The Oligarchian Observer/Edition:3

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Cost: Free, unless, of course, you are Sirionite, Fontanese, or Old Rancaguan Contributors: Hireshmontspace Volume: 3
New Layout!
  • Yeah, yeah, I know. New layout, blatantly and unashamedly thieved from the Ash Sea Chronicle... but its easier to update, so boo on you!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Oligarchian government, merely a general accounting for the public.

Change of Capitol for Fontan

They changed their capitol to Krimml. Lets go ahead and rename them Coimbra, after all, they have a "Coimbra Dwellers" group or whatever. But, all the same, this is bad news for Oligarch. It means Fontan can launch quick strikes in and out. Not good for us.

Regrouping and Raids

So, those of us trapped in Kazakh decided to hit Juazeiro, by way of Kazan. Who knows, maybe we'll win, maybe we wont. Besides that, TOs are being run on Oberndorf(by Sirion), and Gadlock(by OR). We'll take Oberndorf and stop the TO, probably Gadlock too.

First Kazakh Campaign coming to a close

We lost the battle in Gadlock when 9k Sirion/OR forces attacked our 8k defense force. Because of that, our 4-5k TO force in Kazakh was cut off. I failed in my duty, and did not coordinate our forces in Kazakh. Interestingly, though, I caught an infil for the second time in two days trying to get me! Stupid OR assassins! So, anyways, Arnaud ordered us out of Kazakh, to Kazan. I was out of contact, and a few of us got caught in Kazakh, where 3k Sirion/OR forces attacked and broke the TO. Then, Janus began a TO in Kazan. The 1st Kazakh Campaign isnt over yet, but it's drawing to a close.

Why is it always Greatbridge?

The Fontanese attacked Greatbridge again... and we beat them again. Its funny how I expected us to whallop our foes in the north, and get beaten in the south. But it seems quite the opposite occurred. We beat'em in the south, and, well, read about the northern front in the article above this one!

Sirion in Oberndorf

Yes, so, our first downpoint since the distribution of this issue. A 7k Sirionite army moved into Oberndorf, cutting off Ashforth. They are looting and pillaging(well, to be correct, over half the reports were of raping, clearly demonstrating that the Sirionites are dedicated to aid in the repopulation efforts in Oberndorf!). We'll drive'em out... when we get done*chuckels* with Lil' Fuinir.

I thought the idea was to DEFEND your territory!

It seems Fuinir doesnt understand the whole idea behind that thing called, "war". He Garissoned Kazakh with militia, a smart move. Unfortunately, he only used 700CS of militia. FOUR TLs walked in and took the city. A few turns later, and NINE TLs are running a TO. We caught at least one, maybe 2, infils trying, futilely, to assassinate us. I wonder if Fuinir is aware that, technically, Kazakh is in his "kingdom"?

Laughter in Gadlock

YEs, yes, I know. I should be SERIOUS about warfre. But, I'm sorry, Old Rancagua is crackin me up! We moved in 10k to Gadlock, and took it almost without a fight. Then, they sent 6k, yes, a mere 6k, to attack our entrenched 10k. I mean, really, what idiot orders an attack like that? Sure, sure, it might break up the TO. Unfortunately, guys, we practically had 2 to 1 odds! Not a smart move, Fuinir!

Dulbin Rebels

Just recently, the people of Dulbin have begun a rebellion. Yes, its true. Thye just dont know WHo to side with. They've been ruled by pretty much everyone at some time or another. Maybe we should just kill'em all...

Old Rancagua is gettin old and creaky!

The recent Kazakh Peninsular Campaign is meeting rampant success in the face of laughable OR resistance. 3k militia in Gadlock... removed with light casualties. A mere 700 CS militia in Kazakh were eliminated practically without bloodshed, only a few dozen casualties total, and we only had one seige engine between us! Also, Gadlock is being TO'd

Victory in Greatbridge!

Yesterday, simultaneous with the attack on Ashforth by OR forces, 23k of Sirionite and Fontanese forces assaulted Greatbridge. Due to some excellent strategical plans on the part of the Ministry of War, the pitiful rabble of enemy troops was scattered and defeated decisively, with minimal Oligarchian casualties. The 23k enemy force was defeated by the 20k defending force, and rightly so!

Old Rancagua Halted at Ashforth!

Yesterday, 13k of OR forces were halted by 7k of primarily militia forces led by Duke Ticondrius Grom Hellscream of Ashforth. This northern prong of the allied invasion was stopped, literally, dead in its tracks in an undecisive battle, in which neither side achieved victory. The days prior had been days of furious preparation; walls repaired, militia recruited in mass numbers, several TLs diverted from Greatbridge to Ashforth. And for good cause, the invasion was turned back, and it fled home with its tails between its legs! Bye, bye, Fuinir!