Perdan Pride Index/Issue 1

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PerdanShield.jpg Perdan Pride
1 Gold The Pride of Perdan Since Whenever it Came Out! 1st Issue
Perdan's First Newspaper!
A bit about the creator, of the Perdan Pride
The Perdan Pride, was originally founded by a man known as Sargon, of the Tian Family. Originally Sargon was a noble of Ibladesh, and after his younger sister took part in rebellious activities, Sargon found himself banned from there. However, he is still a believer in all four of the Ibladeshian gods: Ramsus, Sartan, Teresa, and Kokini. After leaving the realm of Ibladesh, he decided to join them and has worked with them since.
Interview with Finwe, of Ubent
Q: What are your views on the Ibladesh/Itorunt/Yssaria vs Perdan war? I wish it would end, so that we could concentrate on the more important northern end. But there is so much bloodlust in Ibladesh and Itorunt that I don't see them comming to any agreement without being beat into submission. And even then, they [Ibladesh] would bide their time and find an opening to strike - regardless of any treaty.

Q: Should one of those realms take peace with Perdan, what would your thoughts on this be? If there were peace, they would just find someone else to attack, and given history, they would probably attack Ubent again. Perdan entered the war in our defense, and I wish we could do more to help them. Especially considering the major bar in peace negotiations is that they could not attack Perdan's allies again.

Q: How do you view the outlook of this war? Is it leaning in favor of one nation or another? What makes you think this? It seems to favor Perdan when Yssaria is occupied with Caligus because Perdan has superior strategy - and Itorunt has such a distance to travel. But once Yssaria comes in, the sheer numbers can defeat Perdan.

Q: From your view, what do you believe was the start of this war, and why? The start of this war was simple really, Itorunt attacked Ubent in the south. Ibladesh then backstabbed us in the process. With overwhelming enemies, Perdan and Caligus came to our aid. If the traitor Scyld hadn't had Ubent switch sides, we would probably still be fighting alongside Perdan. Yssaria is a different story, however. They would have been our allies had it not been for Ubentian aggression. We would simply not give up our prize (Isradil city) and that led to this long war. Yssaria just had to find other allies.

Interview with Emanuel, of Itorunt
Q: How long have you been around in relation to the war your realm is fighting? I have been in Itorunt for the entire war.

Q: Should one of your allies, Ibladesh or Yssaria, take peace with Perdan, how would you view this? If Ibladesh made peace with Perdan I would make peace with Perdan.

Q: Are you yourself open to peace with Perdan? Why? I don’t particularly like Perdan.

Q: How do you view the outlook of this war? Is it leaning in favor of one nation or another? What makes you think this? It is a very stalemated war.

Interview with Blackknight, General of Perdan
Q: What is your view in this war, outlook wise? I believe this war is an effort by Ibladesh and Itorunt to prevent Perdan intervention in the north. They fear that if were not busy fighting them Perdan forces would help protect Oligarch and destroy Doc. Ibladesh and Itorunt both know they can gain nothing for their people by fighting us, they have no hope for victory. Such a massive waste of resources goes to show the power Doc holds over his client-states. If the people of Ibladesh or Itorunt stopped for a minute and thought about what would be best for their own people I believe they would realize this war is foolish.

Q: Should Ibladesh offer peace, what would your view on this be? The council would be very excited to receive a true offer of peace from Ibladesh, but so far Sorcha has not been willing to offer realistic peace terms. Her most recent offer (about 8 weeks ago I think) demanded the return of Woolton and Clermont to Ibladesh, and that Ibladesh would be allowed to intervene in the Yassiria-Caligus war. Such demands are ridiculous, no realm would accept such terms. If Ibladesh offered realistic peace terms I would be very excited to accept them. Enough blood has been shed in this war, enough homes destroyed. I do not understand how Ibladesh and Itorunt can persuade their nobles to continue fighting a war that provides no benefits to the people they serve.

Interview with Pandur, of Yssaria
Q: How long have you been around in relation to the war your realm is fighting? A: Since the beginning.

Q: From your view, what do you believe was the start of this war, and why? A: Perdan assisted an ally we were at war with. There is honour in that, and Yssaria didn't take offense to that. However, during this mission Perdan looted Mashhad. Not only did Perdanese soldiers steal gold, but they brutally raped, marauded and murderded innocents. And burned every farm in their path. Without ever being provoked. King Eleran the Great, God rest his soul, had no choice than to declare war because of this. On the same day I furiously vowed as High Marshal that I would return the atrocity by Perdan to them in tenfold.

Q: Should one of your allies, Ibladesh or Itorun, take peace with Perdan, how would you view this? A: Ultemately, Yssaria stands for freedom, peace and justice for all citizins on this Continent. If one of our allies signs a peacetreaty with Perdan, it will prevent a lot of bloodshed. I will rejoice the fact many lives will be saved. It is not in Yssaria's place to question her allies motives. At this moment we are at war with Caligus while Ibladesh is at peace with them. This has never been an issue. Neither will an eventual peacetreaty with Perdan be.

Q: Are you yourself open to peace with Perdan? Why? A: It is common knowledge that I am always open to peace, even to the point where this fact is used as weapon against me. Queen Gwynyth already stabbed two times in the back during peacetalks. So I have become more cautious. However, I am always willing to talk. In this case the initiative should lie with Perdan, and would include a public apology for the atrocity commited. Once this has occured, the actual talks can begin.

Q: How do you view the outlook of this war? Is it leaning in favor of one nation or another? What makes you think this? A: It is foolish to think that a mediumsized Kingdom can take on the mighty Perdan on her own. For now we must be content with small victories we make along side our allies. However, I think that in the end our side will win because Perdan has many enemies. Perdan might be getting stronger herself, but her allies are losing. Rancagua and Avamar are gone. Soon Caligus will follow. Oligarch has much difficulty holding its borders. Once Perdan's allies are passified, Perdan will follow.

A Note from the Author of this Newspaper
Take note that these interviews were conducted before the latest offer of peace between Perdan and Ibladesh, so they do not reflect that offer.