Ash Sea Chronicle/Issue 5

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The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead. The Ash Sea Chronicle
Price: Free Editor: Landesred Stromsfiordspace Issue: No. 5 - 9th February

Printed in Ash'rily for the glory of the Islands

Gala Held at Barnlure

A massive party was held at the country home of Wallace, Count of Barnlure and rightful Duke of Ash'rily. Mapan ale was imported in large quantities and distributed gratis by imported Mapan serving girls courtesy of Malice the High Marshal of Ash Sea Islands, Baron of Mapo. The gala was attended by most of the troop leaders and nobles of the islands and extended well into the night with numerous games of "Pin the Tail on the Goat" and rude songs. After midnight word began to spread of Tara's declaration of war against Redspan and a cheer was raised. Damage estimates have not yet been reported.

Diplomatic Notes

ASI and Talerium have ended hostilities and returned relations to neutrality. Though neither realm calls the other friend, both have pressing interests elsewhere to attend to. ASI and Abington have both honored the cease-fire on the islands but discussions on other matters are rumored to be moving slowly with little trust manifested. King and Council have been very active sending feelers to various realms to determine the ever-changing diplomatic landscape and hopes that ASI and some of these realms can cooperate on various matters.

Meldeen Taken by Tara

A large force from Tara, bolstered by Darka, marched into the territory of Meldeen and routed Redspanian troops there. After Meldeen was secured Tara annexed the region for its own.


When word came in today of Tara's declaration of war, one ASI noble was heard to say "I am very happy to see more realms standing up to evil." Tara today has stood up to the powermongers. It would have been easier for Tara to ignore the brewing threat. To flinch. But they did not. This newspaper wishes Tara well in upholding its honor.

King's Statement

No King's Statement at this time.

DISCLAIMER: Ash Sea Chronicle is an independent journal. Opinions contained herein are not necessarily the opinion of the government of Ash Sea Islands and are strictly the responsibility of its editor.