Dragul Family/Katalynfae/Wedding of Jon Paul and KatalynFae

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KatalynFae waiting for her wedding to begin.

The day had finally arrived. There had been times she had begun to lose hope that this day would ever come. So many things had stood in the way.

Zadek knocked on the door to his sister’s chamber, one of her attendants, Dame Fiona he thought her name was, let him in. He stepped into the chamber and was taken back for the briefest of moments. By all the gods! His sister was beautiful! He hoped Jon Paul knew the prize he was being given this day. And, by all the giants and dragons of old that he had heard of when he was younger, this man had better care well for his sister!

He offered his sister his arm so that he could escort her to her waiting groom. He could feel her trembling fingers on his arm and he patted her hand to calm her. He looked at her and smiled. “ Are you ready, sister? Are you sure this is what you wish to do?” She nodded and they started walking toward the door. “Well then, there never has been a more beautiful bride than you are today” Zadek said with pride.

Jon Paul and Count Armstrong were standing under the shade of some lovely trees in bloom at the end of the courtyard outside Lord Armstrong’s beautiful manor in An Najaf. Jon Paul looked at his friend Armstrong and hoped that he did not appear as nervous as he felt. Armstrong flashed him a grin and a wink that told him all would be well. Suddenly everyone in the courtyard fell silent. Jon Paul looked to the far end of the walkway and what he saw took his breath away.

Three beautiful ladies led the procession. He recognized them at once, the Dames Aewyn, Fiona, and Kaylan. They were truly beautiful, but they were outshone by the one following them. His beloved, KatalynFae was more beautiful than he ever remembered her. Like a shining angel, she walked toward him on the arm of her brother Zadek.

She felt as though she would shake apart from her trembling legs all the way to her fluttering heart. She took hold of a nearby chair to steady herself as her brother Zadek knocked and was admitted to her chamber. “Are you ready?” he asked as he offered her his arm, and then looked at her intently, “Are you sure about this?” KatalynFae nodded and took his arm.

They headed into the courtyard following her lovely attendants. They were all so beautiful and suddenly she felt like the ugly duckling from the stories of her childhood. She felt her legs start to buckle and Zadek took her other hand to steady her. As they started forward all of her fears disappeared. The only thing she could see was the look of wonder on Jon Paul’s face.

Zadek stood with KatalynFae before Sir Jon Paul and Count Armstrong. He was trying to look serious, far more serious than his young age could possibly have made him. “Jon Paul, will you care for my sister and never waver in your devotion to her?” he asked. Jon Paul smiled at KatalynFae and directed his answer not only to Zadek, but to all of the nobles of Fontan assembled there to witness the wedding. “Yes, I will care for her and protect her, even with my life.”

Zadek simply nodded and placed KatalynFae’s hand into the hand of Jon Paul. He spoke directly to Jon Paul in a tone that could not be mistaken, “then I give my sister into your care, but be warned, if she is ever mistreated you will have to deal with me.”

With that, Zadek turned and joined the other nobles gathered for the ceremony.

Jon Paul tenderly took both of KatalynFae’s hands in his. He stared into her eyes for a moment and said, “My Beloved KatalynFae, I truly desire to marry you, and so I would give you my oath, whole heartedly, upon my blade which symbolizes my strength.”

Jon Paul drew his blade and dropped to one knee before KatalynFae. Holding his blade up to her, he said, “My most Beloved, I swear my sword to you, to always be at your service. Accept the oath of love, which I offer to you now, which I vow upon my sword, as I vow upon my soul. Like this blade, my heart will be strong. Like this steel, my love will endure. Accept it, my chosen one—For all that I am and all that I have will now and forevermore be yours.”

KatalynFae, her eyes misted with tears, took his sword, raised it to her lips and kissed it. She handed it back to him and said, “I accept your oath, sworn on your blade. You know what is in my heart as I know what is in yours.” With that, Jon Paul rose once again, sheathed his sword, and looked into the deep green eyes of his bride.

KatalynFae reached around behind her neck and unfastened the chain that held her most treasured possession. It was a locket that had been given to her by her sister Katrina as she set off on her journey to the East Continent from her home in Aegir’s Deep. It was fashioned from amethyst, and wrapped in silver wire. The wire formed into the shapes of the runes her grandmother had used to tell of future events.

She held it in her hands toward Jon Paul and said, “My most Beloved, I swear my jewel to you, to always be at your service. Accept the oath of love, which I offer to you now, which I vow upon my jewel, as I vow upon my soul. Like its beauty, my heart will be strong. Like its value, my love will endure. Accept it, my chosen one—For all that I am and all that I have will now and forevermore be yours.” Jon Paul accepted the locket and raised it to his lips and kissed it. As he placed it back around her neck he said, “I accept your oath, sworn on your jewel. You know what is in my heart as I know what is in yours.” He let the jewel fall onto her breast and again their eyes met.

Zadek stepped forward again and addressed KatalynFae and Jon Paul. In the traditions of his family, it was up to the male member giving the bride away to finalize the wedding and declare the couple wed. He hoped he could remember the words that his father had said were necessary in the message he had gotten from his family concerning this wedding. He lifted his voice so all could hear and addressed the couple before him, “you who would be husband and wife, listen to what I say here and now. Whatever each of you may accomplish in future years, wherever you may wander, know full well that you shall do all for our people, your family, and your kin, and to be worthy of each other. Above you are the stars, below you are the stones; remember this always, like a star, your love must be constant, like the stones your love must be firm. Possess one another, yet be understanding, have patience; for storms may come and go. Be free always in the giving of affection and warmth. May all the gods and our people always be with you. May you always know the best of fortune, and your life from this moment on be one of joy and prosperity, and pride and strength for our people.”

Zadek turned to the nobles assembled together and said, “I ask you now to wish well these two who are man and wife, Jon Paul and KatalynFae. Drink in their honor and celebrate their good fortune. And may the gods be with us all always!” He turned and whispered to Jon Paul, “and now you may kiss my sister, ummm I mean your bride.”

Jon Paul happily complied.