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Revision as of 13:38, 12 February 2012 by Mendicant (talk | contribs)
Region Details
Continent Dwilight
Region Type City
Geographic Area South Mediterranean
Population 1200
Economy N/A
Realm / Duchy Artificers' Coalition / Antiapu
Local Lord Chasqui (unknown)

'Candiels (pronounced Can-de-els) is a coastal port and capital city in the southern Maroccidens of Dwilight.

The Imperial City of Lady Aurvandil, Centre of the Kingdom and Commonwealth, home to the court of High Sovereign, the Noblesse Chevaleresque of Aurvandil, seat of the Les Souverains Noblesse Militaires. Great fortress walls, the crenellations of Candiels span the length and breadth of the city, garrisoned by the Royalist Regiment miliciens réservistes, further manned by the Chevaliers du Hausos Auziwandilaz under the command the gentry of Aurvandil.

History of the Candielian People

A historic city of the Maroccidens, prior to the arrival of colonists in the year 0YD, the city had all but fallen to the wilds and rogues of the Maroccidens, as had all the lands for hundreds of miles in all directions, with only a shell of former defences and urban settlement left. It was retaken first by the Madina Republic, for a time.

Province of the Sea Faring Republic Of Madina

Little is recorded of the history of the city under Madina rule, save for rebellion and starvation of the city under Duke Vallyn Rothach. It was later recaptured by Lady Florence Endellion, Marshal of the Tower Battalion, who was granted governorship of the city by the then Grand Doge Langford for leading and funding the expedition to reclaim lost lands on the peninsula. During this time the population largely began to be regained, the walls and infrastructure brought into existence and the wealth and position of the city well secured, with the Fields of Candiels also captured and fortified against further rogue incursions. However its revival and success was short lived and forever ham-stringed by the lords of the Sea Faring Republic of Madina, the city starved under Duchess Florence until Ten Thousand where dead, with lords of Madina refusing to trade and sell agricultural produce and foodstuffs for anything but ridiculously high trading prices, unaffordable by a city of famine. When Duchess Florence was elected Grand Dogess of Madina, she appointed Mendicant Anhanger as its Governor and Duke in her stead. With the city once again seeing massive economic and demographic growth, it was not long before the city suffered another great famine and starvation, with the lords of the republic once again refusing to provide the city with food it greatly required.

During the reign of the Grand Dogess Florence, the Candiels duchy funded an expeditionary force to be sent north, made largely of the nobles of the Candiels duchy to support the League of Free Nations and the Republic of Caerwyn. The expeditionary force never left Madina soil, with political and economic turmoil ravaging the Sea Faring Republic of Madina, the Duke Mendicant was crowned High Sovereign in a public coronation ceremony in the city, leading to the secession of the city and the creation of the Kingdom of Aurvandil.

Seat of the Crown and Commonwealth

"Serve the Sovereign, Protect the People, Ave Auziwandilaz"

Duke Mendicant Anhanger was anointed Duke of Candiels in the Thirteenth year of Dwilight colonisation, his immediate reign of the city was marked by vast and expansive civil works in and around the Candielia, alongside military operations deeper into the Maroccidens wilds. During the foundation of the League of Free Nations Candiels became the centre of military preparation and operations for the march north, funding the army and expedition north, which was ended prematurely when Duke Mendicant Anhanger was crowned Monarch of Candiels, later to be the impetus for the signing of the Commonwealth, thus creating the Candielian Kingdom and Commonwealth of Aurvandil; free from the villainous tyranny of the Madinian republic, and subsequent culture of piracy and transient nobility of little honour proponed by the Republican government. Aurvandil became a centre of civilisation in the southern Maroccidens, expanding across the wilds and forcing the rogues deeper back in conjunction with the Marwood Republic of Barca; it would also be the centre of Chivalry and noble virtue in the south, extolling the ideals of Chivalry and courtly honour in the dusk of the infamy of the Pirate Republic.

Palais Haut-Souverains

Constructed in the Fourteenth Year of Recolonisation, and the centre of government for the Kingdom and Commonwealth of Aurvandil, it is the single largest structure and complex within the Kingdom, covering more than a quarter of the total landmass of Candiels. The Palais further serves as an armoury, a treasury, a menagerie, the home of the Royal Mint, a public records office, a royal residence, and the Imperial Court, it is divided into several apartments. The entire complex is surrounded by a moat of sufficient width and depth for ships of the Marine Impériale to sail in, fed by a system of aqueducts utilised to provide the Palais with running water, which are also used to supply the multi-storey water fountain complex at the centre of the Palais, as well as to flood the Amphitheatre.

=Cour Impériale De La Noblesse De Chevalerie=

Grand appartement of the legislature of the Noblesse Chevaleresque.

Assemblée de Royal Sovereign l'armée du Haut

Grand appartement for the Legislative body of the Les Souverain's Noblesse Militaire.

Royal Menagerie