McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Raphael

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Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain sent out a letter to Raphael Ironsides.

Sir Raphael, you are to present yourself to the King with all due haste. The letter was short and simple. Thain sat back back in his chair, and looked over at the war-hammer sitting next to him. That ingrate Mal had run off with the last one. Hopefully, Thain thought, Sir Raphael would appreciate the honor of his station more than his predecessor.

Roleplay from Raphael Ironsides

Resting on the balcony of his estate in the capital city, Raphael saw his messenger Luca steadily walking towards the front entrance. From the top, Raphael called down.

"Luca, what's the rush?"

The messenger answered, "Master Raphael! You've been summoned by the King, and, and you've been promoted to the Vice-Marshal position of the Hammer of Thor army!"

Raphael stopped breathing for a second. What? That position is directly under the King! he thought to himself.

"Oh my falling snow, truly?" he answered back. The messenger nodded and pulled out the announcement and the summons. Raphael immediately prepared himself to visit the King, an occasion he was very nervous about.

Entering the lobby of the King's palace, Sir Raphael was dressed his dandiest best. He was young and flashy, but soft and uncertain. Definitely still youthful. He approached a chamber maid and announced his arrival, he was not even sure the proper procedure for visiting a King. Did I arrive too late?, he thought...

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

The chamber maid led Raphael into a small chamber, Thain sat to one side, buffing the scratches out of his armor. Next to him, leaning against the wall was a large war hammer, emblazoned with the symbol of Nighthelm, and the seal of Hildr. Thain looked up as they entered, and Thain stood.

"Welcome Sir Raphael. Please, come in. Sit. Have some wine if you wish." Thain said, gesturing towards a decanter. "Be at ease."

Roleplay from Raphael Ironsides

After first bowing to the King in modest awe, Raphael refused the wine but admired the hammer.

"My King, may I first say I am blessed and, uh..." he froze for a second, "out of respect for you I arrived by your summons. May I sit?" remembering full well that the King had already asked him to sit, but stumbling over his speech.

"This is quite a lovely chamber you have, although I would recommend having a bit more variety in colour for the drapes." He said hoping to find his centre within the King's presence. He was nervous and unable to think beyond small talk, especially since he was always trained to revere kings as superiors and mighty nobles of strength and power.

He was as a mouse to a lion.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"Sit down then my friend." Thain said, gesturing for Raphael to sit, and waiting until he had to continue. He picked up the hammer next to him and turned it over in his hands.

"It's quite the masterpiece. Perfectly balanced, powerful and still a work of art. Qualities to look for in a warrior as well as a weapon, wouldn't you say?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah frowned as she looked to the material in her hands. “Is this the only color they could find?” she asked sarcastically as she turned the blue silk in her hands. “What if it’s a girl?” she asked innocently, her lady in waiting seemed to pause with a long lock of Deianarah’s dark blond hair in her hands and looked up as if the question itself was blasphemy.

“The King will have an heir,” she said firmly and Dei’s eyebrow rose at the tone of her voice. Deep down she knew, how important it was for any King to have an heir, but she was only trying to be realistic. Besides, Thain would love her and the child, no matter what gender it was. This, she knew with all certainty.

“I wonder what he will be named,” her lady in waiting pondered and Deianarah frowned letting out a small sigh. “I have thought of several names…” she offered and the other woman looked up as if she was daft. “The King will be the one to name him,” at this Dei pushed the material back in her hands, forcing her to let go of the arrangement in her hair.

“You will take this and that wicked arrogance of yours, turn around and take a long walk. Mind you’ll stop when I deem you’ve walked long enough to think your behavior through, is that clear?” The other woman’s eyes widened and she clung to the silk.

There seemed a small battle of looks where the other woman knew she was in the presence of her superior and bowed. “As you wish your grace,” she answered meekly. “Oh I wish it, and more, lucky for you I’m in a light mood today, now walk.”

Dei watched her leave, with confusion in her eyes. Was she to walk around court? Deianarah didn’t care, she just wanted her out of her sight.

“Where is the King?” Dei’s light brown eyes narrowed and she asked another lady in waiting who had watched the entire exchange with wide eyes and a pale complexion. She continued working on Dei’s long locks. “He was last seen in his war room,” she offered and Dei nodded, patiently waiting for her to finish the elaborate hair style.

Leaving the room, the sound of her satin gown touching the floor dissipated and she made her way through the palace and to the room. The door was just being closed and the servant bowed in her presence. She could hear voices within and stopped the servant with a light touch. “Who is with the King?” she asked softly.

“Sir Raphael Ironsides,” he informed her and a smile reached her lips. “Oh… very good,” she grinned, she would have liked to enter but Thain’s affairs were his own. “Inform me once they are done, I would very much like to meet Sir Raphael.” The servant bowed and stayed near the door, complying with her request.

Roleplay from Raphael Ironsides

In reply to the King, Raphael intuitively said,

"Yes, and it must have taken a great deal of time to forge such a magnificent and effective tool of death. At one time it was merely a collection of materials waiting to be sanctified. Perhaps this too is the way of the Warrior?"

Feeling a bit more comfortable in the presence of the King, Raphael was able to relax a bit and appreciate this great event of his life. He was so young and already an acquaintance of royalty. Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"Indeed it is. Remember that, and you'll go far." Thain said, and then set the hammer unceremoniously in Raphael's lap.

"It's yours now. It’s the badge of your office. Wield it or not, I don't care. But it will be displayed at the battles you participate in. As for your title, Vice Marshal is a rather underwhelming title for the position you're actually in. You will be known as First Captain Raphael Ironsides. Aside from the Warmaster and myself, you are the ranking military official, the first among my captains."

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

“But milord, are you sure about this?” one of his soldier’s, Samuel, asked and Alec stopped in his tracks to look at him. “I can’t very well wave a pen and parchment at Soliferum and hope I miraculously strike one of them in the eye. Then by magnanimous chance his comrades will see my magnificent pen wielding display and fall over themselves with fear and go back home… I have to do something.”

Alec started to walk again and Samuel was at his heels. The blond man stopped in front of the recruitment center and the soldier following, bumped into him. “Do you mind… I like closeness,” he then looked him up and down with a cocked eyebrow, “but Sam, you’re not going to cut it, I like them fairer, and softer to the touch if you get my meaning…” he grinned and walked in. “Yes milord,” he said under his breath, but couldn’t help the grin at the thought.

When Alec recruited more men to add to his unit, he then pondered what to call them. As if someone had talked to him, words came to him. Legion of Chaos , he then remembered where it apparently came from and changed his mind. “Well men… I hope you won’t shy in the face of battle, you will now be known as the Swords of Chaos… live up to it!” he ordered and walked by his new Captain. “Oswin… I’ll be keeping an eye, make sure they’re ready.”

With that, Alec said goodbye to his Courtier days…

Roleplay from Raphael Ironsides

Holding the weapon in his hand, he admired it. It was unlike anything ever in his possession, and it meant something far more than he realized for it would define the rest of his life.

"My King," and as he knelt he put the hammer to his face and bowed, "I will commit my life to this sign of office, to this position of gravity and to your throne. Though I am very young and inexperienced, just as the materials for this hammer were raw, so will I be forged into the hammer of our realm. I accept the duty of First Captain and await further orders."

He stood up, thinking the appointment was complete and waiting for the King's directon.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain grinned, and then raised his hand, and smacked Raphael hard across the face, sending him reeling, the customary acceptance of an oath in C'thonia.

"Good. And that is so you remember your vow." he said "Do me proud First Captain. Rally the army, recruit up and brace yourself. Soliferum will be here soon. Watch and learn from the Warmaster and myself. You will learn much from the Warmaster, he is an old legend, and one of the finest warriors ever to grace the island."

Roleplay from Tarais Garalos

The travel from Haul was long, Tarais pulled his dark clothse close to him the war with Sol was starting to bother him. If only he had the skill to just cut the head from that beast and end the corruption. The King Thain was doing all he could to reach the same end. He held great respect for that man, what he was doing. If it came down to choosing any man over his family it would be Thain.

Hopefully he would get the chance to meet him before the battle in Azros, to shake his hand.

Roleplay from Raphael Ironsides

Clutching his swelling face, First Captain Raphael nodded and made his exit. He now had a duty to uphold and an army to wield.

He knew he was in for a long learning curve.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“The King and Sir Raphael are now available,” the servant told her and Deianarah nodded. She hadn’t been far from the room. And when she walked down the hallway, she noticed Sir Raphael making his exit. He was only making it out of the door, when she came face to face with him. “Sir Raphael,” Deianarah greeted. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you.” At the questioning look in his eyes, she gave a small smile. “Deianarah McDowell,” she introduced herself, knowing it wasn’t necessary, but if only to make him at ease.

From behind him, she could still see Thain in the room also preparing to make his exit and she gave him a personal smile, her eyes filled with love. She returned her gaze to Raphael. “I trust your meeting went well?” she asked, noticing the hammer in his hands. “I wished to congratulate you in person.”

Roleplay from Raphael Ironsides

Upon walking out of the King's chamber, the newly appointed First Captain is introduced to the Imperial Inquisitor, and receives the congratulations.

"My Duchess, you are so kind. Thank you kindly for your accolades, I feel as though I have suddenly been propelled into the limelight. I would not want to disappoint anyone, especially not the King or yourself. May I compliment your beauty this fine day? I hope that I am not standing in the way of your important daily affairs?" He said taking a quick look back to the King's chamber.

Holding the hammer in his hand gave him a bit more confidence to speak with such magnanimous personages, and he liked that.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah’s cheeks blushed lightly and she gave a small nod of her head, “I thank you for your wonderful compliment.” She then grinned and light brown eyes sparkled, he was young, but so was she... She knew Thain didn’t make decisions lightly and she had the utmost confidence in his judgment. “I assure you, the pleasure is ours,” she glanced to the hammer in his hands, and secretly, smiled approvingly. “Simply remain true, vigilant, and steadfast and you will find your true home here with us...”

She then looked back as Raphael glanced in the King’s direction. “No you are not keeping me from my daily affairs, meeting you was at the top of my priorities for the day. I know we have urgent matters to attend to concerning the enemies marching at our doorstep, but if you wish it, you may visit and stay at court as long as you like.”