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Letter from Patrycja Bearslayer
Message sent to Gwain Belton
Greetings Sir Gwain,

You have come at an oppurtune time to prove your prowess in battle.

Lukon comes to our gates soon.

If you would, please make your way to Outer Tilog City where the defense of the realm begins...
Patrycja Bearslayer (Judge of Giblot)

Message from Zakran Somra
Message sent to Gwain Belton
Nobleman Gwain,

It is a pleasure to welcome you to our fair realm. However, allow me to point out a mistake in your attendant's greeting. We are the realm of Giblot. Outer Tilog is our sworn enemy.

Well, regardless. I look forward to fighting alongside you in Outer Tilog City.
Zakran Somra (Knight of Giblot)

Letter from Patrycja Bearslayer
Message sent to Gwain Belton
Greetings Sir Gwain,

Sir Gwain,

[The battle will take place] As early as the morrow.

Hopefully, not for a day or so more though.
Patrycja Bearslayer (Judge of Giblot)

Roleplay from Black Recluse
Message sent to Members of the realm of Giblot
Sir Belton, welcome to Giblot. Word of your introduction has come all the way to Outer Tilog City. Rumour also has it that the buffoon who was unfortunately chosen to announce you is to be hung for his performance. In Giblot such offenses usually are met with a sound beating and sometimes a brand to assure that the guilty is never again entrusted with language skills.

Word is that the performance was quite unpleasant to behold, but now it seems the event is bringing much merriment in most taverns. Perhaps the delight of others might be found reason for you to stay the execution.

Again, Welcome.

Find a liege to serve and an estate from he or she. They will instruct you further.
Black Recluse (Ruler of Giblot)

Letter from Shinu Mochi
Message sent to Members of the realm of Giblot
Hmmm... seems that Duke James should lend Duke Alexander some gold to help prepare the defenses.
Shinu Mochi (Knight of Ammersfield)

Report from Gellin Gellander
Message sent to Giblets
Scout Report(Nidalery) They appear disorganized. Either that, or this could be a feint.
Gellin Gellander (Marshal of the Southern Cross)

Letter from Black Recluse
Message sent to Giblets
That's the way Tilogian attacks usually go - piecemeal. This gives anyone who thought they did not have time to get to OTC another think about it. Come on over and help with the second wave!
Black Recluse (Ruler of Giblot)

Report from Gellin Gellander
Message sent to Giblets
I sure love these walls!

Scribe Note Battle in Outer Tilog

We sure could use reinforcments, however. Scout Report (Rollsovar): Scribe Note

Scout Report (Nidalery): Scribe Note
Gellin Gellander (Marshal of the Southern Cross)