McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/partytaop

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Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain sheathed his blades in disappointment, and walked off the battlefield. He had been hoping to spill the blood of more heretics, but the front line had grown too crowded. He left the field, and found his way to Lady Deianarah’s encampment, intent on apologizing for his abrupt departure the day prior. He presented himself to her staff, and waited patiently.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

One of her guards entered her tent to inform her of Thain’s presence. Kneeling on the ground, Deianarah was going through one of her chests, looking for her favorite cloak, when she looked up. Mildly surprised that he would appear to her again, she wondered what he wanted. He had left so abruptly the other night… “Show him in,” she said quietly, and continued to look through her clothes. She could have sworn it had been in there.

Thain…Admittedly, she was still wondering why it had bothered her so that he left. She’d had Lyndia’s presence to occupy her, but it had not left her mind.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain walked in, the setting sun reflecting majestically off of his gold and white armor, and he smiled.

"I am terribly sorry for leaving you so abruptly the other day m'lady, please forgive me for my rudeness, I should have invited you along. I'm still getting used to the formalities involved in rubbing elbows with the ruling class. I should know better, seeing as I will be joining it..."

He said charmingly.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“Where is it?” she said with exasperation and then Thain’s voice sounded through the tent. Hearing his apology, she stopped rummaging through the chest and set her hands on her thighs, forgetting the cloak entirely.

Her light brown eyes looked up and she gave a small sigh. He had apologized, well at least now she knew she hadn’t done anything wrong, but why did it still bother her?

“It’s…fine,” she finally said and looked down. “Seeing as you really do not know me all that much, or the fact that I don’t know anyone, doesn’t gives you an obligation to have me around. I understand…” He would be joining the ruling class, somewhere she didn’t belong…

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"On the contrary, I was visiting, and left you abruptly. I don't want you thinking you did anything wrong. I really should have brought you along. So I've decided to make up for it. Will you accompany me? Nighthelmian tradition dictates we pillage the wines and liquors of the territories we conquer... And my men have acquired quite a stockpile."

Thain said, producing a bottle from a bag.

"It's a great vintage."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah rose from the ground and slapped her knees removing any dirt that may have stuck there.

“Sure,” she finally gave him a smile and approached him. He was unusually tall, she looked up at him and out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her cloak sitting on her propped bo. “There you are,” she grinned, her hand rested on Thain’s arm and she reached over to take it. Her bo came along with it and fell to the ground. Picking it up, the intricate symbols worked along its entire edge became visible and she set it back.

She then realized she had grabbed his arm and pulled it back slowly. “Uhm.. so where are we going?”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"To my camp, of course. We've acquired too much to carry. I will be inviting others to join us as well."

Thain held out his arm for her and gestured towards the door. He flashed another one of his charming grins, and fidgeted with his eye patch a little.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“Of course,” she said softly and tied her dark green cloak around her shoulders and set her hand back on his arm. She took a moment to appreciate his grin and gave him a dazzling smile in return. “Lead the way my Lord,” she said motioning the entrance and he led her to his camp.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain led her out of the tent, and towards his encampment, filling her in on what to expect.

"There will be a large fire, stories of battles past, drunken singing... If people can get in the spirit of days past. It has been too long since the brothers of the Hall of Blood and Battle, and similar men of heroic backgrounds got together to celebrate over a glorious conquest."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

“Sounds like a lot of fun,” she thought out loud and then grew silent as they continued to walk. She honestly didn’t know what else to say and simply enjoyed his presence.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain escorted Deianarah into his encampment, the fire was roaring, and meat was being cooked on a spit. His men, except for those who stood on duty, had already cracked into the stores of alcohol liberated from Taop, and had begun singing and playing music. He steered himself and Deianarah over to a table.

"What will it be m'lady?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

She remembered the last dinner she’d had with Thain. He seemed to have good taste, and honestly she hadn’t been to many of these, her knowledge of drinks was mainly wine.

“Hmm… I’m not sure. Surprise me,” she grinned and looked around to the fire and the merriment of the men and she couldn’t help but smile, caught up in it.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain flashed another smile, and walked over to another table, and got two glasses, and went over to an oak cask, pouring an amber liquid from it into the glasses. The firelight glinted off of his armor, and he moved with a grace that seemed unnatural, given his size. His men were obviously in awe of him, they called a toast for him. He responded back with a toast in their honor and refilled his glass, and returned to Deianarah.

"Single malt whiskey, vintage is the same year as my birth. The men refuse to drink it, think its sacred or something. Good men, each and everyone of them. The food will still be awhile. Lets hope the others show up soon..."

Roleplay from San Exiled

San strolled through the city of Taop - not quite in dress armour, but having left most of the battle-essential armour in a townhouse his men had commandeered to make as a barracks. A messenger reached him carrying news of a booze cache having been uncovered by a Sir Thain, who was holding an impromptu banquet, and turned his travels towards the location.

Some half an hour later he arrived, and was saluted by one guard who clearly had drawn the shortest straw imaginable on a night like this. San smiled at him.

"Is this the camp of Sir Thain?" he asked, somewhat unnecessarily.

"Yes sir," the guard replied, with a look of gloom on his face. "I understand my master is personally with a young lady, but the other guards are likely having a good time without me." The guard seemed to realize his bitterness, and smiled at San. "But I am sure you can enter if you wish, sir."

San smiled.

"If Sir Thain is busy with a young lady as you say, I doubt he needs old foreign nobles coming to berate him on his drinking technique. But I appreciate the offer. Please send your master my regards, and tell him I would like to meet him at a later date when he is not so... indisposed."

Nodding to the guard, who saluted once more, he turned to leave.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain stood up,

"Excuse me." he whispered to Deianarah, and walked over to San, clamping his hand on his shoulder.

"I don't believe we've met. Going so soon? Nonsense, come. The food is almost ready, and there is ale aplenty."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah smiled as he returned and took the glass he slid towards her. She looked into the cup at the amber liquid with a quizzical expression at his words, sacred…

She raised it in a toast. “To many more victories,” she smiled and brought it close to her mouth to take a drink. Before she drank it, she could smell it and her eyes widened slightly. Well she wasn’t going to turn it down, she had never tasted it, if anything she might even like it. She closed her eyes and took a drink and her eyes popped open again.

She swallowed it quickly, the liquid sliding down her throat and she gave a small cough. She covered her mouth shyly and lowered her glass. “Yes… uhm quite sacred,” she laughed lightly and bit her lip.

She then overheard as a new noble approach and Thain excused himself. While he was away, she watched both nobles quietly. Her gaze continuously found Thain as he moved and talked and she averted her gaze when she realized what she was doing. Innatentively she took another long drink, this time managing not to cough. She looked to the glass again, well it wasn’t so bad.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain released San's shoulder, "Come, join us." he offered again, and returned to Deianarah.

"Sorry about that. First guest."

He raised his glass again.

"To a brighter future, and to those who will be there to make it so."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah smiled at San as he approached with Thain. He then raised his glass and she followed suit joining him “to a brighter future.” She had only just had a drink, but took another one to honor his words. Her glass was almost empty and she looked to it quietly. The more she drank, the better it tasted.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain finished his glass, and took Deianarah's now empty glass, and went to refill them.

"Help yourself stranger." he called to San as he filled the glasses.

He came back and set the glass in front of Deianarah. He noticed she was getting a little flushed and smirked.

"Enjoying the drink m'lady?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

She gave him a smile and took the glass he gave her. “Yes, it takes some getting used to, but all in all, it’s good.” She didn’t drink this time, and held on to the glass. She could feel the heat on her cheeks and ears.

She mentally told herself to slow down, but there was that awkward silence that filled the air and she needed something to fill it with and sure enough taking a drink seemed to do.

She tapped her hands on her leg with the beat of the music and hummed along. Some time passed and she looked over to the fire and rose, she was getting a bit hungry and she was going to see if the food was ready.

“Would you like me to bring you back some food?” she asked before she started to walk away.

Roleplay from Azrea Hyral

With only her captain remaining, Azrea made the decision to break camp and make way for the capital immediately so as to rejoin the army as quickly as possible. But not a quarter-hour into the journey home, the light of a fire caught her eye. It was but a short distance ahead...the road to the capital was long. And cold. And currently, quite dark. Perhaps her haste to leave before sunrise had been in error? Feeling her resolve weakening against the lure of comfortable warmth, however long it lasted, she hesitated. What harm could come of asking to sit by the fire for a bit? And so, after taming her wind-tossed hair, she detoured off the road.

They found the encampment to be that of knight Himoura, who apparently already had guests. Frowning slightly, Azrea turned to the guard, whose grim mood led her to believe that perhaps harm could come from asking. Still, the fire...

"Excuse me, good sentry...I was wondering...perhaps I could...but...there seems to be...that is...would I be interrupting? Something here?" Somehow...that hadn't come out at all well, she thought.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

The sentry directed Lady Azrea into the camp, welcoming her and informing her to help herself.

Thain, meanwhile was having food brought over for the enjoyment of his current guests, when a messenger ran up. Thain read the missive and laughed.

"Oh dear me, it seems we have a Soliferum noble who has grown a pair. I've been challenged to a duel to the death. Go, and inform him I will meet him at sunset then." he ordered the messenger. He shot a look at Deianarah and grinned.

"It will be like the old days again. Before Soliferum destroyed all that was good in the South."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah had only sat down to start eating some of her food when Thain informed her of a challenge, a duel to the death, at sunset. The food had made it half way to her mouth and then stopped as she froze.

He was grinning at her, enjoying the challenge, exhilarated by the fact, but for some reason she couldn’t speak. Lowering her food, she weakly returned the grin but she didn’t feel it. She barely knew Thain, but she had seen him fight. She had faith that he would be victorious, but on the other hand a part of her dreaded it entirely.

Somewhere in the pit of her stomach she felt the oddest sensation.

She listened as the rest of his men as they cheered Thain, and hollered, cursing Soliferum but she remained silent. Whenever he looked back in her direction, she forced a smile on her face but she had difficulty keeping it there. What sensation the whiskey had given her but a moment ago had disappeared. She looked down to her food again but she wasn’t hungry anymore.

She didn’t even know what to say. Instead she rose, and walked towards Thain but instead of saying anything she continued past him, in the direction of the fire.

When she got there, she stood quietly, armed crossed and stared into the flames.

Roleplay from Galdor Stormwind

As he gave his armor to his servant for cleaning a messenger came into his tent. "My Lord, I bear an invitation from Lord Himoura." He set the letter down on the table and disappeared again.

Galdor took the letter and opened it. "Hmm, some liquor acquired from these heretics. It does not sounds that bad, even though I do not know this Lord Himoura. Let's check it out" He grabbed his cloak, a red cloak with gold rimmed edges, and swept out of the tent.

"Captain, I will be away for the night." He went in search for the camp of Thain Himoura, which couldn't be too far away as Arcaea's nobles were mostly settled near each other.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain stood up and walked after Deianarah, and put a hand on her shoulder.

"What's troubling you?" he said softly, hoping to reassure her. He had a good idea what was wrong, and there wasn't much he could do but to talk to her.

Roleplay from Azrea Hyral

Azrea glanced across the fire at Thain and Deianarah and immediately returned her eyes to her bowl of fish stew. She was interrupting something. Better take small sips, she thought, quietly taking up a spoonful of broth.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah was watching the flames dance when she felt his hand on her shoulder, and closed her eyes. She didn’t even know what was wrong herself. “I’m unsure,” she told him honestly and turned to face him. “I have every confidence that you will teach that that Soliferan a lesson he will not recover from, but a part of me is still afraid…” she said softly and looked down.

“I know we don’t know each other that well, and what I say may not even touch you. But I have come to look forward to seeing you, and…” she looked up, her light brown eyes dancing with the firelight. “I don’t want this to be the last night I see you...” she told him and averted her eyes, feeling heat creep to her cheeks.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain laughed and spun her around to face her.

"There is no reason to worry my dear. And no need to be ashamed to say that either. Wait here, and I will return, it is almost time. You can come and watch if you wish. But I have to go best one Soliferum's dogs in combat. If I can survive battles with thousands of men trying to kill me, one man shouldn't be a problem. We will finish the feast in a few minutes."

He kissed her hand and turned to leave for the dueling ring.

"All are invited to come and watch."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

She hoped he was right and she was worrying for no reason, she smiled as he kissed her hand and looked to his handsome face for a few seconds. He left and she glanced to the fire, she glanced in the direction of a woman, a noble eating food from a bowl and gave her a weak smile and a nod and then followed after Thain.

Her steps hurried until she was at his side again and she then stopped as he entered the dueling ring. Well at least she would witness it first hand.