Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Issue 1/Page 2

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Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #1
Previous Issue Feb. 13 - Feb. ?? Next Issue
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Why they came?
Recently I asked the nobility of Pian en Luries if anyone was willing to share their reasons for coming to Dwilight and any goals they have for the future. These are the responses I got.
Diodorus's Reasons Placeholder Placeholder
Reasons for coming? The faith was dead. The realm was intolerant. From once marquis of a rich and fertile (if squirrel infested) townsland and Paladin Primus for a holy army, to practically a pauper scratching out a living amongst peasants... almost anything would be better than that. So I came here, and saw some names I recognised (particularly Alanna, who was once my knight - how times change, eh?) and decided this would be the realm for me.

As for goals... well, a nice lordship would be good, I'd also be open to hearing anyone's expansion plans colony wise. Not necessarily to go, but because it's nice to know these things, and maybe I could offer a few pointers to those unsure of their detailed plans.

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