Melhed/History/Age of Blood/April 2005 Elections

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This occurred somewhere around April 2005 election in the Age of Blood. Melhed was in the midst of surviving an onslaught upon Agyr during the Second Invasion. Twenty-one nobles were part of Melhed when this began. While the realm bureaucrats insisted on titling letters from the council as Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, Grand Justiciar, and Minister of Finances, melite nobles preferred Emperor, Grand General, Grand Justicar, and Lord High Bankercrat, respectively. The titles have been recorded as melites wished them to be.

Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
"Hey, nice work Nemrus. That must have taken quite a bit of time and effort to write. It's always nice to see a good roleplay here and there."..... Koban....

Thanks, I had to RP something... My RP isn't so good, but ok...

"Oh, and I'm not going to get mad if you use my name in roleplay, so no worries :)"... Koban...

Well, my RP didn't quite end here. The battle is still to be told in it....
Letter from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I might as for this region's lordship, But.... I am a hero, and Hero's hate BC I would not think of any lordship, especially when there are monster lurking around.
Report from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Unit 'Assassin's' report:-

Training: 80 %
Equipment Quality: 80 %
Equipment Damage: 6 %
Morale: 92 %
Cohesion: 56 %
Total Combat Strength: 431
Designation: army
Last paid: 5 days ago...

I will not be able to read the capitol the very next turn, as I had Digged in my Unit along the walls of the town. I will in a way set to the capitol with 2 hours left, but will reach there 5 hours later...
Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I will not be able to read the capitol the very next turn... The underlined word should be 'reached' not 'read'
Roleplay from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm

As the monsters come running towards the group…. "Hold your fire" shouts Hihg Mashall Koban of Melhed, riding his horse … "Let them come into proper range, and then we shall rain hell on them"….

As the monster come running towards the army, the sky darkens... One of them see towards the sky, a dark cloud hanging above. Curious it waits and see at the cloud, getting bigger and bigger.

A patch of the cloud comes near him, an arrow pierces his eyes. By the time they release its a cloud of thousands of thousands of arrow, the whole group falls to the ground....
Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
No worries Koban. I'm here but since I've been kept rather busy with assignments and such I've been keeping my talking to a minimum. Feel free to continue giving Tan orders, and then we can blame him when they don't get carried out. ;)
Aldo Unti (Grand Justicar of Melhed)
Letter from Tan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Aldo - you definately have the mark of a good minister, you know when do delegate authority (especially to save yourself ;) ). Well, if people are going to order me to hold court in Rengo, I might as well throw my hat in the ring for lordship of the region so I can actually do it.
Out-of-Character from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I am using so much self control it is killin me.
El Cid Rogala
Out-of-Character from Tan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Good, that saves us from having to do the job ourselves ;)
Out-of-Character from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I'm not going to appoint anyone as lord of Rengo until I know we can keep the region. You don't want to be appointed, and then lose lots of honour and prestige when your region is taken over do you?
Tsu Sun
Battle in Agyr

(rogue) vs. Melhed
Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 6000 CS

The battle ends undecisive. No winners.
Region Revolts
The people of Bolkenia have revolted and declared independence from Luz de Bia!
Undead Sighted!

Panic is spreading in Mhed after peasants spread rumours of an undead horde.

The peasants are living in fear and barely dare to leave their homes.
Undead Activity

Undead are still at large in Agyr:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 2 %.
11 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic.

Undead are still at large in Rengo:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 6 %.
5 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic.
The peasants are in panic and morale drops 3 %.
The undead are marching!
The undead are starting to turn the region into an undead sprawl and have begun to slaughter peasants and burn villages!

Undead are still at large in Agyr:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 10 %.

The peasants are in panic and morale drops 9 %.
Monthly Elections

Your realm will vote on the ruler and judge positions in a few days, either to affirm the current office holders, or to select someone more capable.
Check your voting settings and make sure you are ready for the upcoming election.

If you think you are ready for a government career, now is the time to start your campaign.
New ruler in Mesh
The realm of Mesh has elected Adrahil as its new Chancellor. He received 34 % of the valid votes.
Letter from Maccus Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I can't get reports but I do see this:

You are currently in Rengo.

Troops in this region Unit Commander Realm Troop Size Troop Type Status Undead Horde - - 348 men Undead moving out to Tepmona Assasins Nemrus Melhed 24 men Archers moving out to Agyr The Ottomans Ott Melhed 13 men Archers retreated For the living: in Time! Sakari Melhed (2 men) Infantry scattered

Total Troops: 387 men (348 Undead, 37 Archers, 2 Infantry)

(rogue): 348 Undead Melhed: 37 Archers, 2 Infantry

Troop leaders without units: Maccus (Melhed)
Maccus Baceolus
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
No winners? Ahahaha that's the funniest thing I ever heard. We were so close to losing, its amazing.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Thank goodness tax is today.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Orders from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Don't start rallying your men left. Please report on how much gold you have on hand.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Hmm, elections coming up again, who's planing on running for what, why are you running, where are you running to, when are you running and how are you going to do something useful? :)
Bob Baceolus
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
No worries men, we can easily throw these undead back. I have some gold saved up on me for just such a situation. I'm asking how much gold you have, to see if any of you can recruit more troops.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Report from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I've got 2 gold and yes I'm running for judge again
Aldo Unti (Grand Justicar of Melhed)
Orders from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Rally your men, we're going to try and beat them next turn.

I considered waiting until tax to fight them, but that means the militia rallying will die, and it doesn't really help us that much by delaying.

If you have ANY gold, recruit troops. We're going to need them.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Orders from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Infantry - Front Row, Defensive, Box

Mixed Infantry - Third Row, Defensive, Box

Archers - 2nd Row, Defensive, Box
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
43 new recruits have been sent to Agyr as militia/guards. Lets hope those infantry, and the rest of our army, will be enough to hold the walls.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
There is no way I'm supporting the undead this election, unless they are running away from us. They tore down the walls in Agyr. Sure I am all for pillaging and burning, I just prefer it if it is in someone elses regions.
Morgan Darby
Letter from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
But it would be easy to support the undead this time. They are already here in Agyr for the elections.

Also if we distract them with a big enough party they may never notice our army sneaking up for the kill.

Bob Baceolus
Letter from Tan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I'm running for Judge again. I know that it's technically Aldo's month this time, but since I was injured he's had my spot for more than half the month anyway, so I should get it back until I'm injured again.

So, what's my position ... hmm ... I support allowing the undead to vote, as long as the polling stations for them are in Enweil and they have to pass a skill test (namely, "Show me how fast you can fall apart to your proper state of deadness!"). Those who fail the test will be immediately deported to another continent, though their leader Listener will be free to stay.

Vote Tan!
Letter from Tan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Oh, and if anyone wants to contribute to my campaign ...uhh, I mean lend me money to recruit soldiers, I could do with some (I'm down to 4 gold, no men).
Letter from Durak
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Your family has sent you a servant with 100 gold. You lose 1 points of prestige.
Letter from Durak
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Tywin was around, so I sent him the gold to spend on infantry.
Letter from Solufein
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Don't waste a chance and take those last 2 healers, You can always send them home next turn, 2 of them joined my unit for free when They heard Eye of Storm held the line when all hope was lost. With 11 wounded man They will help to make my men ready before next bloody sunset.
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Sorry I couldn't log on early in the turn...bad timing.

Fronen reports a large group of undead heading to Rengo. We're not out of the woods yet. But I know we'll get through this!

Now let's show those undead who's boss.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I would willingly send a messenger to my family, but I have no hours left to recruit. That battle took all my hours.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Let's all congratulate Tsu on reaching 200 honour (201 to be exact). We have quite an...honourable...Prime Minister. Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else.

By the way, I know the turn is coming earlier, but I can't log ON any orders are going to be really late. But chances are we're staying in Agyr anyway :)

Fight well!
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Out-of-Character from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Tom fixed the negative population bug. Hopidrii is back to +1!!!!
Letter from Sakari Kain
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Hello everyone. Some undead guy jabbed a 15 feet tall flagpost between my ribs so I was pretty badly hurt there. But I am better now!
Sakari Kain
Bug Warning

There was a bug that affected all units, increasing them by 3 men and changing their training and cohesion values.

I have made an effort to reset the values back to ones close to what they should have been. As I had to do some guesswork, the values may not be correct in all cases. Therefore, please take the free 3 men you all received as a means of compensation for that bug.
Letter from Guy
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I will be stuck in Rengo this turn, I am just now returning from a wound...
Travel Report

You find a good route and make progress faster than assumed, saving one hour of travel time. As you pass the border, you come upon a signpost reading:
You have entered the realm of Melhed.

This land is plagued by wandering monsters, undead, and banditry. Crossing it puts you and your soldiers at great risk if you are not escorted by Melhed guides. Contact one as soon as possible.
You have arrived in Rengo, a Woodland region (friendly territory).
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Vozzessdor:
(rogue) vs. Old Grehk
Estimated combat strengths: 3000 CS vs. 7000 CS

Defender Victory!
Battle in Agyr

(rogue) vs. Melhed
Estimated combat strengths: 2000 CS vs. 5000 CS

Defender Victory!
Region Takeover
Plergoth has taken control of Ypsilanti , a former rogue region. Plergoth now controls 2 regions.
Undead Activity

Undead are still at large in Rengo:

The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 14 %.
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Huzzah! Good job, we crushed those undead.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Report from Kantarl
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Scribe Note Scout Report (Hopidrii)

Scribe Note Scout Report (Gor Ault)

Scribe Note Scout Report (Rengo)
Kantarl (Lord High Bankercrat)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Well done, warriors! Although Rengo is in trouble, we've secured the safety of Melhed (for now). You all fought very bravely! In other news, I'm now just as prestigious as Tsu. Aldo's next on my list! Assuming Tsu doesn't use his axe on me.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Orders from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Oh, right, I guess some of you might want orders. Gather in Agyr for tax day. Get drunk. That's it.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Kurobei
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Also, don't forget to repair equipment if you can afford it.
Report from Kurobei
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
There are unbelievable amounts of stuff still around from the last battles in this region.

Your men scrounge the battlefield for three hours, but could not find any useable stuff.

Report from Kurobei
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Very cool new option for heroes!

Pick up volunteers - see if any locals will join your unit and partake in your heroic deeds.

Word of your presence has spread throughout the region, and volunteers are gathering in the nearby inns. Many of them are just eager, but if you spend some time weeding them out, you might find a bunch of good soldiers among them.

This is a hero-unique way of enlarging your unit a little independent of location, available recruits and, best of all, for free.
Report from Kurobei
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
You search for 6 hours, but there are no suitable volunteers around. Okay...not so cool :(
Letter from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
It can't be too easy to get more men, or else all heroes will be walking around with 500 man units and just get more free ones instead of paying them :)
Bob Baceolus
Letter from Guy
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Good point. Oh well I am going to search like crazy anyways!
Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
This is strange... I had 24 men with 80 Training, after reaching the capitol, it's 27 men with 77 training...

1)it's either a new feature when villagers join voluteerly without you knowledge

2) or It's a bug

I guess its a feature...
Out-of-Character from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Bug Warning (9 hours, 17 minutes ago)

There was a bug that affected all units, increasing them by 3 men and changing their training and cohesion values.

I have made an effort to reset the values back to ones close to what they should have been. As I had to do some guesswork, the values may not be correct in all cases. Therefore, please take the free 3 men you all received as a means of compensation for that bug.
Tsu Sun
Letter from Sakari Kain
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Comming back to Agyr then :)
Sakari Kain
Letter from Sakari Kain
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
May the God have mercy if any of those vile undead creatures stab another flagpost in my ribes, there is a high percentage chance that I may go berserk then.
Sakari Kain
Letter from Aldo Unti
So it seems my opponent has once again decided to try and become judge; curse you Tan for making this a fair an honest election. ;)

Well I guess I need some propaganda of my own then....

In my short time as judge I haven't had much to do; you people are very law abiding. But what I have done is draft and post the Constitution of Melhed that is available for your viewing pleasure in the judge's bulletin. As should be plane to see from the laws I've tried to record, I believe in fair and honest treatment for all members of Melhed and plan on continuing my efforts to simplify and correct the laws recorded.

That said Tan is an excellent judge as well who has tried his best to make Melhed one of the best places to live during his own time as judge. He is a worthy opposition.

So Please Vote!

Thank you,
Aldo Unti (Grand Justicar of Melhed)
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Both potential judges have good platforms. I still don't know who to vote for...
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Oh, and by the way, I'm still running for Prime Minister.

If I am elected, all nobles shall recieve chocolate eclairs!

Vote Tsu!
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Roleplay from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
One of these days Tsu you might not win the election so I won't always be so smug.
El Cid Rogala
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
"... so I won't always be so smug." Typo?
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
It's no typo, am just crazy.
El Cid Rogala
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Ok, it's a typo.
El Cid Rogala
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Just saying that you doesn't seem too take yourself very serious. Am still voting for you but If a better canidate came along I would have to switch.
El Cid Rogala
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
You haven't been in the realm very long. I can be very serious when it is needed.

We just won a great battle, and there is no immediate danger. Do you find my light mood to be inappropriate?

I could act all high and mighty, try to whip our nobles into a vicious, efficient, military state...but why bother? I'm sure no-one would enjoy it very much.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Sakari Kain
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
If I run, do I have your vote El Cid? :P and your vote Tsu? :P
Sakari Kain
Roleplay from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I just can't handle myself sometimes this realm is so... I can put my finger on it. Anyways I got big palns, so am just going to be a nice little fellow and follow orders till it's time for me to bloom.
El Cid Rogala
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Am just messing, Tsu you do a kick ass job as ruler, do you have any tips? Am not kidding, do you?
El Cid Rogala
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Like what do you do when your frist elected. Do you introduce yourself to the other rulers or just play it cool? Any thing I should be aware of?
El Cid Rogala
Out-of-Character from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I think the facts speak for themselves:

2004-04-15 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.
2004-07-08 Tsu Initiated a rebellion in Melhed.
2004-07-08 Tsu Lead a successful rebellion and took rulership in Melhed.
2004-07-10 Tsu Stepped down from rulership.
2004-07-10 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.
2004-08-01 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.
2004-08-15 Tsu Elected as judge in Melhed.
2004-09-01 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.
2004-10-01 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.
2004-10-05 Tsu Elected as judge in Melhed.
2004-10-11 Tsu Stepped down as Judge.
2004-11-01 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.
2004-12-01 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.
2005-01-01 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.
2005-02-01 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.
2005-03-01 Tsu Elected as ruler in Melhed.

After being elected so many times, and leading our realm through 2 world wars without being destroyed... I think I must do some things right.

Do you believe you can do better? If not, please stop randomly critizing me.
Tsu Sun
Out-of-Character from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Here a sweet star wars trailer by yhte way if anyone is interested:
El Cid Rogala
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Am going to throw my support behind Tsu this election, he has shown alot of skill dealing with the undead. Also I must say we have a great general, even though I know he doesn't trust me, that means he's one of the smart ones. Also our Judge is pretty good, but most of the time he's at the healers which makes me wonder what's really going on if you know what I mean. Our banker on the other hand, I think he has alot to learn, If you ever need any pointers or help just ask. Am more then willing to help you with you problems. Also I think we have a great duke, what's his name.... oh wait that's Tsu again, well he's very good too.
El Cid Rogala
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I'll admit I have done a few stupid things, like ordering the charge of the light light infantry in Bisana, but who doesn't make a few mistakes?
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Out-of-Character from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Anyone save an html copy of that battle by the way?
Tsu Sun
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
True that.
El Cid Rogala
Undead Activity

Undead are still at large in Rengo:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 4 %.
The undead are leaving the region and moving somewhere else.

Undead are still at large in Rengo:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 3 %.
17 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic.

The peasants are in panic and morale drops 3 %.

Tax rate on collection day: 20 %.
Taxes from troop leaders: 0 gold.
Income from other sources: 10 gold.
Total non-region taxes: 10 gold.
Region Collected Trades Militia Lord Stolen Realm dues
Agyr         2266       - 13     108   533             1612 gold
Rengo         71                     71                         0 gold
Total         2324       - 13     108   533     71   1612 gold

Total Tax Income: 1622 gold

Your score is 4 / 96 points, resulting in a tax share of 67 gold for you.
Letter from El Cid
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I changed to Buro, so who wants 25 gold?
El Cid
Report from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
7 hours / 633 gold So...who needs some?
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Chocolate eclairs eh? You are really going to rack up a debt here Tsu. you still owe me the 2 kumquats, an orange, and a christmas ham you bet on Kai Do Ma winning the judge election a few months back.
Morgan Darby
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
You have successfully transferred 25 bonds to Morgan. I'm not sure how much ham's are selling for these days, especially with the near-famine, but that should about cover it.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Undead Horde - - 429 men Undead moving out to Tepmona
Morgan Darby
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Seeing as it isn't christmas, they will probably be expensive. But 25 gold should cover it. Thank you, now I don't have to get the judge to break your thumbs.
Morgan Darby
Letter from Tsu Sun
Thank you sah.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Tan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I resent El Cid's suggestion that I'm purposefully getting myself injured in order to spend time with healers. I am not a malingerer, and while our healers are among the most beautiful in the entire continent, I swear that the kid is not my son!
Letter from Bob Baceolus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Message from Morgan (21 recipients) (14 minutes ago)

Message sent to: Everyone in the realm Chocolate eclairs eh?

You are really going to rack up a debt here Tsu. you still owe me the 2 kumquats, an orange, and a christmas ham you bet on Kai Do Ma winning the judge election a few months back.


[reply to sender]
Bob Baceolus
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I thought it was 3 kumquats too, but when I checked my records, I found it was only 2.
Morgan Darby
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
The city currently has a fortification type of Keep (3).

That means you need 12 "blocks" of improvement in order to raise it to the next level. Each block costs 203 gold to construct.

You can do the math. The total is not very pleasing.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I sent out about 400 gold in the last 5 minutes. I'm going to save the last 200 for emergencies...and paying for my unit.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Request
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
We need more infantry by the way.
Request (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Out-of-Character from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Studying a little, then sleeping. I won't log in again for like 8 hours.
Tsu Sun
Letter from Ott
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I'm throwing my hat in the ring for both Prime Minister AND Judge. I'm such a great leader that I don't even know the MEANING of the words "independant judiciary"! Longtime members of Melhed are nodoubt familliar with my rousing wartime ballads and freestyle rapping. As your defacto tyrant I promise to provide all the bread you can eat, and maybe a few circuses too. I just got off the phone with P. T. Barnum's ghost and he expressed an interest.

As for my opponent Tsu, well let's just say his lengthy reign was not earned honestly cough ballotstuffing cough. In fact I think it's fair to refer to him as CRIME minister instead of PRIME minister.

So for all these reasons and more vote Ott in the next election. Also if you vote for me I'll get you a great deal on a used car (kinda broken, you have to use the hand brake to stop in the wintertime). PEACE OUT!
Letter from Tywin
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I'll enter my name for the judge election as well, afterall I once upheld the law for 7 united kingdoms on another continent long ago. I believe it would be very beneficial to our realm to elect a judge as experienced as I am, but bare in mind- I have no remorse when troop leaders are not loyal to the government. If you want a stern judge with no compassion for traitors or miscreants, then surely you'll vote for me, for I am the one man who will meet your expectations.
Orders from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
So, this probably isn't necessary to say, but recruit this turn! And repair, etc.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
You know, with these elections, I'm feeling a little left out. There's never any excitement at the end of the month for me, I'm always just guaranteed to be general unless I get seriously wounded of El Cid stabs me :)
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Tywin - you've got my vote if I'm guaranteed half the ransom money/stolen gold money!
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Report from Kurobei
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
You search for 6 hours, but there are no suitable volunteers around. That's 12 hours total and no good troops. What the hell kind of city is Agyr, anyway? Tsu, you need to whip these men into shape, we're ALL at war when it comes to monsters and undead!
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Well there's no more Agyrian guard for me to recruit. I've got about 100 gold to spare. Anyone in need of some extra cash?
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Rengo: Many people are complaining about the high taxes. War, looting or unrest makes the peasants unhappy. Morale rises 8%. I love it.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Tsu's has been in a rebellion... .. can't trust him :D...

Well Tsu if you look that way, then look into my family history No one would have seen a decent one till now... :)

No bans, no rebellion, no betrayal, no black mark... I could very well see for all the posts in the council.. (ruler, judge, general and banker) I have been an Exprienced General, Judge, Duke, Count, 2nd in command of Nighthelm armier etc.....

And don't worry, I do not wish for a position in the council...

And I won't be voting for anyone here in Melhed as I don't know any one here properly.. except for our curret general (who does what his duty call's him too)...
Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Duke of Agyr ate up 533 gold meant for TL's... :(
Letter from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Does any one have money to fund my emergencies... 25 would do wonder's... I shall replay back with intrest if he gives me 100 and I shall gladly return to him 125..
Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I come to some notice that, TL's here are (of course i know thier names) are asking to "Vote for me".. well because full, I may be here in Meldeh for a reason... that too especially abadoning my previous posts.... X-( ... RP being my favourite thing... Carefull not "Vote for me" banner.... if you want to say something, then by use campaigning by all means and not "Vote for me"...
Out-of-Character from Durak
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
What is wrong about saying "vote for me!"? That's what you're asking them to do.
Letter from Guy
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I told my story to raise morale in Agyr.
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Gorin:
(rogue) vs. Enweil
Estimated combat strengths: 3000 CS vs. 6000 CS
Kristoff (Enweil) was captured by (rogue) forces.

Attacker Victory!
Peasants upset about the brutality of the takeover in Rengo have formed a partisan group and are starting a guerilla war against the invaders of their homeland.
Region Takeover
Riombara has taken control of Ajitmon , a former rogue region. Riombara now controls 8 regions.
Undead Activity

Undead are still at large in Rengo:

The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 1 %.
Report from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Scribe Note Scout Report (Gor Ault)

Scribe Note Scout Report (Hopidrii)

Scribe Note Scout Report (Rengo)
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Orders will be given once Tanko provides his scoutings. Save hours until then, we may be moving out.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Well someone said what's with "Vote for me".. I am sure you would have read somewhere... Do not ask TL's for you vote.... Let them decide...
An alliance was forged
The realms of Plergoth and Mesh have joined into an alliance.
Out-of-Character from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I believe it says "Do not order anyone to vote for you." I agree with this entirely. For instance, I'm not going to punish you, or deprive you of opportunities if you *don't* vote for me...I'm just showing enthusiasm. In real life, it is very common for people to say "vote for me!" Haven't you ever seen people wearing pins that say "Vote xxxxxx!"?
Tsu Sun
Out-of-Character from Sakari Kain
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I believe it is the same thing, and everyone knows it. If they ask for your vote, that is asking for their trust for a certain resonsibility and representation. I believe everyone knows that they are not betraying the person if they do not vote for her/him, it is an election.
Sakari Kain
Out-of-Character from Sakari Kain
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Yes of course you should not order anyone to vote for you, and it is foolish anyway as it says somewhere since the vote is anonomous so it is very hard to find out who voted for who anyway. Yes have seen those pins, those words, they always say that :P
Sakari Kain
Out-of-Character from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
From the ruler Howto:

"Never tell people what or for whom to vote."

I think it is pretty clear what that means - "Don't force people to vote for you." Which I'm not.
Tsu Sun
Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Now look what we've done Tan, people are starting to run against us! This might make it harder to control... I mean guide Melhed in the future. Crazy people and your belief in fair and honest elections. ;)
Aldo Unti (Grand Justicar of Melhed)
Letter from Tan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
It's obviously a conspiracy of some sort, and my first order of business if elected judge will be to use my "Tan's Electoral Campaigners" unit to route out this plot.
Orders from Kurobei
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Well, too late to give travel orders now. Stay in Agyr and recruit (if you can, I know there's almost nothing left). Be ready to move out next turn.
Out-of-Character from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Gah, wrong character. Sorry.
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
No compassion for TLs who are not loyal to the government? I think you will either have a hard time winning this election or really have your work cut out for you as judge, Tywin. Half the ream regularly insults and plots to overthow our government, including major officials. And many of us have rebelled once or twice.

Just look at our ruler, Tsu, he has embeselled more money for palaces and gold houses than any other ruler I have heard of.
Morgan Darby
Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
"No compassion for TLs who are not loyal to the government? I think you will either have a hard time winning this election or really have your work cut out for you as judge, Tywin. Half the ream regularly insults and plots to overthow our government, including major officials. And many of us have rebelled once or twice.

Just look at our ruler, Tsu, he has embeselled more money for palaces and gold houses than any other ruler I have heard of."
.. Morgan... he good one....

And people remember, you can tell your TL's "If I became this and that, Then I could do better".. But still a no no to "Votr for me" directly...
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Yes Master High Gaurd, your plans are going as wished. The fools have no clue.
El Cid Rogala
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Ignore that last message.
El Cid Rogala
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Yes, council, I agree that who ever is to be the next judge shall execute El Cid.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Ignore that message :)

Just joking, El Cid.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
El Cid Rogala
Out-of-Character from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
.. Morgan... he good one....

So you think Morgan is a good, loyal Melhedian? You obviously havn't seen the mayhem he has and will continue to cause. Why, just last election he advocated voting undead for judge.

All things considered, I think we all actually are good and loyal Melhedians, except maybe Tanko, you should all watch out for him. Even El Cid, whose recent messages cast doubt on this statement, but which I believe to be true anyway, is, I believe, loyal. For now.

I also don't see anything wrong with saying 'vote for me'. But subliminal messages, I know there is something wrong with that.
Morgan Darby
Out-of-Character from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Actually I think what would be worse would be if people started saying, Vote for me; or else! Now that definatly sounds bad.
Aldo Unti
Out-of-Character from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Too bad there aren't any Banker elections in a Republic.
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
All this talk about elections and devious subliminal messages is losing luster. I think, especially in a Republic, where all men are free men, everyone should just be clear and direct on what they want to say, and not have the need for subliminal messages.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Koban is right. We shouldn't use al these devious subliminal messages about killing people and broaden our understanding of more important matters, such as the best and varied ways of killing undead!
Morgan Darby
Letter from Kultan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I agree completely and fully with your statement of fact, Morgan. We should not, in all seriousness, fall pray to these bouts of hatred and insults. However, we are a republic, where every man has the right to do what he wants, even something so under-handed in these dark days. In any case, let's go kill some undead.
Unit AutoPayment

As set in your preferences, your unit is to be paid every 4 days, which means today.

You paid for the following paraphernalia: 1 for Scouts.

3 for Healers.
Battle in Rengo

Melhed vs. (rogue)
Estimated combat strengths: < 500 CS vs. 4000 CS

Defender Victory!
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Creasur:
(rogue) vs. Plergoth
Estimated combat strengths: 4000 CS vs. 8000 CS

Defender Victory!
Undead Activity

Undead are still at large in Rengo:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 2 %.
16 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic.

Undead are still at large in Rengo:
The undead hordes burn and destroy. Production falls 4 %.
3 peasants have vanished and were either killed by the undead or have fled in panic.

The peasants are in panic and morale drops 5 %.
Letter from El Cid Rogala
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Koban is right. We shouldn't use al these devious subliminal messages about killing people and broaden our understandig of more important matters, such as the best and varied ways of killing undead!

I get the secert message: kill koban

Are you working for High Gaurd too?
El Cid Rogala
Report from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Scribe Note Scout Report (Hopidrii)

Scribe Note Scout Report (Gor Ault)
Scribe Note Scout Report (Rengo)

Looks like our little accidental takeover of Rengo just wasn't meant to be.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
...?! New orders: Morgan, recruit a unit, change to hero, set your men to front line wedge murderous, and attack Rengo.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
El Cid, you are just stirring up trouble with your false messages. That is not the subliminal message I put in my statement. It was 'kill koban now!'
Morgan Darby
Letter from Tsu Sun
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Arg, the subliminal messages are hurting my brain.
Tsu Sun (Emperor of Melhed, Duke of Agyr)
Letter from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
General Koban, I thank you for funding my unit...

[OOC: I got 25 bonds from him]
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Nemrus, I sensed you would enjoy having more funds, so I sent another 25. :)
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Region lost, taken over by enemy

With outstanding brutality, (rogue) has taken control of Rengo, killing our loyal civil leaders there and slaughtering any who opposed them. Rengo is no longer part of our realm.

Partisans start a guerilla war against the usurpers.
Peasants upset about the brutality of the takeover in Rengo have formed a partisan group and are starting a guerilla war against the invaders of their homeland.
Letter from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
I am very gratefull to our general for sending me another 25 bonds... May Rig keep High Marshall Kobon Nalcwon an immortal life in our memories...
Report from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
"Assassins" Unit report:-

Type: Archers
Strength: 37 men
Wounded: 0 men
Training: 70 %
Equipment Quality: 80 %
Equipment Damage: 1 %
Morale: 91 %
Cohesion: 56 %
Total Combat Strength: 573
Designation: army

Last paid: today
Letter from Kultan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
My apologies for my ignorance, but who is Rig?
Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
"My apologies for my ignorance, but who is Rig?"... Koban... Well Rig is one of the god here in BM, followed by some TL's....For RP reasons
Letter from Sakari Kain
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
If any of you got 25 gold extra? it would suit me real well.
Sakari Kain
Letter from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
OOC: That Rig was a god in BM followed by some TLs could be easily determined by your first message. IC: Would you mind telling us a bit more about this Rig? What does he do? How did he first gain followers among the nobles? Anything else you think is relevant in describing him?
Morgan Darby
Out-of-Character from Nemrus
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Info of how Rig came into picture:- (it's in the Tiki)

Rig is one of the gods of Svunnetland religion... in Far East

The Order at Ipsosaz Temple is currently led by Domine Shen, a wise old monk. The Order is broken down into these parts:

Skalde – are the keepers of tradition, of the memory of the land. They are the custodians of the sacredness of the Word. They are well trained in grammar, hundreds of stories of the land, poems and philosophy. Much of the early history of Svunnetland Empire was an oral story telling tradition, the Skalde are charged with continuing the storytelling traditions of old while writing all of this history down to be preserved for generations to come.

The Ovates – This group includes the healers and those devoted to the study of science and medicine. They are well versed in the medicinal uses of most herbs and plants.

The Pr

esten – This is the priest class. They are responsible for the theological teachings of the Order. This group is well versed in theology, and philosophy. They are the directors of ritual so to speak. Their job is to guide and maintain the holy rights of the Order.

Honor, loyalty, honesty, justice and courage are part of the core teachings of the Order.

The Order recognizes the following gods:

Rig: Watchman of the gods and owner of the horn Gjall.

Odin: God of poetry, battle and death. Also known as the "all-father", and "father of battle".

Thor: God of Sky, thunder and fertility. Associated with law and order and guardian of the gods. Also known as the "thunder god" and "charioteer".

Eir: Goddess of healing

Forseti: God of Justice.
Letter from Guy
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Sounds suspicously identical to norse gods...
Letter from Tan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
As Judge, I will protect the freedom of all religions - well, at least those that do not encourage Tsu to build a gold house with embezzeled treasury funds, Koban to conspire with the undead, Morgan to kill Koban, El Cid to do whatever he's doing and my brother to sing.
Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ypsilanti:
(rogue) vs. Plergoth
Estimated combat strengths: 5000 CS vs. 6000 CS
Wolfy, the Supreme Judge of Plergoth (Plergoth) was captured by (rogue) forces.

Attacker Victory!
Battle in Rengo

Melhed vs. (rogue)
Estimated combat strengths: < 500 CS vs. 5000 CS

Defender Victory!
Letter from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Tan you forgot the religions that deal with axes....
Aldo Unti (Grand Justicar of Melhed)
Out-of-Character from Morgan Darby
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
It sounds suspiciously like norse gods because much of it is taken from the norse.

After consulting a friend much more knowledgable about norse gods than I, the following differences have been determined.

The Ovates are not norse, though the concept behind the Ovates isn't new, the Norse had healers like that, but as far as he knows they didn't attach any religious significance to them.

The word Presten isn't norse, the norse called their priests "godi".

And "Rig" is actually just Heimdall.

There are also spelling mistakes as compared to the norse version.
Morgan Darby
Report from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Scout Report (Hopidrii): Scribe Note
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Koban
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
No real orders this turn. We'll stay put for now.
Koban (Grand General of Melhed)
Letter from Tan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Wolfy, the Supreme Judge of Plergoth (Plergoth) was captured by (rogue) forces.

Man, judges seem to be a favourite target of rogues these days ... I would withdraw my candidacy, but I don't want to give Aldo the satisfaction.
Letter from Tan
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
And as an aside, what kind of name is Wolfy??!
Letter from Aldo
Message sent to Everyone in the realm
Obviously an unlucky name....