The Church Of Nergal

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This is a Historic note of a religion which died with the S-W continent as it sunk beneath the sea. SWI.jpg


Eons ago, the seed of greatness was sown. The seed that would one day lead to the pre-eminence of Ikalak among the realms of the South-West.

From the ranks of the vast pantheon residing in the divine celestial abode, a ball of fire arced down in a blaze of light and embedded itself in the soil, on the self-same spot where the silvery spires of Ikalak now rise soaring into the sky.

Out of a crack in the now smouldering ball arose the avatar of Nergal, God of War and Pestilence. Rising to her full eight feet, She surveyed the countryside and saw that it was Good, with both swamps, mosquitoes and quicksand in abundance. Content with her chosen site, the avatar sat down and waited. And waited. And waited.

After a few millennia, the first vertebrate lifeforms appeared on the shores, only to promptly die from viral infections, sepsis, and internecine squabbles. It would take several millennia more before a life form evolved that was hardy and brutal enough to survive on Nergal's Chosen Site. These lifeforms became what today is known as the Nobles of Ikalak.

The avatar became the first ruler of Ikalak, and after She saw that we were bloodthirsty enough to hold our own, She left for other shores to spread the word and the plague. In Ikalak, the first Pontifex Maximus ascended the throne in the ceremonial bile-green robes as the terrestrial representative for Nergal. Through the Pontifex and his instrument of war, the Paladin Primus, Nergal seeks to spread strife and bloodshed to the world. We shall not disappoint her.

Original Birth

The Idea of Original birth was a more resent one, mainly spearheaded by Xaphan, this concept was that Ikalak City was the place Of the Original Birth Of Man and Squirrel, as chosen by Nergal and that This was Nergal first "home" and place of physcial, transcient existance on Earth. This is also means that Ikalak City is Holy ground and the city a monument to the sins we commit, a reminder of Nergal's presence on Earth and a place of worship, worshipping the teachings of Nergal.

The Five Commandments of War

  • 1. Thou shall be strong and powerful, as a worthy Representative of the gods
  • 2. Thou shall follow all orders of your superiors, for they are closer to the gods than you are
  • 3. Thou shall see victory as benediction, and defeat as desecration
  • 4. Thou shalt not suffer an unbeliever to live. Convert or kill any who doubt the gods
  • 5. Thou shalt not spill blood on the 7th day on the week, for it is sacred to our lady of lust and even the war god obeys her

The Laws of the Priesthood

The Will of Nergal, God of War and Pestilence.

The Justice of Nehru, God of Judgement.

The Punishment of Lahri, God of Executions.

Be a good disciple and make Nergal happy!

  • 1. Pray Nergal at least once per day.
  • 2. Gets into battle as often as possible (it's the prayer that Nergal prefers).
  • 3. Offer Nergal a sacrifice once a week.
  • 4. Bathing and washing is forbidden, it slows the propagation of infections.
  • 5. In battles, don't finish off the wounded, bite them and let them rot there or getting back to their home, contaminating their fellows.

Nergal seeks to spread strife and bloodshed to the world. Therefore, to honour your rotten Goddess it's your role to spread her good news. Nergal has tools that you have to respect:

-Her terrestrial representative: the Pontifex Maximus.

By the will of Nergal he has all powers on the lands, nobles and peasants.

-Her instrument of war: the Paladin Primus.

Quote from her welcoming message: "You will have to face my dagger and my agility if you disobey. AM I CLEAR."

-Her guardian of the law: the Haruspex Maximus.

Disobey and/or disrespect Nergal's will and/or her tools, and I will gladly make you taller by adding space between your head and your neck with the help of my axe.

-Her disciples: the Nobles of Ikalak.

By the will of Nergal YOU have all powers on the lands, nobles and peasants that aren't controlled by Ikalak, it's your job to make them understand that they have no rights until they join the ranks of Nergal disciples.

Justice and Punishment: Meditation in Progress, may the Gods speak to me so I can light your rotten life once again.

The Education at the academy -Only class skill education will be provide at the academy. -All other teaching will be done directly by Nergal or her representative in power do to so. -Any breach to that rule will result in a public execution.

Types Of Priesthood

In Ikalak and its church the ideas of Priesthood are very simple, nobles are to be Warrior Priests, the troop leaders and commanders of Nergal's armies. That the more dedicated Priest positions are handed to the faithful.

Haruspex Maximus: The Priest Of Nehru, chosen by Nehru and charged with acting on Nerhru's will.

Paladin Primus: The Priest of Lahri, chosen by Lahri to lead the armies and exact his punishment and execution of Infidels.

Pontifex Maximus: The Priest of Nergal, Chosen by Nergal to be her voice and supreme Heirarch on Earth, the Pontifex Maximus is essentially an Oracle and a prophet. The greatest warrior and priest of the God's.


The greatest temple that an Ikalak'ian can use to worship the Triumvirate of God's is the battlefield, where all the commandments and articles of worship can be exacted, however many buildings have been constructed in commemoration and reverence to the God's.

Ikalak City: The city itself can count as one giant temple, with the forum of the city being the centre of worship, with its giant Idol of Nergal. The centre of the forum is essentially three temples, one for each of the Triumvirate God's.

Toren Stronghold: On top of the mountain the great Stronghold can be counted as a temple, the great fortifications used to lay waste to invading armies and as a launching pad for the invasion south. The Stronghold is also a central place for the training of troops and nobles and the preperation of armies.

Bieth: The generally rural region of Bieth has a Major temple within it, at the forum of the port lies a great Construct, a large, oppulent building with Idols of the God's within the centre of the temple.

Sacred Grove Of Nergal | Sacred Icon

The Armies Of Nergal

The Grande Horde Of Nergal's Squirrel Leaders:

This a collection of the best Squirrels in Ikalak, chosen for their dexterity, physical capabilties, their willingess to set aside personal comfort and most importantly their unyielding belief and faith. Essentially they are Zealots. Xaphan is a prime example of these religious Zealots, Diodorus however was the founder of this army.

Army Of The Apocalypse:

Dedicated to the Priesthood of Nehru and Lahri, it is a hegemony and collective of Ikalak'ian troop leaders handed down the task of bringing forth the apocalypse.

Church Of Nergal
Continent South-West Island
Founder N/A
Main Temple Ikalak, Ikalak
Temples 12
Followers Est 83000 commoners
Noble Followers Est 24 nobles
Priests 24
Shrines 12