Darka/Prisoner Treaties

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Prisoner Treaty between Darka and Falasan


- Release after the max two days of imprisonment.
- No stealing gold less than 125.In other words when the captured noble has more than 125 gold the Judge can decide to steal it without breaking the agreement.
- No torture

Traders,food traders:

- No trading in Darka or Falasan without the permission of the realm's Banker
- No Darkan traders bothering Falasan land and it's blackmarkets.
- No Falasan traders bothering Darka land and it's blackmarket.


Banned Infils:

They are not allowed to walk into Falasan.If caught in Falasan territory then you can deport them right away.

If caught while delaying travels outside Falasan but delaying Falasan army:

- If they are at first step(1st ban),you will continue to step 2 of the agreement(rot in cells)
- If at step 2(rot),then you procede to step 3(deportation) normaly
Non Banned Infils: I will prohibit to them all action, except scouting and delaying travel.
- If caught doing those actions,then they lose the right to step 2(rot).You can ban them and deport them at first chance.
- If caught in Falasan while traveling,delaying,or scouting,then you follow the 3 steps of the agreement.


- No preaching to Darka or Falasan by the priest of the other realm.
- In case a priest is found in the other land, it will be dealt from the Church and the Law of the realm. Arrest will be the least that will happen to them.

Prisoner Treaty between Darka and Minas Ithil


1. No soldier of either Realm will be held for longer than 2 days (4 turns), the troop leader will therefore be released at the end of the 4th turn at the very latest.
2. Troopleaders of either Realm will not be tortured.
3. Soldier of either Realm will not have their gold stolen during their time held captive.
4. Traders are to not be harm or their gold stolen unless they dealt with the black market.
5. Professions not included in this agreement are :- Priests and Infiltrators.

Infiltrator and Priest Prisoner Agreement


- First attack :ban
- Second attack:rot in cells
- Third attack:deportation
- If he returns a 4rth time hell will be loosed.(that includes torture and execution)
- Bannable actions are:attacking the tax coffers,killing militia and of course assasinations of nobles, attacking production and buring warehouse.
- Non bannable actions:Messing with signs and delay travels,scouting and of course travelling through the region.
- Infiltrators(Darkans+ Ithilians) are not allowed to attack Council members.In case this term is violated the Judge can torture the said infil..
- Stealing gold of infils:Counts the same for soldiers,except the case they are caught stealing tax gold where the Judge will be able to decide wether to steal it back or not(the judge will need a report that proved the particular's infils stealing)
- Also charges can be adressed to said infils ONLY when there are proofs for his criminal actions.


- No preaching to Darka or Minas Ithil by the priest of the other realm.
- In case a priest is found in the other land, it will be dealt from the Church and the Law of the realm. Arrest will be the least that will happen to them.