Dwilight Daily/2009/December

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Revision as of 13:06, 25 December 2009 by Ceorl (talk | contribs)
May your gods have mercy on your soul December 9, 2009
A thing of beauty once created is gone forever and no longer belongs to its Creator

Roleplay from Arden Fury
Message sent to : Everyone in the realm

Treason within the Brotherhood

A heavy and well-armed contingent of Royal Guards march through the woods of Rettlewood, the tromping of their boots flattening the grass and startling the peasants out of their daily routine. Out of respect they stood at attention unused to the sense of purpose, determination and destination that the soldiers displayed. They knew the soldiers weren't here to clear the region of monsters and the undead, who were by now a regular occurence and they took it as part of their lives. If they were, the soldiers would be less visible, less... single-minded in their steps. No, this was a Mission - one that Ordenstaat likely has never seen and probably never will again.

In the middle of the road out of Rettlewood the contingent came to a halt. They wait and watch with precise military discipline and patience honed by seasons of waiting. Soon, in the distance the rumbling wheels of a caravan are heard. Then a green flag bearing the image of a golden lion slowly comes into view. At this, the Royal Guards lower their eyes once in respect then raise them again as they await the Grand Master of the Brotherhood, the architect of Ordenstaat - Sir Milmice Vecchio Ratto.

The caravan comes to a slow stop in front of the contingent and a knight wielding a golden shield steps out and walks towards them. Before he can speak, Captain Stephan, the Royal Captain of the Royal Guard of Eternal Wrath takes two steps forward and unfurls a red scroll that extends to his knees. He looks once at the knight before him, nods then proclaims in deep and commanding tones:

Sir Milmice Vecchio Ratto -

Architect of Ordenstaat,

Founder of the Realm,

Grand Master of the Brotherhood,

By Order of the Royal Council:

You are hereby accused and condemned of the following crimes against Ordenstaat:-

  • Insults & threats of murder against nobles
  • Causing dissension and discord within the Brotherhood
  • Portraying nobles as snakes and the leachers of your dreams
  • Attempts to subjugate Ordenstaat with the influence of St. Iestyn
  • Attempts to force a noble into exile by reason of personal vendetta
  • Secretly joining the underground and conspiring to overthrow the realm
  • False allegations of chaos, heresy, daimonic influence & numerous others
  • Attempts to usurp the authority of the realm council and retake council positions
  • Secretly poisoning the minds of nobles with false accusations through private letters

Captain Stephan rolls up the scroll and draws his sword in one swift motion of fury, raising it to the heavens. In a clear voice he declares with utter conviction and truth, and the words ring through the hills:

A thing of beauty once created

Is gone forever

And no longer belongs to its Creator.

Ordenstaat is that thing of beauty.

It no longer belongs to its Founders

But to all who would call it... their home.

"Sir Milmice," Captain Stephan addresses him for the final time. "We will escort you out of Ordenstaat."

"May your gods have mercy on your soul."
Arden Fury (Grand Master and Preceptor of Ordenstaat)
Comment on this story. by Arden Fury
Grand Master & Preceptor of Ordenstaat 
Xinhai Triumphs! December 25, 2009
Raivan Empire lost the region of Nidhogg's Mark, shortly after being defeated by Xinhai in Aegir's Deep. The Liberans and the Raivans could not muster a force large enough to beat back Xinhai from the Deep, and Aegir's Deep was conquered by Xinhai, leaving Raivan Empire, gasping for survival. With the outcome of the war clear, Libero Empire surrendered, accepting the peace treaty offered by Xinhai. Only time will tell the fate of the Raivan aggressors.
Comment on this story. by Hericus Lefanis, Marshal of the Austere Order