Academy of Knowledge/Archives

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Where to begin? (Naira)

The short conversation has come to the conclusion that the first thing students need to know is the nature of the physical world around them (the turn system) as this provides a basis for most other knowledge and is necessary for them to be productive. (Naira/Tomaas)

What is the most important lesson? (Naira)

This topic has produced no clear answer in its short life. The two answers that have been given are the nature of the physical world (Naira), and critical thinking (Tomaas).

Who can help teach a mentor's student? (Dindrane)

Will update soon.

Tips for new mentors. (Dindrane)

Will update soon.


How do you pronounce the realm names on the East Continent? (Lilith)

Avamar -
Caligus - CAL(as in Calendar) - li (as in Lick) -gus (rhymes with 'bus' or 'fuss') (Yuri of Caligus)
Fontan - FON (as in FONt) - ten (as in ten) - Lady Lilith, Big Mouth of Fontan

- FON (same as above) - tan (as in getting a tan) -Lina Unti

Ibladesh -
Itorunt -
Old Rancagua -
Oligarch - OL (as in always) - ig(is in ignite) - ark (as in arcane)(Hireshmont, Knight of Oligarch)

- Ol (as in troll) - ig (as in ignite) - arch (as in arch)(New Hope, Knight of Oligarch)

Perdan - per (as in percent) - DAN (as in dance) (Screndt/Sir Nightmare, King of Perdan)
Rancagua -
Sirion - Ser-ee-on (kid, Lord of Sirion); Sear-Un (Darfix, Sirion Officer)
Ubent -
Yssaria - ser-EE-a (The Y is silent.) (The Late Eleran the Count, King of Yssaria)


What races inhabit the East Continent? (Naira)

The world is inhabited by humans. The realms on the eastern continent are no exception. The only notable difference being with one group. This group, located in Sirion for as long as anyone can remember, tend to be slightly taller and fairer than normal. They also prefer to be called elves.
(Note: This section has been edited to be more accurate with regard to the actual state of things, and may not accurately reflect actual discussions on this topic.)


How can you deal with droughts? (Gregor)

An investment in a rural region will not only increase its gold production but it's food as well. Thus an enterprising realm may wish to use a series of strategic investments in their regions to avoid a severe shortage. If this were carried out on a continent wide basis the effects of this cursed blight will be severely mitigated. It perhaps bears considering when making ones calculations on the best course of action. (Gregor)

For now, this page will contain summaries, with appropriate credit, of all conversations held in the guild of a nature that furthers the cause of knowledge. The original conversations may find themselves another home at some future date.