New Westmoor

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Revision as of 20:30, 1 July 2012 by Mathros (talk | contribs)
New Westmoor.jpg
Regional News
1 July 1012

Looting Reported message to all nobles of Westmoor Sirion forces have damaged the roads in Dulbin!

Looting Reported message to all nobles of Westmoor Tax collectors and wealthy locals in Dulbin have been attacked and robbed by Sirion forces!

Looting Reported message to all nobles of Westmoor Sirion forces have plundered and marauded in Dulbin!

Looting Reported message to all nobles of Westmoor Sirion forces have plundered and marauded in Dulbin!

Looting Reported message to all nobles of Westmoor Sirion forces have plundered and marauded in Dulbin!

Monster Activity Monsters are rampaging in Evora: 18 peasants were eaten, stomped or otherwise killed by the monsters.

Battle in Krimml Caligus, Westmoor vs. Fontan Estimated strengths: 1170 men vs. 110 men The Caligus' Golden Talons (Caligus), sponsored by Dobromir Menethil, King of Caligus, were led into battle by Marshal Gemini Devibane. Lillian Flame (Dame of Fontan) is spotted wearing the Sacred Crown of Beauty. The heroine Rhidhana Dubhaine of Fontan, Minister of Defense of Fontan was killed by Percival Prestongreen's unit.

Attacker Victory!

 Rhidana Dubhaine struck down in Krimml 30 June 1012

In a tragic symbol of the fall of the once mighty realm of Fontan, Rhidana Dubhaine was struck down today by the unit of Percival Prestongreen the Cagilan duke of Hamadan. Although somewhat eccentric Rhidana was a long standing member of Fontan through thick and thin holding the position of Minister for defense multiple times during her lifetime. As previously mentioned in June Fontan is without a ruler or a judge and now that Rhidana has had her life ended there is only a treasurer Ariana Carnes left in a council seat of what should be four.

Rhidana was present feared and loathed on the other side of numerous battles with Westmoor and respected as one of our enemies. Instead of fleeing to other realms as many of the Fontan nobles did during it's fall she chose to remain until the bitter end dying a heroes death in Fontan's remaining city of Krimml. Always quick to tell us to "cast off the yoke" of whoever was in charge at the time it was Rhidana who was sadly unable to change the government of Fontan which lost all its diplomatic allies. With Caligus and Perdan's declaration of war Fontan was doomed.

Fontan still has thirty nobles remaining as members of the realm most of which are expected to start packing their bags. Where will they go to? Sirion is obviously a likely but ironic new home, other possibilities include former Ibladeshi allies Eponllyn and Armonia. Obviously it's somewhat unlikely that Fontanese nobles will want to make a home for themselves in Westmoor, Perdan or Caligus.

Loved and hated, respected and loathed: Rest in peace Rhidana Dubhaine.


