Felhand Family/Calvindrell

From BattleMaster Wiki
Calvindrell Felhand
Calvindrell the Stupid
Physical Age: __________ 22
Continent: _________ Beluaterra
Realm: ____________ Bara'Khur
Region Lordship: ______ Xerus
Main Class: _____.____ Warrior
Sub Class: ____________ -


Calvindrell is a member of Bara'Khur and knight of Zisswii. He is an incredibly brave and noble character. Unfortunately such braveness is a result of incredible stupidity. Calvindrell has the mental capacity barely greater than the outcome of a goldfish breeding with a rhino (If goldfishes could breed with rhinos). But the one thing Calvindrell does understand is how to fight, as such he follows the path of a warrior. He is currently Earl of the region Xerus and has two children with his wife Nikkitanilas; Drell and Drall. He is also a follower of the faith Estahsism

Physical Description


Active Relatives

Rikki the Wolf Pup

Rikki the Wolf Pup

Calvindrell and Nikkitanilas were continuing their journey towards Commonyr, and Nikkitanilas was in the process of scolding Calvin for sending a letter, when suddenly, Calvindrell's eyes widen with surprise, his full, soft blue iris' showing his excitement. He rushes towards a bush with no warning or apparent reason.

'Calvin! Where on earth are you going?!' Nikkitanilas shouted

Then she stopped her speedy tracks towards her husband as he slowly turned round. The childlike joy spreading across his face took all attention away from what he held in his arms


Annoyance at such predictability flashed across Nikkitanilas' face before it softened as any face would at the sight of Calvindrell holding a ball of fluff with such adoration.

'Can i keep it can i keep it?' Calvindrell repeated frantically.

'What on earth is a young dog doing out here. Surely it belongs to someone...wait...thats not a dog! Its wolf! You've found a wolf pup! You cant keep a wolf as a pet!'

'Please please please. I'll train him and everything! I'll look after him and feed him and everything! Promise promise promise!'

Nikkitanilas signed with reassignment. She knew he wouldn't give in.

'Thanks Nikki! Love you!'

Calvindrell would normally attempt to flatter and complement and spoil his wife at the point where she gave in to an argument, but he was far to busy petting his new puppy.

'I'll call you...Rikki'