Lapallanch Family/Zakilevo/Zakilevo's Election Speech for the Seat of Prime Minister

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Letter from Zakilevo Lapallanch
Message sent to everyone in your realm (63 recipients)
Fellow realm mates,

I will be running for the seat of Prime Minister as well. If I am elected, I will try to achieve some goals which I have mentioned in the realm council.

First, I would like to weakening Perdanese influence in the north. Ever since Perdan created Westmoor, they caused nothing but havoc in the north. Many of you remember when Perdan attacked us with Westmoor during the last war. If possible, I will try to reduce their influence in the north by reducing Westmoor. This will give more room for our ally, Nivemus to expand and increase our own influence. Though I cannot guarantee if I will get the chance during my term as Prime Minister, I will do my best to reduce Perdanese influence near our border.

Second, I will try to improve our relations with our neighbours and southern realms. It is always better to have more friends than foes and I want to work on building an alliance with the realms of the south as well, an alliance that can count on each other if possible.

Hopefully our nobles see me as a worthy candidate for the position. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Zakilevo Lapallanch

General of Sirion
Zakilevo Lapallanch