McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Steward

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Roleplay from Nihilus Orgauth

Nihilus was on the road to Arrmol alone, Silmeriel had asked him a favor...furthermore he had some things to speak with Dei too. Things weren't going well and as he discovered things could get even worse pretty soon. And so he took his horse and rode to her at a fast pace.

The sun was setting but the skies were still bright when he arrived.He dismounted and walked towards her camp. His long black hair and cloak flowing, he was wearing the clothes of a commander of the Scions of Shame. the only thing contrasting were his two silver rapiers.

As he approached he didn't need to identify himself as the guards knew him well, he was popular among the army for his songs, command, bravery and probably a lot more because of his parties and drinking contests. After presenting him the guards brought him inside, and he bowed as he saw the woman and said with his cool melodious voice.

"Greetings my lady, it's a pleasure to meet you personally at last. Silmeriel always spoke wonders of you and it seems she hasn't exaggerated. I came with a message and a gift."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah greeted him with a small nod of her head and a smile. “Greetings Sir Nihilus,” she repeated the name her guard had given her. “Yes, it is nice to finally meet you. I have to admit, Lady Silmeriel and I have not spoken in quite some time. I’m afraid we never had the chance to discuss you,” she quickly moved away to sit, hoping he would not see the small look of concern in her eyes. She wondered what exactly Silmeriel had told him. “Please join me,” she indicated the seat across from her. With a small wave, she indicated one of her servants to fetch them something to drink and waited on the man before her.

“A message and a gift?” she asked curiously, now intrigued.

Roleplay from Nihilus Orgauth

Nihilus noticed the look of concern but pretended not to and instead just sat on the place offered. The servant came with a drink which he gladly accepted. Then he picked a light silvery dagger hidden in his armor and offered it to Dei and said.

"This is the gift, Sil asked me to give it to you when she heard of the message. And I advise you to keep it with you always, preferably hidden on your clothes. The dagger is sharp and will cut through almost anything, it won't break easily too."

He then paused and examined the surroundings for a while before he spoke again

"You'll need it, the message is actually a warning. My sources tell me a group known as the Crows wants to capture you and demand a ransom. They are a powerful crime network here in the Far East but few people know of their existence. They just care about money and will sell you either to whoever pays more, be it Thain or Soliferum."

"Keep your eyes open and reinforce your guard, the men I saw outside are undisciplined and would never match an elite Crow in battle"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Taking the dagger he gave her, she looked down to it with a grateful smile, only when he divulged the message she abruptly stopped smiling. Deianarah’s hands slowly crept up to cover her abdomen and she stared ahead at Nihilus struck silent with shock. She didn’t even know what to say, she tried to speak but no words came forth and she bit her lip instead. She actually wished Thain was with her at that moment so she could look to him and know from the protective look in his eyes she had nothing to worry about, but he wasn’t there. In fact, if he actually heard of such a thing, Thain would vow to hunt this group down and make sure the threat was removed permanently.

“I don’t even know what to say…” she finally spoke and looked down to her hand to the ring Thain had given her. How she missed him, more so now. “I… thank you for the warning…” she said awkwardly and shifted uncomfortably on her chair. “Who else…uhm knows of this?” she leaned closer, her voice lowering. “and…why me?” she then added, thinking out loud.

Roleplay from Nihilus Orgauth

Nihilus sighed before he answered her question.

"They know how important you are for Thain, and as such they believe both he and Soliferum would pay a huge ransom. Thain to save you, Soliferum to wound him and possibly blackmail him"

He then paused for a moment and proceeded.

"Also they seem to have extremely accurate information about the Palace, you, the King, the guards...pretty much everything, which means they have or had someone inside for quite some time"

Roleplay from Alpha Enodscopia

A loud knock, on his bedchamber door, woke Alpha as he slept in his manor at Azros. He awoke and granted permission to enter. The steward of the house entered, "My Lord, a royal messenger awaits." Quickly dressing himself, Alpha made his way to the lower rooms where the messenger was. It was obviously urgent business, the messenger was flanked by several guards.

The palace contingent bowed, and one man stepped forward to hand the Warmaster a letter. He read "King Thain has abdicated, and is not to be found." After a horse had been prepared he rode a short distance to the royal palace. Perhaps Deianarah could explain, in more detail, what was happening.

He came up on the palace, which despite the early hour was a bustle of activity. The guards recognized him and opened the gates. He rode immediately to the doors, gave his horse to the stable boy, and went inside. As was proper, he was greeted upon entry. He asked "Ask Duchess Deianarah to meet with me at her soonest possible convenience." convenience."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Nihilus was so confident in his words it brought a cold shiver to Deianarah’s spine making her visibly tremble. “Again… thank you, for this warning,” she told him. She was grateful, but now she would constantly be looking over her shoulder. Nothing different from her childhood she supposed.

Her light brown eyes then gazed towards the direction of the tent entrance and then back to him. “I will double my guard, and make sure to request the King’s elite.” She rose from her chair and around the desk. She then set cold hands into his. “I apologize this meeting is so short, but I have to return home to Azros. I believe all command leaders have been recalled there as well, will you join me?” she asked, and gave an apologetic smile. “After your words it would make me feel better.” Nihilus nodded at her words, and they both prepared to leave.

Lately all she seemed to be doing was traveling back and forth from Arrmol to Azros to ensure both regions were cared for, and that Arrmol had some semblance of order in the absence of a Lord.

When she returned home to the Palace in Azros, she had much difficulty sleeping that night. She kept tossing and turning unable to find comfort, especially feeling the empty space in the bed beside her. She had been awake for some time, watching the shadows dance about the room when someone disturbed the silence with a knock at her door. When she bid them to enter, her young handmaiden reached her bedside with whispered words. “Sorry to disturb you my lady, but Warmaster Alpha wishes to see you.”

Deianarah’s delicate brows furrowed. Stepping out of bed, she was thankful for the excuse to leave the shadows and slipped a heavy robe of lustrous white satin, embroidered with silver trim over her silk nightgown and lifted her dark blond hair from the inside to rest down her back. “I will speak with him immediately,” she told the other woman. She was not dressed formally, but in this case, she didn’t want to wait. Alpha never came to see her, especially at this time of day.

When she reached the welcoming area she found Alpha. “Warmaster, it is good to see you again after all this time” she greeted with a smile. “Please, enter” she indicated with a hand as she started to walk away. “How may I be of assistance?” she asked.

Roleplay from Alpha Enodscopia

Alpha spoke "It is nice to see you Duchess, and I apologize for waking you at such an early hour, but a royal messenger arrived, a short time ago, saying Thain had abdicated his throne, and has not been seen in some days. I know I had not spoken with him in a few days, but I assumed he was occupied with matters of the court. I was hoping you would know where he has gone, if anyone would."

He paused, looking out a window to see that sun had not even risen yet. "C'thonia will need a sovereign, and soon. I can think of no one more than you that Thain would wish to hold the throne."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah shook her head lightly, “I could not sleep as it was,” she explained and gave him a smile of reassurance. They then stopped walking near a window and she looked up, Alpha could very well see in her eyes she was uncertain of matters herself but she was the best placed noble in the situation to explain what was happening.

She glanced away from him to the window. “Several days ago, Thain informed me he was leaving and that he would only be gone a short time and would write to me as soon as he could…” she paused and her eyes saddened. “He never explained the reasons for his urgent departure only that it simply could not wait and that I should trust him. He did not bring anyone with him, which explains the lack of news, and I can only conclude he is away from civilizations and unable to find a scribe or a runner…” Reaching up she brought her robe tighter. “I had hoped he would find a way, before this occurred, for him to contact me, but alas…”

She then sighed and looked back to him. “I understand the people need someone to look to and the King’s presence alone gives them courage and hope, but I am unsure if I am fit for this position. If the people accept me, then I will take the responsibility gladly for my beloved. If they don’t, then I’m afraid Warmaster, the one person other than myself Thain trusts above all others for this duty, is you.”

Roleplay from Alpha Enodscopia

Alpha was, at least, reassured that the King's departure had not been unexpected. He found it likely that the King had business with the Order. Alpha spoke reassuringly "I am certain that he will send a letter as soon as he is able." Ascending the throne now would not be too far removed from the first time he ascended the throne. A small realm, the Monarch recently abdicated, and locked in a battle with Soliferum. The thought of the Grand Lodge made the man smile, memories of the old days. He spoke "It would be my honor to guide C'thonia in this time of need."

The sun had just risen, and battle drew nigh. "It was nice speaking with you, but I must go. If the scouts were correct Soliferum marches now on the city. It is time to begin my preparations. May Hildr protect you today." He bowed lightly to the Duchess, and made his way out of the palace."

Roleplay from Nihilus Orgauth

Nihilus was in a room in the palace writing poems when his scribe barged into the room and delivered him a letter. The boy looked extremely anxious and nervous, but since he had been like that lately Nihilus didn't find it that strange. He opened the letter while drinking some wine.

"Elected as Ruler You have been elected as the King of your realm. Congratulations."

Nihilus was obviously not expecting this and spilled the wine all over the floor, coughing desperately while he choked with the wine. The scribe started tried to help him to no avail until after several minutes he finally stopped coughing and smiled.

"Damn that almost took my life Jonathan, I was sure Alpha would get this one, I even voted for the old Al"

"Well well, so be it steward for the good and grumpy Thain" He then paused a bit, looking around as if looking for something.

"My good John, get me more wine, I'll need it, but not that strong Arcachonian wine, I need to keep sober, bring some Arcaean. I'll need more gold and troops too I guess...ask the family again, damn I becoming a leech of their gold, but whatever it isn't my fault."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah read the report again and her hands closed over it crumpling the parchment and threw it across the room. “Argh!” she shouted with frustration and then buried her face in her hands, with a hopeless sigh.

She kept telling the nobles not to lose hope, but it was she, who was slowly losing hope. She felt such a large weight on her shoulders, it was easy to provide others comfort and a sense of strength and courage, but for her… the only comfort or sense of protection she ever had was gone. When Thain was with her she felt like she could take the world with her bare hands, but now, she felt so miniscule and powerless, forgotten and unimportant.

Lowering her hands, she wiped the tears off her cheeks. Have courage A’thaisce Thain’s voice filled her head and she sighed again. She had to be strong, if not for herself, but for him.

Sir Nihilus had been made steward in Thain’s absence. Despite hers and Thain’s wishes to have Alpha take the responsibility. Everything would play out well in the end, she hoped. She refused to call Nihilus, King. Not out of disrespect for him, but out of respect for her betrothed, this was only temporary. How she missed him, now more than ever. The only problem that made it all harder, was that she didn’t have a set time before he returned and then… what if something had happened to him while he was away? How would she ever know if he was still alive, or if he had been hurt? Shaking her head, she stopped her train of thought. It only brought her misery and her insides crawled with trepidation.

“Your Grace,” her handmaiden walked in, bringing her out of her thoughts and Dei quickly wiped more tears that had found their way to her cheeks. “Yes?” she whispered.

“The carriage is ready,” she indicated and Deianarah swallowed the tears at the back of her throat and gave her a brave countenance. “I will be down shortly.”

Her handmaiden left, and Deianarah took a look around the room. If only she could find a way to see Thain again. A way to know he was well.

Turning around, she put a heavy cloak over her shoulders and stopped abruptly. “Silmeriel,” she said with extreme hope in her voice.