Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Desolate Desi

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Desiderata sat on a lonely bench in the center of Remton, the capital of Arcaea. She glanced in the direction of the stables, not too far off, and wondered idly if she should go visit Amandine. She knew her mare would keep her company, and she started to rise, but then changed her mind. No, it would be nice to give Ama a break. She sighed and relaxed against the stone wall of the building. Her pale blue gown was appropriate for a moderate Autumn day. It was not too fancy, nor was it too common. The top chiffon layer fluttered lightly in a passing breeze.

The truth be told, Lady Lisieux was very lonely. Of course Captain Lienhart was a nice man, but he was not that sociable with Desi. She knew it wasn't personal - the Captain was a man of the military, not a lady's man. One would think that there might be a common soldier with whom she might converse. It was rare, though, that such an event occurred. Most of the men were too shy to approach her, or simply felt threatened or intimidated. Her life had been one only occupied by duty since she became a Knight. She bent her head, and her chocolate bangs shadowed her face. She had no social life, and it was to the point she was almost ashamed of it. She was looking for anyone to talk to - even a simple peasant! She sighed again and stared at her hands in her lap.

Desiderata Lisieux (Dame of Lantzas)

Thalathafn briskly strode throught he streets after his morning inspection of the garrison. For whatever reason he paused mid stride as the girl caught his eye. He had been short on time having to over see the war but he found himself wandering over towards the bench. It was a rather odd sight, a noble lady alone in the middle of the city without any attendants on hand. "Are you lost, or perhaps waiting for someone?" Thalathafn questioned the girl in the pale blue gown.

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel High Marshal of Arcaea

She looked up suddenly, hearing the voice of a man as he approached her. She smiled at his question and smothered a small sigh. He had not guessed her reason for sitting there on that lonely bench. "I am afraid that I cannot claim either of those options to be my reason." She paused, knowing what she wanted to say ('I am here because I am just so lonely!') would sound so terribly pathetic and overly-fragile that she wouldn't be able to stand it. She rose to curtsy to the kind man to stop by and notice her. "I am not lost, nor am I here awaiting someone in particular. I suppose you could say I am simply here to relax." She smiled more confidently. Well look here, this was a nice man, noble by the look of his clothing, who cared enough to stop and look into the goings-on of a young lady. "I am Lady Desiderata Lisieux. May I inquire as to your name, Sir?"

Desiderata Lisieux (Dame of Lantzas)

She must be new to the realm to not recognize his poofy High Marshal cap he thought to himself. He took off this cap and held it by his side. "I am Thalathafn Urominiel" he bowed slightly. "I do envy you Lady Lisieux, to have this time to yourself and be able to relax in the middle of this bustling city. I wish I could stay but I have duties to attend to." Thalathafn forced a smile as he rubbed the strain from his brow. "Well it was nice meeting you, you enjoy yourself." the High Marshal nodded and turned to continue on his way.

Sir Thalathafn Urominiel High Marshal of Arcaea