Outer Tilog (Realm)/Dictionary

From BattleMaster Wiki

Outer Tilog's Dictionary

  • Abracadabra: usually something you find in children's books, ours comes from a song: I wanne reach out and grab ya, when we are short of human meat.
  • Admiral: something I wanna be some day, but before that we have to conquer some more regions, being admiral on a lake is not the same.
  • Alliance: the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pockets that they cannot separately plunder a third. That’s the reason we are going to cut off the hands of our allies first.
  • Altar: the place whereupon the priest formerly ravelled out the small intestine of the sacrificial victim for purposes of divination and cooked its flesh for the Dark One. We haven't been using it lately, I hope He will not get angry.
  • Back: that part of your ally which it is your privilege to put a dagger in.
  • Boots: The legs of the one to be tortured, are put between two planks of wood, bended together with cords, between which are wedges, and make them enter by blows of a hammer to squeeze the legs. The torturer, Judge Despyria uses a large, heavy hammer to pound the wedges, driving them closer together. At each strike, the inquisitor repeats the question. The wedges lacerate flesh and crush bone, sometimes so thoroughly that marrow gushes out and the legs are rendered useless... The bones of the legs do crack and fall in pieces when they are unloosed; and those who undergo this torture, die usually a little time after.
  • Friend: An unknowing fool who is ripe for betrayal. See also "sucker", "dupe", "victim", "loyal"
  • Interrogation: head crusher, thumbscrew and...
  • Phone(Plate of Heads Or Necks to be Eaten): A true OT delicacy, usually served with Giblet fingers and a side of terror.
  • Shindig: Digging a sharp spike into ones shin. Removal of ones shin and using it to dig a large hole. Similiar nouns Dig, Shin
  • Torture: (Tor sure) A recreational activity. The act of torturing. A way to get information out of enemy POWs
  • Diplomacy Making treaties to be broken at the most convenient time. See friend. A kind of Dip (Dip-Lomacy) that is rumered to go great with both Giblets and Lukons.

Rest to follow, your free to add words when you find somthing!