McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Duel

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Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah was walking through the halls of the palace when Alexandra handed her the latest letter and she gave her the ones she had just read. “Was there a madness festival I missed?” she asked as she rolled her eyes. “Had I known I would have dressed the part,” she continued and the blonde woman beside her seemed about to answer her, but hid a small smile instead. “Honestly,” she broke the seal and started to read another. Walking and reading at the same time proved to be difficult but she still had much to do that day.

Dei suddenly stopped walking and Alexandra bumped into her. “Of for the love of Odin!” Dei snapped and Alexandra shrunk back. “Is there something wrong my Lady?”

Deianarah’s expression hardened and having already recovered, her servant was quickly around to face her. The blonde woman then waved her hand in front of Dei, who seemed to be looking past her. “I’m going to kill him,” she whispered fiercely and Alexandra shrunk back. “Kill who?”

Deianarah didn’t even answer her and stormed off, angry. “If he so much as gets himself killed… well I’m going to kill him…again!” she said, and this time Alexandra repeated her words, trying to make sense of them, not really knowing who she was referring to. “But if he’s dead, how can you kill him?” she couldn’t help asking as she rushed to follow her.

“I don’t know,” Deianarah said shrilly, “but I’ll figure out a way!”

Alexandra paused, “My lady, uhm is this you, playing the part?” she asked unsure. Deianarah sighed with frustration and shook her head walking off.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain turned the corner and almost bumped into Deianarah.

"A'thaisce, it does brighten my day to see your lovely face again." he said, then pausing and frowning upon seeing the look upon her face.

"What's troubling you?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah staggered back, and strong hands caught her, steadying her. “Have to stop doing that,” she mumbled and looked up, realizing it was Thain. “Ohhh…” she said softly and then her brow furrowed, remembering why she had been so preoccupied in the first place. “Oh.”

Deianarah turned to Alexandra who seemed to be looking at Thain with a bit of awe. “You’re dismissed,” she told her and the blond woman gave him a bright smile before walking away.

Deianarah sighed and then looked back to Thain. Looking at him now, made it hard for her to continue to be angry with him, but she mentally scolded herself to be firm. She just couldn’t understand how he would tempt the tides of fate the way he did. “Thain, another duel?” she asked quickly unable to hide the anger in her voice.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"He gravely insulted my honor, my friends honor, and the honor of our realm. I have spared you from most of his rambling nonsense, but I will not stand idly by as he spouts his venom. That is the way of the Hall of Blood and Battle, the way of my father, of myself, of C'thonia." he said, pulling her in close, looking down into her eyes.

"And besides, I am the Chosen of the Elders, King of C'thonia, son of Senoske. What harm can a rambling idiot and former assassin, thrice damned coward, do to me? He knows nothing of honorable combat. And I doubt he'll accept anyway. I'll be quite alright my love, no need to worry." he said softly, and kissed her lightly.

"Seeing you calms my temper in quite a hurry. I'll leave the idiotic ramblings and conspiracy theories of Papania for a later hour."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“I understand he insulted your honor mo’cuishle, but you have just said so yourself, he knows nothing of honorable combat. It worries me, my insides burn at the thought of you dueling to the death. The first time I witnessed it was bad enough, and thankfully the gods spared me the heartache of losing you but I can’t…” She closed her eyes, remembering that day and took a deep calming breath. Well at least she tried to calm herself and put her hands to her stomach. “I couldn’t live through it,” she admitted and looked up, the shadow of her statement in her eyes.

“Please Thain,” she walked into his arms and leaned her head on his chest. “How would you feel if it were me dueling to the death?”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"I understand how you feel, but I cannot hold back on some of these issues." he said, holding her close.

"I'll be more careful, and not issue them out as much as I otherwise would, but I will not abstain completely. I cannot back down in the eyes of the world, that would go against everything I stand for and everything we have fought for. Don't worry yourself Dei, I'll be fine. Come, the defenses need preparation; we're needed on the walls. We'll drive them back, together."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah’s arms tightened around him and she gave a weak nod. Sure he would be more careful, but it didn’t take the worry away. “I understand your way Thain, I do not wish to change who you are,” she told him softly and looked up. “I love who you are... All I ask is that you remember that it doesn’t just affect you now… it also affects me.”

She stood on the tip of her toes and kissed him. “I can’t help myself, I worry because I love you so much. But you better be careful, or I will make you regret it” she whispered fiercely and gave him a lopsided grin. She slipped her hand into his and walked with him.