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Revision as of 05:43, 3 August 2006 by House Olik (talk | contribs)
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Local lord: Boromir
Rank: Baron
Allegiance: Imperial region
Type: Mountains
Location: Coast
Population: 7300
Gold: 541 gold
Food: 92 bushels
Weather: North Mainland
map-left.jpg 64.jpg map-right.jpg

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Pates is the third most populated region in the League of Anacan, and is home to weathered coastal mountains and hills which yield much wealth in mining gold, copper, iron and other minerals. The people here are generally miners employed by local lords, instead of farmers or peasants, and as such they have a rough and ready lifestyle and culture. Soldiers from this area tend to be very handy in the use of axes and military picks as a result of their upbringing.