Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Lantzas' Little Monsters

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Jenred leaned against a scrub covered rock for a moment before leading his men over to assist the Healers in carrying Baron Euran's men back to the manor house for further treatment. He stabbed a few of the foul bodies as he passed, trying to make sure of their death, sighing a bit that the band had been too small for his men to come into play. He sighted the Baron, and called out.

"Baron Euran! Next time, leave some for my troops! Can't have you hogging them all, can we?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

"Bah, there were only five of the beasties." Euran called back. He kicked the body of a vicious looking ape-like creature, with brown fur, four arms and more teeth than were necessary. "Back in Norland I would have had one or two of these lesser rockhoppers for breakfast! And then another 3 for my second breakfast!"

The fight had been swift and brutal. A couple of minor injuries, and one of his huscarls had been careless and had his stomach torn out. The man had fitted his armour poorly. These soldiers hadn't been with the baron for long enough for him to be sure of their names, but he believed the dead man was Jared. Having seen plenty of death in his time, Euran rarely bothered getting to know his troops until they had proved themselves in battle - all too often green men would simply panic and be run down in their first taste of real combat. It looked like his huscarls had won enough respect to be considered as warriors, now.

Striding over to the Imperial Magistrate, Euran clapped him firmly on the back and said, "My thanks for turning up to help, but Lantzas can handle itself against monsters. These are hardy folk; they've handled bandits, or been them."

Euran Yetisbane Kandurell Baron of Lantzas

"Bah, I'm sure you can handle them just fine. All the same, I do sometimes miss slaying the things personally...Heh, I've killed more than we saw here in one hunting trip on several occasions..."

Jenred looked down sadly at himself.

"Although I'm not really in fighting trim anymore...Too much desk work and negotiations. Have to get back in shape for the wedding, can't look like some paper pusher in front of half the island...But I digress. While I have you, I wondered if you could tell the whole tale of how you came by that magnificent pelt for the wedding party? We can always use a good story, and it wouldn't be amiss to have all those Aenilians knowing that we Arcaeans aren't afraid to get our hands dirty."

Sir Jenred Bedwyr Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea