Perth Family/Kerwin

From BattleMaster Wiki

Kerwin Perth

Kerwin was born a twin to Quincy and Elizabeth Perth. Both Kerwin and his twin brother Kale left home when they were 17, his father giving them both enough money to support themselves until they could, ideally, set up their own estates. Kerwin had no trouble arranging to become a knight of the family home region, Nazamroth, under Lord Benjamin Stormclaw, Count of Nazamroth. Kerwin was then assigned to the Lacirith Army and was immediately sent off to war to fight against the Ithilians.

After only seeing a couple of battles the war ended and a Eston entered a time of peace. Kerwin was soon promoted to position of Second-in-Command of the now Praetorian Crusaders (formerly know as the Lacirith Army). A couple of months later, when the Lordship of the region of Meneriel opened up, Duke Arturius Entreri appointed Kerwin as the Count of Meneriel.

Kerwin is a religious and patriotic man who would give his all for Eston, he lives and breathes for the glory of the Kingdom. Kerwin is a faithful and dedicated follower of the Venerable Order of the Citadel and Kerwin has devoted his life to furtherance of the Venerist faith in Eston and abroad. He strongly wishes to see Venerism become the only true faith of Eston, as he believes it rightfully should be; and he is constantly seeking the guidance and wisdom in all things that he does.