Foxglove Family

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The origins of the House of Foxglove are in the mountainous region of Evora on the East Continent. Their crest is a spray of the purple foxglove flowers from which the family takes its name, and their family words are "We Stand Between the Dawn and the Dusk". An enigmatic motto that reflects the complexity of the family. The House of Foxglove is strongly linked to the Kingdom of Westmoor on the East Continent, and the loyalty of the whole family to that realm is unquestioned.

Thomas Foxglove

The first child of William and Elisha Foxglove, and the greatest hope of the family. Ambitious, intellectual, and physically brave, he was educated in the arts of politics and warfare almost from birth. When he came of age he joined the military of Westmoor, always being at the forefront of any battle. Rising quickly through the ranks, he first served as Vice-Marshal of the Westmoorian Column before being promoted to the position of Marshal at the exceptionally young age of 19.

The most serious minded member of the family, Thomas is loyal to both his friends and the Kingdom of Westmoor. He commands The Scarlet Sentinels, named for the scarlet cloaks that Thomas presents to each man as they join the troop.

Bremer Foxglove

The second child of William and Elisha Foxglove. In his childhood, Bremer was overshadowed by his talented and hard-working brother Thomas. While Thomas studied dusty old tomes on politics and military tactics, Bremer was out exploring the mountains of Evora or getting in to fights with the children of the minor nobility. Unfortunately, it was one of these brawls that led to the accidental death of the eldest son of an Evoran government official. To protect the family reputation, and save the child Bremer from any vengeful relatives of the deceased, Bremer was quietly shipped off to relatives in Atamara until he could come of age and decide his own destiny.

When he did come of age, Bremer first served the Kingdom of Eston and fought in many of their battles. His restless spirit then brought him to Coria.