D'Arricarrère Family/Torpius/Miscellaneous RPs

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Redwald Halford

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Returning from the Golden Fields, in where Torpius had spent the whole day preaching, he found quite a commotion in where not a day ago had been his newly-taken estate. The servants were removing everything, and preparing to move it all to the Southwind, an estate located near the bridge connecting towards Pianese and Vesperian lands. "A very suitable place" Torpius thought to himself, before noticing the arrival of another noble. Gazing the group Torpius approaches alone in his horse and gestures them: "Greetings, I am expecting my new liege, the Lord of Ciarin Tut, and his newest Knight to arrive. May any of you be one of them?"
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Redwald Halford
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Redwald was sitting amongst his men. The ironically named 'Honor Legion of War' was a lowly outfit of ill-trained men who thought of themselves as great heroes. A few had held a knife in inane bar quips and pagehood woman-conflicts, but none knew how to fight. A few were playing peasant games, others were drinking. Redwald was talking to Captain Galhad, a thick man with a thicker skull, when he heard the hooves of an approaching horse.

Redwald looked upon the horseman with surprise, and then interest after hearing Torpius' introduction.

"Yes. I am Redwald, the new knight of Ciarin Tut." Redwald paused to inspect the newcomer. "Who might you be?"
Redwald Halford (Noble)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Torpius smiled at Rewald's reply and answered: "I am Lord Torpius, your peer as a knight of Ciarin Tut and priest of Aetheris Pyrism. It is a pleasure to meet you." He takes a look at his men, and without dropping the smile he continues: "I see your men are getting acquainted to the region, it is a good one, I assure you, though the dry winds of the northwest can make the temperature drastically change without prior notice. Your estate is located following the road to the north." He pointed said route and asked: "Mind if I guide and make you company? I am quite interested in knowing more about yourself, your roots and your beliefs. Tell me, do you honor your ancestors, respect the spirits all around us, and worship one or more Gods?"
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Redwald Halford
Message sent to Message sent to: Torpius d'Arricarrère
Redwald looks at his men, shakes his head, and then turns to Torpius. "My men are far too acquainted with the region, a little dry spell might help whip them into shape. In any case, I would favor the company of a priest." Redwald motioned to his captain to take care of his men while he is away.

"I am from the Halford family. We are two brothers, I am Redwald the elder. My father died unexpectedly in a battle, I was too young to understand. But now I know that it is my duty to revenge my fathers death and to seek honor for my family name. Ancestors are the things I worship most, for they have created who I am and they imbibe my very soul. My brother believes there are spirits, he would talk of them. That is why he stayed in Perdan. I do not necessarily disbelieve him, but I simply do not know. I came to Dwilight to find myself."

Redwald paused for a moment in contemplation. He was, perhaps, a little homesick.

"You ask a lot of questions. Tell me, what are your roots and your beliefs?"
Redwald Halford (Noble)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Torpius listens carefully, and replies: "Indeed, curiosity is certainly a very particular trait of mine. I must say that I condense both your and your brother's beliefs, in both my ancestors and in the spirits from the world, and besides them I also worship and keep a close connection with the Gods from above. They have commanded me to create a Church that would worship them and have us honor our ancestors, many of which now look upon us by the side of the Holy Ones. We also take the opportunity to learn as much as possible from the Divine, and be able to deal ourselves with the Spirits we come across. Should you be interested, you might find aid for your enlightenment path in our community. But please do not answer me now, rest first and meditate upon the idea." As he finishes the sentence Torpius hands Redwald a small book containing the principles of Aetheris Pyrism along with descriptions of some rituals and prayers. "Tell me, as you have recently arrived to Dwilight and the Lurias is there perhaps anything you would like to know? I have lived in these lands for years, and been either part or close witness to many important events, such as those that erupted into the war that is now ending the one of the two oldest-standing realms in Dwilight, the motherland for all Lurians: Pian en Luries."
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Redwald Halford
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Redwald's head was spinning as he put down the little book Torpius gave him.

'I am in awe. My mother told me of the Austere Star, but never of gods or flamma or the worlds that exist with and beyond our own. Tell me, not of current history, but of the other world. My imagination has been captured, and I would be honored to join your community. What must I do?'

Redwald put his head down. Something in his gut told him that the preaching horseman with the book and goodwill would be more important than he could ever imagine, if he wanted to reconnect with his brother's spirit.
Redwald Halford (Noble)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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"All you have to do is publicly profess your affiliation to the Church, your acceptance of its credo", answered Torpius, so I can welcome you as a full member and brother-in-faith.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to: Redwald Halford
"The history of the worlds..." Torpius began, his gaze lost in the horizon, "it is a very peculiar question, one not many make, but I hope I will be able to satisfy. See, there was a time before time as we know it, in where things existed in a way they no longer exist, and the mortal world was but an idea. Back then the Gods 'lived' and fought each other, but they were not alone. Great spirits of evil we call Demons, not to be confused with the earthly Daimons, among other entities lurked the Spiritual Realm, and from time to time threatened both the Gods and the existence itself, for in their greed and lust they fueled an entity we call by the epithet of the nothingness, may his name be forgoten." Torpius took from a small pouch a pinch of a brownish powder and put it in the palm of his hand, while opening with a single hand his waterskin and washing the soiled hand, never interrupting the story: "Though the essence of the Demons might not be different from the Gods, and be a name for the fallen ones, this is still subject for much debate, but do not let me get carried away..."

Drying his hand in his robe he got back to the subject at hand: "Anyway, many things happened during this time, certainly much more than we know, but by messages from the Gods through visions we came to know some of it. See, at what we call the beginning, solely because it is the first we know of, not meaning everything started then, such world was ruled in stability by a strong alliance between Charkh, the Executioner, who is one of our Gods, and he who we now call the 'Dark Underlord'. As with all things, his rule passed when he was slain - and notice that death holds not the same meaning to the Gods as it holds to us, for they are truly immortal - by betrayal from the Dark One. See, at that time another God, called Vlan, the Hellborn, gathered many of the displeased Gods and started a grand rebellion. It was a time of strife and chaos, and it was the perfect moment for the betrayal that ended the rule of the Tyrant."

Torpius took a sip from his waterskin before continuing: "and that marks the end of the first age, and is followed by one of sorrow and pain, in where the Demons rule the world. This forced the quarreling Gods to unite for the first time, and with their combined might overthrew the Demons, and started the third age, one of peace imposed upon everyone, for that was the agenda of those leading the Gods." Gesturing to the group, Torpius says: "As we humans, who were modeled in the image of the Holy Ones, the Gods also have a hard time finding peace and consensus among them, and the prohibition of violence angered many of them, whose nature was in itself more violent. This led to two results of grand importance. The first one is that some Gods corrupted themselves in order to acquire power and subvert the order. Unrecognizable, they turned into what now the Undead are modeled in the image of, destroying the stability. The second one is that the Demons gained allies, further weakening the rule of the Gods, who were forced to gather in a grand conclave, for they were to face threats never seen before, in the battlefield the world was that resembled nothing of what it used to be, for the corruption had also scarred it. It is there that enters Nalucht, the Sweet Tongue, God who devised a plan to create a world to model their own, though in a much simpler and crude shape, so as to fool and trap the Demons and corrupted Gods. Every God gave some if his essence, and even the Underlords ended up influencing its shape, so the mortal world was cast as a shade of the Spiritual Realm, and now serves as a trap for the Unholy Ones, who live far underground, thinking to be in ruling from above. And we, humans, are the servants of the Gods, made of their essence, and bound to return to them should we be wise enough not to corrupt our essences or see it destroyed and consumed by the nothingness." Torpius ended the story gesturing at everything around them and asked with a smile on his face: "what do you think of all this?"
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Redwald Halford
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Redwald looked down and gave a pensive sigh. "What do I think? The tale of gods and demons and the world below our own is compelling." Reflecting upon what had been said, a glint of worry came to Redwald's eyes. "The world is, as you said, crude. Are we doomed? What is the Nothingness, and how may I keep my essence pure? Who are my enemies, and who are my friends in this world for rejoining the gods in the skies? I feel as though I turned over a rock and found the universe!" Redwald looked up at Torpius, but his face was smiling. "You know something? I like you. You know all the histories and remind me very much of my brother Thrydwulf. He was also a very good storyteller." Redwald pulled out a small stone slap from his pocket. It was smooth and unmarked, and it fit entirely within his palms. "Watch this." Redwald carved a small symbol onto the stone. His lines were elegant and clean, and eventually the marks formed into a hatched pattern. "This is the symbol for my family, the family chisel-stone means everything to a Halford." Redwald put his hand out with the stone, offering it to Torpius. "If you accept it we too will be brothers, and I will take an oath to fight your enemies for I have none."
Redwald Halford (Noble)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Still smiling Torpius answered: "The mortal world is crude, but only in comparison to the spiritual one. Imagine, if gazing at the complexity and variety of lives and sights one is marveled", Torpius was now extending his arms as if to cover everything around them, "if at some points of life one loses his breath, perhaps in the sight of the beauty of one's lover, or in the majesty of the liege to whom respect and obedience is owed... If all this could be considered crude in comparison, how wondrous is the spiritual world to where we shall return when this is over? Surely worlds lack to describe it. So, doomed? I hardly think so, I believe we are blessed beyond imagination. It might be that this world's outer shell is doomed, but all the spirits residing within it will transcend, should they avoid the paths of corruption or consumption."

Torpius took then a darker semblance: "But who is this nothingness? Who is the enemy? To the first question I could answer that it is one of the ones referred in the second. When we abandon sanity and hope, when we leave natural order, then we give in to the nothingness, and we have our essences consumed little by little until there is nothing but the empty shell of our bodies. But he is not the only enemy, for the Underlords still act upon this world, and even though trapped and fooled, their power is great, immense if compared to our simple natures. They tempt us and attempt to corrupt us, to take our essences for themselves and eternally feed the greed and lust that burs them from the inside. For that we must not give in to temptations, or let corruption stain us, least we feel like joining such a filthy end..."

He returned to smile, albeit weakly now, but as he spoke he started to be taken by emotion: "Indeed, you describe very well the feeling of finding the Truth about what surrounds us and the glory that awaits us... But await until you have seen a glimpse of what the future holds us! Until you have felt the embrace of the Gods..!" His eyes focused, his fist firmly closed, his arm tensed lost in gesticulation, he suddenly stopped, and with a slight blush in his cheeks he retook the speech: "But, yes, apologies if I have been taken by passion, it is hard for me not to be overwhelmed with it after experiencing what I have... But time will show you, of that I am sure, and when the time comes we shall partake of the feast of the Gods as brothers." Torpius smiled and receiving the stone in his hand he answered: "It will be an honor to accept your friendship, and you may consider me a brother through this life as well from now on. But worry not about my enemies, for either they are not from this world or their ill intentions find no reciprocation in me. I am but an instrument, a servant of the Gods, and their will I shall see done. Men and Demons may oppose me, but they will not be facing me, but something much greater than I, simple mortal messenger."
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Ruron Sidorov

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Ciarin Tut (1 recipients)
Finding the Earl in Ciarin Tut, Torpius approached and saluted: "Greetings, Lord Mattan Dews. I have been told you were passing through the region. How fare you in Solaria's westernmost reaches? If you do not mind, I would like to inquire you a bit on spiritual and perhaps philosophical matters."
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Ruron Sidorov
Message sent to (Personal message to Torpius d'Arricarrère)
Ruron returned the salute:"Grettings Lord Torpius d'Arricarrère and welcome to Solaria, you have been told correct and I stand ready to answer any and all inquiries you may have. Tis challenging managing a region who's boarder shares that of the wilds, but it makes for never a dull moment. What brings you to these Solarian lands, surely it cannot be to seek myself however if it is please share. Let us take our conversation to the nearest tavern I intend to leave come sunrise unless you would like me to say longer." Ruron leads Torpius into a local tavern finding a place to discuss matters in peace, orders a round of Ciarin Tuts finest brew, "Can a man of the cloth join a fellow lord in a drink or would your Gods not favor it?" chuckles to himself and raises his glass, "To Arbiter Solari, to the fallen, and to prosperous dealings!" Ruron drinks of his goblet, then setting it to his left he began to pack a pipe with the finest tobacco of Mattan Dews and all of Solaria for that matter. "I am ready to begin, what is on your mind Lord Torpius?"
Ruron Sidorov (Earl of Mattan Dews)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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"Appreciation for your hospitality." Torpius made a slight bow showing both palms to open sight as a sign of friendship. "I have come to offer the Solarians to share what has been passed to me from Above, and ways for they themselves to get closer to the Divine and learn from it. The common people I have come across during my preaching speak well of you, and for the hospitality you show me I would say they were not mistaken." Reaching the local tavern Torpius calls the patron, points to the peasants in the room making a circle with his finger, and then points it to the door. Two attendants are summoned and start asking the men to leave. "If the ale is as good as it is praised, then it is naught but my duty to drink in honor of the Holy Ones, and I would not dare defy the Gods." Torpius chuckles and raises his glass. "To the wise Arbiter, to the Spirits around and to the Gods, may they be praised!" Torpius takes a drink before inclining himself forward, lowering his tone as he furrows his eyebrows: "Please take no offense, but I assume you are not from around, are you? While my profession naturally places me around commoners it is usually not well seen around here for a warrior and Lord of your station to share drinks in the presence of the lower men. I personally believe they worry in excess, and gossip too much in the court, like agitated eunuchs, but I would still not want to be guilty of soiling your good name, even being the possible stain so..." he gestures in the air, looking for the right word: "petty?" He makes a face of scorn and disgust of the rumormongers and takes another long drink. "But anyway, let us not worry about the whispering maids, I wanted to discuss spiritual matters. Do you by any chance worship one or more Gods? Offer sacrifices to the Spirits for safe travels or good harvests? Ask for guidance and protection in battle to your ancestors? Do you hold any beliefs on the nature of things, and what makes a moving object move, what makes fire burn, or what makes a fine drink," he raised his glass, "quench a thirsty throat", and emptied it, before signaling for more.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Ruron Sidorov
Message sent to (Personal message to Torpius d'Arricarrère)
Ruron drank to the toast of Lord Torpius, he then leaned forward himself to hear what Torpius was saying.…puffed of his pipe and replied, " Non taken my good fellow, I am aware this tavern seems like no meeting place for men of our stature but I knew not where else we could rest our feet and taste of local brew. Were we in Mattan Dews I could show you true hospitality fitting of what you deserve as a Lord and Priest." Puffing again Ruron looked at the common eyes and tounge being used with whispers and subtle glances. "If anything at all I take piety on these common folk, it also reminds me of the blessings of being a noble. Let them say what they will for thier thoughts not matter now." he leaned back in his chair puffing again and place the pipe on the table, his eyes following the peasant girl bringing more ale.

Ruron grasps the goblet filled with fresh ale, " One last toast before we begin and that is to stimulating conversation amongst these common walls." he gave a look around, smiled and drank. " As a boy I lived in the forest of Nida and remember having many Gods, though I never truely understood it. A part of the reason why I left to find a religion I can understand. Lately I pray only to the strength of my bow before battle and," he took another drink " to be honest with you my friend I have not paid much attention to the Gods once I arrived on Solarian soil. I myself am a recent Earl and it has allowed me to elevate, not only status, but thought aswell. Meeting men such as yourself and Earl Francoise lend proof of that."

Suddenly shouting began behind them and the noise of bottles being broken. Two peasants fight each other tooth and nail, perhaps over a spilled drink or woman the bothed desired. No one could know for sure, such was common in peasant watering holes. " There is something you cannot find in many Lordly halls," Ruron laughed and took another drink, " entertainment with passion and fine drink to wash it down. I apologize for not having such a high religious background but would like to ask what you believe. A Priest that can enjoy ale as much as you bring joy to know not all men of the cloth are not dull. Please share your knowledge of your Divines, I wish to be educated and enlightened through your words." Ruron leaned forward to eliminate all distractions so he can better hear Torpius' next words.
Ruron Sidorov (Earl of Mattan Dews)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Ciarin Tut (1 recipients)
"It is not this rabble what I am concerned about, but of the idle tongues in the court of Poryatown who would be thrilled to spit their venomous rumors whenever possible." As soon as the peasant girl serving them placed the glasses in the table Torpius grabbed her by the arm and brought her near him, almost sitting on his lap. "See if you find anything edible in the kitchen", he whispered in her ear, "something light, to go with the ale, but not your peasant filth, something decent, appropriate for the Lord next to me". Immediately after being released the peasant scurried into the kitchen with the palest face of the room. Torpius laughed cheerfully. "This people are so easily impressionable. No, it's not their tongues which worry me, as long as they are doing as commanded."

The priest shared the toast and listened carefully, his semblance pensive. "Indeed, the Earl is a true noblem..." Before he could finish the sentence the sounds of the fight interrupted him. He sighed and gave a resigned smile seeing Ruron's amusement. "Indeed, such brawls are uncommon in more refined places, though not completely unheard of. And as children they must be separated and punished. Perhaps sending a few of you men to escort them to the local dungeon...?"

"There are no needs for apologies when you have committed no grievance." Torpius held his cup high, his gaze lost, as if searching for something in it. "You ask me what I think, and I will be honest," his gaze turned back to Ruron, "I do not think you are so devoid of spirituality as you seem to have implied, and from what you tell me there is indeed religiosity in you, just not of the traditional type. See, I believe in three dimensions of the Divine, though this is merely an academic separation: the Holy Ones from Above, the Ancestors from the past and the Lower Spirits from around us." He gestured with one hand to encompass it all while he drank with the other. "You, my friend, while preached to the strength of the bow were doing it to the latter. See, there are spirits everywhere, in every thing. That is why the wind blows, why the rain falls, the reason why we breathe, instead of choking on air as we do in fumes. That is because the air is usually inhabited by benign spirits, but in some places of corruption and decay evil spirits take over the air, possessing men through illnesses or even causing their deaths."
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Ruron Sidorov
Message sent to (Personal message to Torpius d'Arricarrère)
The servant girl broke Torpius' word to which Ruron gave a menacing glare "Be gone with you girl" he watched her give a timid bow to both and scurry off. "Free of unworthy ears, the idle tounges of Poryatown do act as snakes which I hope to cleanse." Ruron shouted to the innkeeper, "Have these mtownieown outside, if they wish to solve problems as animals so be it. Should they not find themselves outside by the button of my glass you shall accompany them to the dungeons!" he began to drink rapidly motivating his requested resolution. "It may seem as weakness but they will get thier just deserts working the fields. Especially in these times of winter, every peasant is needed to get us through. But I ramble on." The food lay before him but he had not known what it was for his mind raced of thoughts. Thoughts of the Divines Torpius spoke of, the connection of his past to the spirits he speaks of. "I bid you continue my friend, I wish to have but a glimpse of your wisdom. What moves the wind, you and me?" Ruron sat in anticipation. The Priest seemed to be nothing he had thought, not self-righteous and arogent but a man just as himself. He ate from the plate but did not remove his eyes and ears from Torpius.
Ruron Sidorov (Earl of Mattan Dews)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
Message sent to Message sent to all nobles in the region Ciarin Tut (1 recipients)
"Indeed, you clearly show skills in administration that I lack. Good men like you are required to rule the land. I, on the other hand, renounced to my region in order to pursue the spiritual ways. It would be very unwise to attempt to cling to every possession without being able to handle it all. Better to succeed in some tasks than in none. It was for that mistake that the city of Fissoa starved, losing more than half of its population... A sad story indeed, but now it is me who rambles on." Torpius apologetically smiled, gave a sip to his glass, and returned to the theological matters: "What moves us and the wind, you ask? Well, think about it, how do you know there is wind? You do not see it, nor smell it. You feel it, and you notice it by how it alters the things you see, for example by watching the branches of a tree moving without another cause. In the same way there are many things in this world that are not apparent to the eye, but that we can notice for the effect they have on other things. In fact I would say there is more hidden than there is revealed." Torpius took another sip. "So, in the same way that there is wind even if we do not see it, there are all kinds of spirits around us, which we can notice by how they shape and alter our world, and if we train enough, we become able to feel them, not unlike we feel the wind." Torpius made a gesture with his hand while drinking, as if feeling the direction of the wind. "And why would it blow? Why do people get sick? Why does the fire burn? Because of the spirits, naturally. The wind is inhabited by errant spirits, who always seek another home, never content with their current location. People will illnesses are visited by evil spirits, who consume and corrupt, and should be properly dealt by a man with spiritual training, often using the benign spirits of plants and other medicinal implements, to counter them. The fire, curiously, is inhabited by not precisely evil spirits, but angered ones. They seek to consume, to destroy, and so they do it with whatever approaches them. But, as men, their rage comes from a lack, as he who never finds a wife. Fire in contact with the precise amount of water will merge with it, in the same way a man and a woman do, becoming vapor and fleeing together from this world, perhaps to form something else..."

Torpius finished his cup and called for the peasant girl who had not yet brought the snacks. "Apologies, the establishment might not have anything edible to offer us. Anyway, we move because we are too spirit-imbued beings, for we have souls, but much more complex and elevated than mere fire or wind spirits, who were made by the general Divine Essence to model the world the Gods live in. Instead, we were made directly with the Divine Essence of the Gods, seeking to model them themselves. But that is another long story, and I would really hate boring you with all this. In fact, I greatly appreciate that you were able to cope with my babbling."

As he spoke the peasant girl finally arrived with a freshly baked apple pie. Though not precisely what Torpius had asked it did look very carefully prepared, even its appearance taken care of with cherries decorating its top in a pattern. It also showed that money had not been economized in making it, for both fruits were expensive for the common ones, specially in winter.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Ruron Sidorov
Message sent to (Personal message to Torpius d'Arricarrère)
Ruron drank and ate of the apple pie, soaking in all that Torpius has said. "You have brought enlightenment to the reassess of my mind and meaning to the happenings of nature around us all. Do these spirits and divines have names? I would like to learn more, become a follower and invite you to speak to my peasantry in Mattan Dews." He looked around eyeing the locals with piety, "Perhaps they have the ability to care of spiritual matters, those of Mattan Dews possess such as it will bring relief to the unrelentless beasts that trouble them. I pledge to construct a temple once becoming a member, there is much more to learn I feel and am willing to do so." Ruron drank again and finished the pie, "No need to apologize for your ramble as I enjoy the conversation of a wise a spiritual figure such as yourself. I have asked you here so I expect your many words and the more said the more I understand the Divines. How does one become a follower?" He signaled for another round and began to pack his pipe as he waited. "Would you be willing to travel to Mattan Dews? I will be headed in that direction shortly and would like to host you properly, better wine and food than this tavern." He lit the tobbacco with his eyes peering into the fire and the smoke now with a very different perspective, that of a spiritual one. Watching the smoke fade into the air his mind faded with it and realized he must have looked foolish, "Forgive me these spiritual themes are still swirling in my mind." he gave a chuckle and received the glass from the servant girl, raised and drank.
Ruron Sidorov (Earl of Mattan Dews)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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"Well, not quite what I asked, but certainly more than expected", Torpius smiled at the girl and gave her a gold coin. She bowed and left again for the kitchen.

"They do, they do, at least the powerful ones we know of," Torpius said while eating, "though there is more documented on the Gods themselves than in the Lower Spirits, admittedly." He drank and smiled. "Having you as a brother-in-faith would be a great honor, and the erection of a temple would be cause of great joy in all the Church, indeed." He then finished the rest of the pie. "Well, for you to formally become a member all you require is entering one of our temples and publicly proclaiming our Credo, which you will seen written in its front. After you have done that you will be a Spark Seeker, and advancement within the Church is dictated by participation in its matters and in religious ceremonies. You can also choose to take an even deeper path of study and meditation, though few are the ones to trail it, usually reserved for priests and the very enthusiasts. You are certainly welcome to it, but in no way required to."

Torpius emptied his glass and awaited the next round. "Travelling to Mattan Dews? It would be a great pleasure, I have heard much of its hardy people and the frontier environment. Certainly not a place for those weak of spirit. The problem is, you see, that I must soon start a long journey north, to the distant realm of Summerdale, in where I have been invited to preach, both to nobles and commoners. I should stay a season or two in those lands and then return. I would then certainly take up your offer, and in the meantime perhaps you could invite Priest Hendrick of Luria Vesperi to share the message with your vassals. In fact I would recommend you to share a drink with him too, he is an extremely wise and interesting man, and I suspect you will find great company in him and his knowledge."

Seeing Ruron's embarrassment Torpius gave a friendly laugh and patted his back. "Worry not, my friend, if you allow me the audacity of calling you so, but I believe this brew is every single bit as good as it is said to be, and may be starting to numb our senses. How about we share one last toast?"
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Ruron Sidorov
Message sent to (Personal message to Torpius d'Arricarrère)
"I would be honored for one last toast, and let us drink for your well being during your awaited journey" Ruron drank, smiled and said "You may be correct of numbing senses." He laughed and drank once more. "I will certainly invite the man you have reccomended and see that a warm welcome awaits him in Mattan Tower who's doors will always be open should you find yourself within its boundaries." He finished his drink and threw some gold pieces on the table paying for all of the pleasantries they had enjoyed. "I am glad you have accepted my invitation and thankful for the wisdom your have shared that has brought enlightenment to me and the people of Mattan Dews in the near future. May your ventures bring you fortunes of wealth, wisdom and all you desire. I hope to share a drink with you again upon your return and look forward to tales of your journey." Ruron then offered his hands as Torpius had when they first became acquainted, "May the Divines bless your travels my friend."
Ruron Sidorov (Earl of Mattan Dews)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Torpius laughed with Ruron, and emptied his cup. "I will be eagerly awaiting our next meeting. This kind of pleasant talks are worth to me much more than fortune or fame of any kind. May I find more of these in the north, and may your sword, guided by the Above, strike true." The priest bowed before turning to leave.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Priest of Aetheris Pyrism)

Celine Arundel

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Celine Arundel
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Celine stumbled through the streets after a long evening at the tavern. She was drunk, utterly wasted even, shifting directions like a flag in a hurricane. Down the path from her, a seemingly large crowd gathered around a single man, cheering and worshiping his every word. The drunken girl smiled a rather ugly smile to the thought of entertainment, struggling to grab a few silvers from her pocket.

As she made contact, physical contact that is, with the group, she crashed between their towering bodies and stumbled to her knees, hurled forward by the overwhelming amount of bodies. She waited half a dozen seconds before lifting her head, looking up to the man who owned the pair of feet before her. She grinned - until a strong rush surged from within her stomach. Oh no! She thought to herself, Not now!

And without warming, vomit projected from her mouth, landing on the man's feet. The robes covering them acquired a green-brown dye, and the feet a warm bath of alcohol and stomach contents.
Celine Arundel (Freeman)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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Torpius was about to leave his servants, who had darted forward, to carry and whip the young woman, but then he noticed something on her shoulder that changed his mind. "Behold!" he cried to the murmuring gathered multitude. "Here we have a sign of the Gods!" He gestured signaling at Celine. "They bring us the filthy, they give us the corrupt, they send us the lost, and for what? For us to see ourselves in them, to repent as they should!" He held the vomited part of his robe in his hands, showing it to the people. "May we not let them down, lets purify ourselves!" The crowd who had been increasingly agitated got lost in the religious fervor, the already Pyrists and those who knew them started singing religious songs, and a group of people took Celine from the floor and started carrying her on their arms, following the spontaneous procession heading to the temple.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet of Aetheris Pyrism)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
Message sent to (Personal message to Celine)
When it arrived at the temple, the crowd had considerably grown in size, not only with the devout, but also the curious. Torpius signaled for it to stop in the temple's courtyard, near a fountain. Next to it, on top of an elevated stone construction working as an improvised pulpit, he addressed the gathering: "Fideles! It is a joyful occasion, one of new beginnings and better futures. The Gods order us to clean ourselves... To leave the impurities of flesh and soul behind! To gather in their embrace..." The priest entered the fountain, quickly followed by three acolytes. He signaled and the multitude dropped Celine into the fountain, while he received a large cup. "...but in order to do so, we must accept the Gods into our lives." Torpius filled and spilled a cup over Celine, as the acolytes held her half-standing, preventing her to fall again. "Today a child finds the warmth of the Divine, though it is not precisely hot in here..." he gestured to the water he was standing in, grinning, and took some chuckles out of the spectators. "You too, come here and find your call!" He addressed the multitude as the acolytes removed Celine, taking her into the living quarters of the temple. Torpius began symbolically washing with a prayer and a cup of water many men and women that swiftly formed a large line. Lesser priests joined him in the task, and eventually he left them to take care of the service themselves. He then moved into the living quarters to get dry and change his clothes.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Fire Prophet of Aetheris Pyrism)