McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/tournament

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Revision as of 22:53, 23 November 2009 by Firesong (talk | contribs) (New page: '''Roleplay from Thain Himoura''' Thain stepped out of the training arena, and wiped his brow. Sweat glistened on his bare torso and his breathing came in short breaths. He looked up and...)
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Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain stepped out of the training arena, and wiped his brow. Sweat glistened on his bare torso and his breathing came in short breaths. He looked up and smiled as Deianarah approached, having just arrived at the tournament. He grabbed a towel and walked towards her, drying himself off. His grin widened, and he called out to her.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah had just arrived to the grounds and was slipping off her horse when she heard a voice call for her. She landed on the ground and looked up to see Thain approach her. She couldn’t help her gaze from lingering over his chest and shoulders before she looked him in the eye.

She returned the smile, her light brown eyes shining brightly. “My lord,” she gave a small nod of her head and handed her reins to her squire so he could take Loach away. Today Dei wore soft brown leather pants and jerkin, belted at her waist. Her long dark blond hair had been tightly braided, the end swaying with her steps. It had been a bit of time she'd seen him last and she had missed him terribly

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain easy smile broadened, it warmed his heart to see her again. He bowed, and spoke.

"This is a time for celebration and merry making, I'll have no such formalities here." he said, his voice mockingly stern, the amusement on his eye giving him away. He gestured down the street.

"I've had my squire saving you a spot for your tent, right next to mine. Let me get decent, and we'll go cash in on the free drinks everyone is buying for us."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah grinned at his words and quickly gave her squire directions to have her tent set up next to his. She then turned to Thain and gave him a long look with an amused expression. “I supposed yes, you should be decent…” she wasn’t going to voice the fact she didn’t mind looking at him though. They had shared a kiss…well several in fact but as to where they stood she wasn’t sure. What she did know is she had extreme difficulty keeping her eyes off him.

She looked ahead to the tent where drinks were being served and smiled. The last time she had drank with him, she didn’t actually get to enjoy the merriment as much as she should have, considering he’d had a duel the very next morning. This time she would enjoy herself.

She followed him to his tent, and waited while he changed.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain emerged from his tent a few moments later, having quickly washed, and then donned his outfit. He wore silks of the purest white, adorned with the furs of mighty beasts he himself had slain. His sword hung at his side, in a sheath made of monster skin. It, like his sword, had been his father's.

"My lady, it would be an honor to accompany you this fine evening." he said as he emerged, and quickly embraced her and kissed her. "Its been only a short while but it feels much longer. But, we must be going, people are waiting." he said, keeping one hand on his sword, he offered her his free arm.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah admired him with approval. Always he seemed to carry such presence. She then closed her eyes, rising on her toes as she returned the kiss and the embrace. When she set her heels back to the ground she added, “it feels like forever,” she said and laughed lightly. “And what of formalities? I like it when you call me Dei,” she smiled and took the proffered arm.

Both headed in the direction of the loud voices now talking and singing in merriment, apparently many had already been drinking for a while now. “Sounds like we have some catching up to do,” she slipped her hand down his arm and into his hand. "What do you say?" she turned to look at his blue eyes. "Are you up for a challenge?" she grinned playfully.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain grinned, interlacing his fingers with hers.

"Well, to get where they are, I'd have to have started... Last week." he said with a wink, the gesture odd, given the eyepatch.

"But I'm sure you'll have no problem catching up." he teased her as they stepped into the tavern that had been reserved for the occasion. He was glad she had come, it would be a great chance for them to spend time together... Amidst his training and drinking with his brothers in battle. He quickly spotted Alpha at a table and led Dei to it.

"Brother Alpha, it is good to see you again, and under such circumstances. This fine lass here is Deianarah McDowell. Dei, meet Alpha Endoscopia, Marshal of the Field of Honor, and hero of much renown."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah laughed at his comment, “last week huh?” she shook her head with disbelief. “Surely you boast.” She smirked and looked up at him. “Does that mean I will never have the pleasure of taking advantage of you in an inebriated state?” she asked, trying to picture him intoxicated and giggled. She looked ahead to the people gathered there. “Of course as for me… yes it shouldn’t take me long. Just promise you will keep an eye out for me.”

He then brought her to a table and introduced her to Marshal Alpha. She gave him a dazzling smile and nodded her head. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you.”

Roleplay from Alpha Enodscopia

Alpha spotted Lord Thain approaching with a young woman. He stood and said " Brother Thain, it has been too long since we last met. I hope the two of you can join me for a bottle of wine" He turned to the woman accompanying Thain "It is my pleasure to meet you Lady McDowell."

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain pulled out a chair and waited for Deianarah to sit before taking a seat himself, and gestured for a serving wench, who set down ales in front of them. Thain promptly downed his and smacked his lips appreciatively. He shot a look over at her, and smirked.

"That's one." he taunted, then tapped his eyepatch "And don't worry, I always keep an eye out." he joked.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Dei’s eyes widened as he downed his mug of ale and she took hers to her lips and started drinking. Of course she knew she would never be able to keep up at this rate but she would try. She managed to take a large drink and reached up to wipe some of the liquid that had trickled in the corner of her mouth and grinned as she lowered her mug to the table.

Then Thain made his joke and Deianarah burst out laughing. “You’re too cute,” she winked, her mouth set in what seemed a permanent smile. At least he had a good sense of humor and she loved that. She took a deep breath and finished her mug. “One,” she said and slid the mug forward, now empty.

This time Dei was the one to signal the wench over and she refilled their mugs. “Yeah at this rate… I’ll be singing with the rest of them in a few minutes” she pointed to some nobles a distance off who were singing loudly, no care in the world.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain pulled out a flask and took a long drink. He grinned at Dei, and pointed at it.

"Keeps things even, wouldn't want you getting too far ahead." he said, before drinking some more. "My father left quite the whiskey stash. Half went to Horus, but even still... I'm pretty sure he cleaned out Hatdhes before Soliferum took it over."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Maybe what he said was true after all, she would see soon enough. She picked up her second mug of ale and clinked it with his. “To good company,” she smiled and brought the drink to her mouth and took a large gulp. “I remember the whiskey,” she told him, “that is something I admit hit me quite hard last time.”

She eyed his flask but didn’t ask for any, she knew she would lose either way. She motioned for the wench to return and asked her for some food to be brought out to the table. Then she drank a bit more, and a few moments later she pushed her mug forward, “two.”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain watched as she downed hers and picked up another tankard and downed it,

"Now don't go passing out on me already, I'd hate to have to carry you back again." he teased. "By the way, I have your dress, you dropped it when you blacked out. I have it in my tent, we should go and... See it returned." he said, secretly wanting to just be alone with her.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“Aww…but you did such a good job of it last time. Plus it shouldn’t be difficult, since you’re so big and I’m so small,” she teased back and winked. She was already feeling the effects of the ale and she was very relaxed.

Then at the reminder of her dress, she frowned but it took her a moment to remember which dress he was referring to. “Wow, I had forgotten about that,” she said and moved back as the wench returned with a platter of spiced potatoes. She had barely eaten with all her traveling and took a small bite and chewed thoughtfully and swallowed slowly as a thought came to her. She then looked up to Thain, “have you found anything else with the dress?”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"Just this odd fruit... I hope you don't mind, I'm starving..." he said, pulling it out and taking a bite. He swallowed, and stopped walking, wondering at the shocked expression on her face.


Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

When he took out the fruit, her eyes grew wider as she recognized the Loveberry. She seemed to get a whirl of flashbacks that led to the drinking of the wine and then everything seemed to move too quickly for her to react and then she heard the crisp crunching of the fruit and all she managed to do was bring her hands up to her mouth with a shocked gasp.

He looked over at her with a mouthful of it with a “what” and she sighed, “oh...Gods Thain…” she looked around to the people around them who didn’t seem to notice them and he took another bite and grinned.

As if the worry of it made it obvious but she could now spot several women among the crowd. “This is… so not good,” she whispered and took his hand in hers and dragged him along faster to his tent. "Let's hurry, I really need to make sure the gown is fine," she said with worry. is fine," she said with worry.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain let himself be led along to his tent, wondering what it was with women and their clothes.

"Its in the chest at the foot of my bed." he said as they entered. He admired her figure for a moment, feeling the desire stir in him, and he pulled her into him and kissed her passionately.

"I dare say there is no fairer woman in all Arcaea. Not even the Queen compares. Stay with me Dei." he said, his nerves alight where they touched.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

She didn’t know what to do. From the look in his eyes the effects had already touched him. When he kissed her she closed her eyes, indulging in the sensation of it. Her head whirled with thoughts of him, and what she knew would happen if she stayed there. With him she never had much resistance to begin with, this would be near high impossible to walk away from.

She momentarily paused at his words, flattered wanting to hear more, but shook her head. Oh she knew much more would be coming soon.

She quickly returned outside the tent and spotted his squire and hers, “you and you, you will guard this tent as if your life depended on it. No one is to come in or out!” she said frantically and pushed Thain through the tent flap as he had followed her. She then took the fruit from his hand and held it out to keep him from eating it.

Again he moved closer to her and managed to pull away for a moment and put her hand on his chest. “Remember when I came back from the Spring court,” she informed him. “The wine I told you the Queen gave me…well it’s made with this fruit, Loveberry.” She brought it up for him to look at. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

She looked to the fruit in her hands, so small, yet so powerful. Then she looked up to Thain, she remembered the sensation well, and she knew if she didn’t give in, he would either spent a torturous night without her, or worse go out and find it somewhere else. So it was with that thought, she made him sit on the bed and sat on his lap. “Trust me,” she whispered as he frowned. She brought the fruit to her mouth and took a bite, chewing it and swallowed. “I don’t need the effects of it to know I want to be with you, but now we’ll share the passion together.” She leaned in and kissed him, throwing the fruit over her shoulder.

Outside both squires stood before Thain’s tent and watched everyone go by, determined to not let anyone in or out until the Lady changed her orders.

Thain and Deianarah gave in to one another, finally admitted their love and lay in bed talking for the rest of the night.