Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Issue 3

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Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #3
Previous Issue Feb. 24 - Mar. 01 Next Issue
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Funding Secured!
Poryatown Press, February 29

To all the dedicated readers out there, we have finally secured founding for the guild and private printing presses. We'll still be printing issues at our old press in Poryatown, but we'll also be printing them at a new press in Askileon. This new printing press will be located inside the guildhouse we'll be setting up there within the next week. Duchess Marie Euphrasia le Fois of Askileon, the staff of the Poryatown Press thank you for making this possible, hopefully our readers will thank you as well.

Lurians divided?
Zanaras, February 27

Beginning with the discussion of whether or not a few nobles have permission to attempt to found a colony in the Port Nebel area, a conflict has emerged that have put Royal Arbitrator Anna Vasata against Marquis Ludovico Sforza, later evolving to have two seemingly distinct sides. One on side remains Royal Arbitrator, backed by Yoshia Dekat, Proslyn Merytis, Grand Imperatrix Alanna Anaris, and Dann Cuvelier. On the other, Marquis Ludovico Sforza, King Kaennji Shenron, Barcodo Renicce, Earid Tasartir, Duchess Marie Euphrasia le Fois, and myself Marshal Zanaras Tian.

After King Shenron put his input, the topic had changed from nobles founding an illegitimate colony to how reported to who in the hierarchy and whether a noble is bound to follow the orders of his Lord's superiors.

After protests against him, Ruler Shenron has lost some of his former prestige.

Pian en Luries Takeovers
Seeing as we are actually have someone from the paper in the realm it is by far easier to report these. If at all possible we'll report who initiated the Takeover, how long, and whatever interesting info we can grab.

Currently Control: 7 Regions
Jan. 31 - Dantooine - By L'Albedo
Reynard later appointed Count
Feb. 02 - Santoo - By Caligula
Reginald later appointed Count
Feb. 03 - Askileon Purlieus - By L'Albedo
Ludovico later appointed Marquis
Feb. 19 - Askileon - By Diodorus
Marie Euphrasia le Fois later appointed Duchess Mar. 02 - Giask - By Diodorus

Tyranny of Raviel
Zanaras, February 28

A small force consisting of troops under the banner of Dame Kristabelle of Emerald Flare, Lady Arthea Belios, Sir Kaagami Icewalker, and Sir Edelstein Greneburie recently set out in order to colonize the city of Port Raviel. Unlike other governments, they've every intention of creating a Tyranny where, as they put it, are "going to strictly enforce respect and obedience, from peasants and nobles. Punishment will be common. This is to show who is in control. We can't and won't be treated as a commoners."

According to my contact, they plan on starting out the realm in the Port Raviel area, and then expanding to the mainland.

False Documents of a Non-Existant Realm
Zanaras, February 28

"Officials from Giask bring reports that Diodorus has presented faked documents in an attempt to trick the local government into believing he had a claim on the region." Or so began the most recent of debates, this time between High Treasurer Minerva Seraph and Sir Diodorus Exiled.

"I do not appreciate your baseless accusation" Retorted Diodorus, "Firstly, 'Officials in Giask' are, presumably, official of an anarchical regime, and (I would suggest) not to be trusted when making accusations against a foreign noble. I have little doubt some of the offending parties are merely attempting to slander my name out of discontent with the hostility that the takeover, which I initiated, is causing - unfortunate, but not unexpected. Secondly, I already have a claim on the region, and more to the point, had it yesterday"

Minerva replied, stating that the people in Giask were probably regular people doing their everyday job and that Giask was a city under a neutral banner.

The conflict here? Do words of nobles of one realm outweigh commoners of another realm? As per usual, we'll let you decide.

Madina Takeovers Morek Takeovers Springdale Takeovers
Currently Control: 10 Regions

Feb. 06 - Fissoa
Feb. 09 - Fissoa Fields
Feb. 12 - Libba
Feb. 17 - Panabuk
Feb. 20 - Lugagun
Feb. 25 - Panafau
Feb. 28 - Laraibina
Feb. 28 - Munawai

Currently Controls: 11 Regions

Feb. 03 - Zhongyuan
Feb. 06 - Bohai
Feb. 07 - Caiyun
Feb. 09 - Huanghai
Feb. 09 - Taishan
Feb. 12 - Nimh
Feb. 14 - Shomrak
Feb. 15 - Cailyn

Currently Controls: 12 Regions

Jan. 31 - White Plains
Feb. 02 - Nifelhold
Feb. 10 - Cortlandt
Feb. 12 - Mt. Black Nastrond Revolted Feb 24!
Feb. 23 - Croton
Feb. 23 - Yaren
Feb. 24 - Aegir's Deep
Feb. 26 - Stratford
Feb. 27 - Muspel
Feb. 29 - Muspelheim