User talk:Jmadsen

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Revision as of 12:45, 17 August 2008 by Vita` (talk | contribs)
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While at first I thought it would be a bad idea to remove locations from character list, after reading your reasons and remembering that marshals and armies have locations in their information, I support the suggestion. Considering email Tom or the d-list about it. --Vita Family 12:12, 17 August 2008 (CEST)

Although I agree that accepting money from someone other than your liege normally deserves a loss of power, there are too many exceptions to this rule to justify a loss of prestige. Perhaps a loss of honour? Or even simply a wiki campaign to raise awareness of how its wrong. Relatively ineffective, I know, but losing prestige for exchanging money is a cure worse than the disease.

I absolutely agree with you on the loot notification issue. Allowing news of looting to pass through characters' mouths adds an all important plausible deniability. Its a great idea! The exception would be when Core (perhaps even Main) regions of that Judge's realm are looted; there would probably be guards/messengers/local nobility who would alert the judge.

You seem to have a point with the location list, too. --Hroppa 12:31, 17 August 2008 (CEST)

I liked the looting suggestion too. Especially Hroppa's ideas about core or main being different. I can imagine nobles looting border regions just to get gold without being identified. It would another use for those statuses too. Though I would like to see it harder to maintain core regions for every region of a realm. Make it more realistic in that there are provinces and main regions. Of course the effect of having a lower status should be reduced I think if that were to happen. I think only a capital's duchy should have core regions really. --Vita Family 12:45, 17 August 2008 (CEST)