New Westmoor

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Revision as of 17:58, 4 June 2012 by Mathros (talk | contribs)
New Westmoor.jpg
Regional News
3 June 1012

Battle in Bruck Sirion vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 740 men vs. 60 men The Army of Sirion (Sirion), sponsored by Ecthelion Tezokian, Duke of Sirion, Margrave of Sirion, were led into battle by Marshal Webin cIipt. Sir Ilias Thunthorn (Royal) is spotted wielding the Axe of Betrayal.

Attacker Victory!

Battle in Dulbin (rogue) vs. Westmoor Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. ? men

Defender Victory!

Ruler Re-elected message to Everyone on East Continent The realm of Fontan has reconfirmed Aulus Severus of the Scipii in the position of Chancellor.

Ruler Re-elected message to Everyone on East Continent The realm of Sirion has reconfirmed Zakilevo Lapallanch in the position of Prime Minister.

Again sorry for the lack of news. Among other things I was wounded in Braga by Rhidana Dubhaine and Ariana of Fontan. My healers were more successful in removing the arrow this time especially after I suggested what could be done with it if they happened to repeat the mistake of last time.

1 June 1012

Monsters! Monsters have been seen in the region of Braga. The local population is requesting help and fears that the monsters will eat their food and destroy their houses.

War! Sirion has declared war on us!

Tournament Announced Nafsika Aroo, Priestess of Church of Humanity, Duchess of Aix, Margravine of Aix has announced a tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Aix 7 days from now. There will be a charge of 10 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 600 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 300 gold for the second best All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

 Sirion declares war! 3 June 1012

Sirion - (also known as pointy eared scum) have declared war against the kingdom of Westmoor allegedly for expanding into Fontanese territory and threatening them. As the Queen of Armonia so aptly described this turn of events it is somewhat ridiculous for a realm the size of Sirion to declare war on a realm half the size of itself for the reason of expansion. Sirion has also aggressively been claiming Fontan regions such as Commonyr and Oberndorf for Nivemus the latter we agreed on (both formerly part of Fontan). Sirion it seems is only concerned about realms other than itself and it's puppet claiming regions from Fontan. Their interests in protecting Fontan itself can be summed up about as much as the rest of the continent so they really have no excuse at all other than giving into the right wing militaristic elves of Avamar who arrogantly believe themselves above the rest of mankind on the East Continent.

To the swords once more! The Elves will be made to pay for their continued attempts to dismantle Westmoor. They will not find us unprepared. We will make them bleed for every step they take into our lands and make them beg to be returned to the bosom trees that excreted them out.


