Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Feet Wander Across Pedal Notes

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It was dark out, the sun had set a little over an hour ago, and the stars were just now beginning to wink into existence, lighting up the night sky in a vivid display only viewable this far from a city.

As he walked, Goffrey couldn't help but stare up at them in amazement, picking his way across the ground by instinct alone.

So it was to some surprise when he looked down to see where his feet had taken him, to find himself at the foot of the Poisoned Steel camp.

Instinctively he turned to leave, not wanting to confront the owner of this particular unit just yet. As he faced away from the camp, eager to get some distance between him and the Lady Harmony, he paused, waging an internal war with himself...he needed to talk to her, there was still much to discuss...but at the same time, he didn't want to make matters any worse then they already were...

Back and forth he went over these issues again again, arguing himself into submission. Several minutes passed before he finally reached a conclusion.

'Well,' he thought, as he turned back towards the camp, 'I was gonna have to do this at some point.'

He strode past the sentries who nodded him through, although with a curious glint in their eyes. It didn't take long for Goffrey to find her, sitting by herself off to the left of her men, taking in the stars with a look of deep thought in her eyes.

Slowly Goffrey walked up next to her, making a point of it to be noticed, whistling a tune he remembered from his youth as he closed with her.

Not entirely sure what to say, he opened his mouth and said the first thing that came to mind.

"You know," he said, turning his eyes upward once more, basking in the star light, "I always liked the sight of the open night sky, I didn't get to see it to much growing up,but when I did I couldn't get enough of it. No matter what happened, no matter what I did or what I was going through at the time, the sun would always set at night, and rise in the morning, and that consistency was comforting to me, in a way I still can't say I understand."

He paused in his rambling and turned to the women next to her, and offered a measure half grin, motioning to the log next to her's.

"Do you mind if I sit down?"

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony found that there was a lot of time for thinking whilst on campaign. Certainly there was plenty to do...riding around and pacifying the populace...showing their presence. But, there was still plenty of time for thought. There wasn’t much for her to do at camp beyond working out with sword and knives, her servants took care of everything else. Perhaps she should take up needlecraft or knitting, that would at least keep her hands occupied, if not her mind. She would have walked over to Edara’s camp as she had done on other nights, but Jenred had made his way to Arempos and she expected that they would prefer to be alone.

What was really wrong with her was that she missed Arlian. It was odd to miss someone. Harmony had no real experience with that...not like this. Her mind turned to the lovely two days they had shared in Remton, but she feared that all their time would be thus: moments stolen from out of the ordinary run of their days. She was debating the merits of summoning Jenkins to write a letter for her when Goffrey arrived. She felt a certain tension at the sight of him; they hadn’t shared a private conversation since...the kidnapping.

She nodded her agreement that he might join her. Harmony looked at him in the warm light of the fire; he really was so very interesting that this moved her not at all.

“How have you been, Goff?”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Goffrey smile grew at this, happy at least that she still wasn't upset with him.

"Oh you know," he said, as he took his seat on his log, a shadow of a smile playing on his lips, "A few arrows to the chest, a sword slash here and there, got in a fight with an Ethialan duke, more of the same really."

He chuckled lightly at his own attempt at humor, before letting it settle back in a regular smile, "How about you Harmony, how are things with that Arlain fellow that I saw you dancing with at the wedding?"

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony sighed then laughed, “Wounds and fighting? Why did I even ask?”

She looked him in the eye at his question. Here was his purpose then.

“Oh, Goff, that Arlian fellow? Really? He’s the King’s brother. You know him. You’ve eaten with him. Hell, you’ve punched him in the face,” she smiled to take the sting out, before growing serious and putting her hand on his arm.

“But, as for this ‘Arlian fellow’…I love him, and really…that’s all that needs to be said.”

Harmony considered for a moment, “No, one more thing…don’t you dare go and punch him again!”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

"Oh, I wasn't going hit him or anything," said Goffrey, a slightly disheartened look in his eyes before it was replaced with his trademark lighthearted smile,"...well...maybe a little..."

He laughed a little, before taking note of the way Harmony's eyes narrowed ever so slighly.

"I'm kidding...," he said, his arms held up in a show of surrender, "...just another bad joke is all."

He smiled again, "Well I'm glad your happy Harmony," he said, a far off look in his eye as he turned his head to face the sky, "...but I don't suppose that's what I really came here to talk to you about..."

Slowly, Goffrey's smile faded away, until it was a solemn half grin, as he turned to stare directly in her violet orbs, "I just wanted to say...I'm sorry...I was the cause of a lot of undo stress for you, as well as no small amount of depression, frustration, and anger...then there was the whole...incident...I failed to help you when you needed it most, not only making the situation worse, but turning myself an even worse friend..."

Goffrey paused as he turned head away in shame, partially from his failure, and partially from reveling so much of himself at once, "I don't expect your forgiveness, nor do I think I deserve it...and I know that we can never be the way I once hoped we could...but I would like it very much, if, perhaps...we might be...friends..."

He turned he head back to face Harmony, the shadow of a hopeful smile on his face, and steel blue orbs glistening softly in the moon light.

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony remained still and quiet and somewhat tense whilst Goffrey was speaking, waiting to see where he was going exactly.

Her mood softened during his apology and she felt a small pang at his words. She had been hard on him—not without cause, perhaps—but, she had taken out a lot of her frustration…and fear…on him.

“Oh, Goff, of course we’re friends. If I didn’t care about you, I wouldn’t get so aggravated at the risks you take,” Harmony gripped his arm lightly, “Things were a bit…difficult—I can’t pretend that they weren’t—but, I know that you never meant for any of it to happen.”

She grinned at him then, “Of course, laddy buck, you’re required to be taking my good advice in future—no more idiotic heroics! You have a lot of friends, Goff, and we’d all like to keep you around for awhile.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Relief flooded into Goffrey, as Harmony affirmed their friendship, and he released a breath he did not know he was holding in.

"I'm glad for that at least," he said, smiling as he gazed into the light of the fire, "And if it'll make you happy, I'll try..."

They talked for awhile after that, laughing and joking lightly. Harmony talking of her earlier days as an adventurer, and Goffrey telling tales as he was apt to do, all them humorous in one manner or another. It wasn't until the light of the moon reached it's peak, that the subject manner became serious again.

"...Harmony..." Goffrey said, chuckles from a joke just shared dying out as the smile slowly fell from his lips, " you think I'll ever find know...just for me?"

Goffrey Massey Baron of Sasat

Harmony enjoyed the time spent talking and laughing. Goffrey could spin a fine tale, and he had many to share...and she had one or two of her own. Time passed pleasantly and she didn’t think—too much—about how she missed Arlian. When Goff turned serious...her pangs returned with a vengeance.

“Oh...Goff...of course you will! You’re barely older than I am, and I just met my someone...and he’s got ten years on me. There are so many lovely girls out there. Really fine ones that will just adore a great strapping hero like you. I bet when you walk through Remton, all the girls giggle and stare at you...and just wish you’d notice them.”

She smiled gently at him and took his hand, “Goffrey, you’re very young as men’ve got lots of time. The right girl will come along, and it will be so much better than any wrong girl. And,” Harmony waggled her brows at him, “In the meantime, you should visit the House...that was one thing that Jenred had could use some practice with the ladies. I’ll give you a special rate!”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)