Habsburg Family/Rudolf Habsburg

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Rudolf Habsburg

Often called the "golden boy" and "pearl of the Habsburgs" by his family, Sir Rudolf Habsburg is the pride of his family and dinner conversation often centers around him and his latest escapades. Although other members of the Habsburg family have done well for themselves, none seem to enjoy the uncanny success reserved for Rudolf.

Rudolf's Rise

Rudolf Habsburg began his career in Caergoth as a knight of Brakus Stien, and has enjoyed a speediant rise to power. Rudolf arrived in Caergoth during a time of great turmoil, The first king Magnus the Mighty died suddenly in battle the day of his arrival and Castamir of Umbar seized the crown under shady sercomstances. After Castimar was removed from office, Regulus Blackmore was elected and proceeded added more elected positions within the High Conclave, the highest advisory council in Ceargoth. It was this reform that allowed Rudolf to gain power quickly. Although the position of representative of the Army of Strength and the Axe was highly contested, Rudolf won the position unanimously. Thereby, Rudolf moved from a simple member of the crowd to one of the eleven voices that determine the destiny of Caergoth all within a week of being knighted in Ash'rily, and that was just the beginning.