
From BattleMaster Wiki
< User:Chénier
Revision as of 15:20, 21 October 2010 by Chénier (talk | contribs)
Aztec Sun Medium.jpeg Sun icon.png
(Coat of Arms) (Icon)
Continent / Island Beluaterra
Capital Region
Largest City Region
Government System Theocracy


Region Numbers ?
Population ?
Characters ?
Last Statistics Update 18:46, 22 May 2008 (CEST) (Doesn't exist yet)

Notice: This is the rework of the old idea. Name: Apparently TEOTIHUACAN means what I thought Teotlalpan meant.

Draft of a future realm

This realm will be a theocracy that centers around the The Blood Cult.


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  • Ruler: Hueyi Tlatoani/Hueyi Cihuatlatoani
  • Judge: Coatl/Cihuacoatl
  • General: Tlacochcalcatl
  • Banker: Hueyi Calpixqui
  • Duke: Tlatoani/Cihuatlatoani
  • Lord: Tecluhtli
  • Marshal: Tlacateccatl
  • State/Empire: Tlahtocayotl
  • City-state/duchy: Altepetl
  • Region: Calpulli
  • Religion: Teotl
  • Temple: Teocalli
  • Priest: Tlamacazqui