Storms End

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 04:31, 13 April 2010 by RestonVanim (talk | contribs)
Region Details
Continent Dwilight
Region Type Rural
Geographic Area North Shore
Population 1
Economy N/A
Realm (rogue)


Storms end is the vast plain that runs south-westerly from the Black Storms Keep. The entire plain is a criss-crossing of man made bulwarks, trenches and spiked channels all the way to Storms Keep. There are many giant kites that resembles dragons that fly over head and wind screamers that howl and make a distracting and terrifying noise. No trees nor cover can be found on the western entrance of the plain and all who enter it can be seen from the slightly higher ground that runs towards the Storms Keep. The plain is muddy and is often flooded by natural river water or by the constructs of men controlling a dam to flush out an enemy and drown them.