Aetheris Pyrism/Roleplays

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Theosophy Delving (Part II)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick sat at the desk provided for him in his temporary quarters in Shinnen and wrote out his notes.

I read the letter of his holiness with a mix of fear and trepidation. If this being Nethezim is a Lower Spirit than I can only imagine what happened to the man who wrote these records. Perhaps this being was a benevolent spirit as far as things go, but I am in no hurry to contact it, despite its potential use as an intermediary.

The spirit claiming to be one of the Higher Sphere speaks of many thing to my unnamed predecessor. He talks of those wreathed in brilliant fire who tend the lighthouses the guide the heavens. He speaks of those who sail the seas of stars, whose who watch over our kind. He speaks of being trapped below us, of prisoners we are bound to watch.

The spirit speaks of those who stand ready in the Celestial World above, to cast back the evil, those who have been created should humanity fail and the evil spring forth from this mimicked world.

He speaks here of power, of a way to claim a piece of the most divine. His words are recorded verbatim and they, even though mere words on a page, are filled with persuasion and temptation. The words almost lure me to follow his madness. The record ends here, with the writer claiming that he will go and find the power that Nethezim speaks of, that he will succumb.

Doubt fills my heart. Am I a fool for believing these words committed to paper by a nameless adherent listening to a being beyond our comprehension? Am I merely following the game of an...evil thing that seeks to derail me? As always I feel the truth rests just beyond my fingertips and that I am mocked from on high. This man, the man who came before me, fell prey to this being, to some luster of power. What were these words? They mean nothing, written by a traitor, and unnamed madman and I am left to read them. I cannot continue.

Hendrick Madigan set down his quill and covered his face with his hands. He peeked through his fingers at the ancient papers of the man who came before him and was seized with the urge to throw them into the fire - but he knew such action would achieve nothing. The path was more obscured to him now than ever before. He needed help. Swiftly, a penned a note and gathered together his findings and journal. He passed the bundle of pages off to his squire with words of desperation "Bring these to Torpius d'Arricarrère. I am in crisis". The boy departed, and Hendrick was left with the demons his mind conjured.
Hendrick Madigan (Earl of Thar Gortauth)

Roleplay from Torpius d'Arricarrère
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In a large market square in Shinnen, more than a hundred citizens listen two men debating. One of them, which appears as a non-ordained preacher, or perhaps a deacon, is saying: " you see, should you follow this abomination-hating credo, what will you accomplish? By simple logic should its principles be true you will gain little if not nothing, but should they be false you will lose your own soul!". By his side Torpius silently observes.
The other debater, with the semblance of an wealthy and instructed layman, probably a merchant, defends an opposite opinion: "You have no proofs, have you ever seen a God? Show me their power and I will believe!". He gesticulates and speaks loud, provokingly, and many of the listeners nod and agree with him.
Irritated, the preacher retorts: "Have you ever seen a Daimon? How do you know they are evil? Or is it only the stories you hear from others? There is much you do not know, and it is by ignorance you speak ill of the Gods. Do not make a fool out of yourself, and go back to your petty trading!". The listeners murmur, some agree, others shrug, and many follow the other debater when he shows himself offended and leaves. The preacher smiles, pleased.

"Have you ever seen one?" Torpius asks him.
"A Daimon, your holiness?" asks the surprised preacher. "Yes, a Daimon, have you ever seen one?" he repeats.
"Then do not speak about them so lightly. You made two important mistakes just now. First, your beliefs were criticized, and you chose to call him an ignorant instead of showing him where he erred. Could you not answer his question?"
"But he was clearly trying to provoke me!"
"And he succeeded, making you commit the second mistake, which was to attack his beliefs by imprudently speaking of what you ignore. You were lucky he was not well versed in the Path's theology, or he could have easily retorted. Remember that you are preaching for the Truth of the Gods, not against the Path. It is irrelevant if their beliefs are right or wrong, the Truth remains true nevertheless, and that is what you must show them."

During this short exchange of words between the prophet and the preacher a boy arrives, announcing himself at the end of their conversation as Lord Hendrick's squire. He delivers a small pile of writings to the prophet, adding: "My liege requires you, your holiness."
Torpius starts reading, and without taking his eyes of the pages asks the preacher: "Have you dispatched the letter to my cousin?"
"It is already on its way to Beluaterra."

"Very well, it seems I have matters to attend, so you will have to continue without me." Torpius says, adding to the squire: "Lead on, boy", and starts following him while still reading.
Torpius d'Arricarrère (Earl of Shinnen Purlieus)

Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan
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Hendrick began pacing the room manically. Fear began to wind tendrils around his mind as the ancient papers seemed to take on a life of their own in the room. What began as fear of failure and falling into the hands of darkness had spiralled out of control. All fears that plagued Hendrick surfaced: fear of being an inept lord, fear of being ignored, fear of not being good enough. He feared, at that moment, for and of everything imaginable, until he simply feared with no target or ending.

His gaze returned to the table with the records found in the temple of Grodno - with their false hope and their tale of human fallacy and weakness for power. 'Those papers really aught to be burned', he thought and moved towards them, until the sound of voices in the courtyard made him freeze. It seems his squire had no been remiss in finding His Holiness. Salvation at last. He snatched his hand away from the papers and forced himself to sit and wait.
Hendrick Madigan (Earl of Thar Gortauth)