McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/conclusion/continued

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Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred's eyebrows rose as he turned toward Thain.

"While it is certainly not unknown for various Dark Aenil to take on disguises, if we were to assume that all Aenil were Dark, we would be committing the gravest error. While I am still concerned over the matter, I have a strong distaste for...Witch hunts. As for the fey themselves..."

The King gave a wry smile.

"They sound rather...Human. Both good and ill in equal measure."

He turned again.

"Priestess Selene, you are certain you felt nothing overtly evil? And Lady Silmeriel...I will assume for the moment you are telling the truth...What of fey coming to our lands? Is there a chance these dark ones you spoke of might enter? And is the travel you used of a sort that it, how to say...Widens the gap in the boundaries? Is it more likely that fey might travel through if you travel more often?"

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

Silmeriel seemed relieved at the King's words and proceeded not so coldly this time "There is, but contrary to ourselves they can't spend too much time outside their own plane or they start to feel unconfortable until they can't bear it anymore, some more powerful fey can resist for greater amounts of time but those are generally reluctant to come, political adversaries could use the opportunity to strike and magic is not as powerful or common here as in their plane which meana that if they have any powers they could be reduced somehow"

"The Lords of the fey themselves once travelled here in more ancient times to spread their own ideas amongst the humans, but since they were forgotten they decided to distance themselves from this world, their atitude is only changing recently when new travelers learned how to reach their plane and there is a growing renewed interest in mankind now"

"So once more some of them may start trying to approach humans here and there, and grant some sort of blessing to those who follow their ideas, but it's a slow process they have too many problems to worry about back in their homes as you can see by my wounds" Though not bleeding anymore she was certainly not feeling well, still as she finished her words she seemed better.

Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred nodded at Silmeriel.

"Can you tell me more about the dark fey? I would imagine they would not take kindly to your actions..."

Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth

"The Dark Court is a coalition of many smaller courts of negative emotions that are sometimes forcibly united by a leader, currently they're being led by the Sanguine Court whose main emotion is hate, they unite from time to time but they always dissolve back into many different nations once they begin to suffer several military defeats"

"While the outcome of their most recent actions may have displeased and now they may have even more bitter feelings against me for their defeat I also believe they won't be acting for some time, they have lost too much strength and will wait for a full recovery before striking again in force, as for my own safety's the seventh battle I defeat them so I believe they do not know my location, and if they do they must be afraid to try for some reason, maybe they just think my mother's more important"

Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr

Jenred nodded again.

"Very good. Allow me to summarize, Lady Silmeriel...You brought or attempted to bring several nobles, including myself and my wife, to these courts. In these places, those supposedly friendly are content to slip powerful substances to their guests that result in them losing control of their faculties. Those unfriendly can attack the heart of these courts, and it was the merest chance that no Arcaean besides yourself was injured in the attack. You freely admit that your actions make it more possible for these fey to travel to our lands, and that these enemies of yours are liable to take action against you in the future once they recover. And, of course, this is all on top of the unsubtle message I received from my patron Aenil, and the fact that your words when you first approached me a few minutes ago were rude enough that had you been uninjured, I would have struck you. Lord Thain, Priestess Selene, does this seem accurate to you? Do note that I am not accusing Lady Silmeriel of malice of any sort, merely negligence."

The King's voice was perfectly level and pleasant, but his eyes were bright with carefully controlled anger.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah had fallen asleep on the leather couch but her dreams were filled with odd images, and the most dreadful sensation of fear and anxiety. She woke with a start, and frowned, looking around the room and sat up slowly. It all came back to her and she sighed miserably. The fire had burned down quite a bit, and she surmised it had been some time since she had been brought there.

Reaching over to the side, she took her cup of tea, but it had gotten terribly cold, so she set it back. Lying back down, she curled up again to stare at the embers which glowed brightly still and re-played everything that had happened in the Spring Court trying to recover the missing link. It was useless, she couldn’t remember.

Sighing she set the blanket aside and paced the room. She wondered what was going on, and what was taking Thain so long, he had said he would assist the King but that had been hours ago. She found a white fur cloak, Thain’s probably, and left the room, slowly making her way back to Silmeriel’s home.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain watched the King and Silmeriel talk in silence. He pondered what they had to say.

"Even if it is not the Netherworld, which I am still inclined to believe it is... Or apart of, I say that travel between the realms should be stopped. We do not have enough understanding of it, and by doing so could bring great evil into our midst. I do not want to see the events of Beluatera unfold here, there is already great enough danger of that happening without your reckless tampering of forces beyond your understanding."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah made her way back to Silmeriel’s and watched the home in silence. She wasn’t actually ready to go back in there at the moment. She had no idea what they were doing, and what Thain was helping Jenred with, but what she did know was that she wanted to be as far from this whole ordeal as she could be. At least until she could work things out in her mind. She was stopped by some of the guards who were posted everywhere, but when she gave her name and explained what she was doing there they allowed her to retrieve her horse.

Climbing onto his back, she arranged the long white fur cloak around herself, and turned him to western direction. She looked back to the house, and then back in the direction of her home… She knew which comfort she wanted, but maybe now wasn’t the best time.

She motioned one of the guards forward. “Please inform Lord Thain I have gone and am now returning to Treror.” He nodded and she gave her steed a soft command and he started to move forward. Her hands gripped the leather reins and she huddled deeper into the cloak. Treror wasn’t much of a home for her, considering she had barely ever been there since arriving in Arcaea, most of her time had been spent traveling with her men…or Thain… Her return there was long overdue.

Roleplay from Selene Octavius

Selene nodded slowly. Your words appear reasonable sire. Certainly I see no reason why Silmeriel should not be free to travel back and forth to her home but I do not see any real need for her to take any others there any more.