Bedwyr Family

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(OOC note: I re-did the history of House Bedwyr after the emphasis on nobility made it clear that my original idea was not only not correct for BM, but quite silly for the time period)

The Bedwyr family had long lived in Dorton, on the continent of Atamara, and were mostly known for their scholarship. Every generation or so, one would publish a great treatise, and less frequently one would turn to business and act as minor traders for a time, arranging markets for the wealthy nobles of Narville. However, Damian Bedwyr was not satisfied with this, and was the first to seek his fortune in the greater world. Firstborn (and only trueborn) son of Gaharis Bedwyr, Damian is tall and muscular, and possesses a military mind.

Darkwind and Arlian are bastard sons of Gaharis. Darkwind was a childhood playmate of Damian's, and when Gaharis granted Damian one wish for his thirteenth birthday, of anything in his power, Damian asked for Darkwind to be officially recognized. Since then, the two have been nigh-inseparable.

Arlian was slipped into the family by Darkwind, through a loophole in Bedwyr tradition that has since been closed. He was initially exiled from Atamara, and forbidden any of the normal rights of a member of House Bedwyr, although his claim as a member of the house was reluctantly accepted. He has since been accepted back, after proving his worth with the amount of gold he has raised for the family.

Jenred...was a mystery. He claims to be another bastard of Gaharis, but unlike the accepted bastards Darkwind and Arlian, Gaharis denies ever having slept with Jenred's mother, despite Jenred's tell-tale cinnamon eyes, a trademark of the Bedwyr family. Jenred fled to the Far East to seek his fortune, and prepares for the day of his revenge...


Very honourable, and takes his responsibilities as head of House Bedwyr seriously. He is often solemn, but can be mischievous at times. He tries very hard to live down both his mother's family's debt-ridden ways, as well as his father's family's lack of nobility. He is an honourable man, proud, sometimes even stiff-necked, but respects merit, although grudgingly. He is intelligent, but often fails to see the obvious. He loves his brother Darkwind dearly, and does his best to protect him. Damian has seemingly spent his life trying (and failing) to fill the shoes of Xuanye the Great. He holds himself personally responsible for the destruction of RedSpan and Abington, and for later allowing disaster to befall Stoneville. His time of madness scarred him deeply, and only time will tell what changes it wrought.


Darkwind is less than a year younger than his brother Damian, and has worked hard to prove himself worthy of Damian's trust. He has a fiery passion for justice, devoting his life to righting the wrongs he sees in the world. He has sworn himself to Judge Gauihu, a man he sees as honourable, and the best chance for justice in this harsh world. Gauihu can be cold, even cruel, but that is the way of true justice. Darkwind briefly toyed with the idea of becoming an infiltrator to better root out injustice, but upon learning of the brutality the Darkans had visited on the western lands of Abington, took the Hero's Oath of Vengeance against them. Gauihu's madness damaged him, and recently he has become bitter and somewhat conniving.

Darkwind cares little for the "honour" and "prestige" that most nobles crave, as he feels that his personal code is more important. He has worked hard, in many thankless pursuits, but does not mind, for as long as justice is served, that is enough for him.


A quiet man for the most part, Arlian abhors war, only fighting if absolutely necessary, or against monster and undead infestations. He prefers to quietly aid the peasantry, spending his time working to make their lives a little better.


A dark, and somewhat sinister man to look upon, Jenred worked his way up from a lowly adventurer to his current position as Royal Ambassador of Arcaea. His long-held hatred for the rest of the Bedwyrs is gone, as a result of finding a home in Arcaea, acceptance and trust among friends, and the love of Edara Kindon. His cinnamon eyes now glow with love and happiness, and only rarely with his old rage. He is, to his unending surprise, a caring, honourable man who takes his duties as a noble seriously. His engagement to Edara has settled him, and he hopes to live out his life in his new home.