisfied

"Come on Dei, it's not that bad, actually you'll be by far the most conservative lady of the court, besides you're with me, they won't do anything unless you want them to and show you're letting them do something..." she then chuckled, things weren't as hilarious as before under the effect of the apple but she was naturally happy, her expression then turned a bit serious but she still smiled kindly and couldn't take her eyes off Deianarah.

"Now, promise me you'll do everything I tell you there, though the court is very light and informal there are some few essential rules and rituals that must be followed, don't argue, if I whisper something to you in a serious tone you must do it or let me do it, probably nothing dangerous will happen if you break one of these rules, but it certainly won't be nice"

She then took of the serious air around her and looked mischievously to Deianarah "Now that the most beautiful siren is ready, could she help this poor princess choose her dress?" and pointed to the clothes smiling.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah felt the intense gaze on her as Silmeriel seemed to admire her. Again the mention of being with her in more than a friendly status seemed to make her come back down to reality and she gave her a small smile of uncertainty.

“I will do what you say,” Dei informed her and then followed her back through the room looking through the dresses.

She wasn’t sure which to choose, each were more elaborate than the last, and some with so little fabric it was a wonder someone could wear them. Finally she chose one and handed it to Silmeriel and waited for the other woman to put it on.

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel examined her choice of dress with interest, a long light blue dress, had few layers of cloth like most others but was less revealing than the majority especially on it's upper part(though it was by no means concealing), on the skirt almost half of the legs however were exposed by various openings, it was mildy tight but one most women could easily breath inside it, letting out a satisified grin she said while leaving the room to change.

"Great! I never tried this one yet, and I like the color"

A few minutes passed with the door closed and almost no sounds coming from it aside from those of the clothes, then the sound of steps and the door opened. Silmeriel passed through it making a spin on the way and stopping on the other side of the room placing her hands around her waist, asking curiously and then biting her lower lips anxiously "So how do I look?"

The dress followed the lines of her body revealing a bit of her chest at the bodice but not her breasts, it wrapped itself like a serpent around her wait but did not seem uncomfortable quite the contrary she seemed to be at ease with it and her movements were graceful, her legs were somewhat exposed as the dress moved around but it rarely revealed anything above the knees, her long black hair crowned with the golden diadem, and wore beautiful sandals of the same light blue as the dress.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah blinked as she came out, the dress was revealing but still beautiful. “The color is beautiful on you…” she hesitated. “You look like a Princess,” she told her, not revealing any more of her thoughts than she needed to.

Then she smiled and approached the pool in the middle of the room. “Is this what you were talking about?” she indicated. “When you watched us?” She peeked curiously into it.

Gazing into the Pool